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to a woman so heartless + visiting - Printable Version

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to a woman so heartless + visiting - Guru - 03-18-2018

Now, she wasn't one to visit. Guru had no interest in being in Tanglewood, seeing as she was apart of the The Typhoon purely based on their untamed ways, but she felt like she should check up on a forming clan. Especially since this one was also hostile. They would either make great allies or brutal enemies. Truthfully, she hoped for the latter. Before any of this was established though, the mischievous caracal was going to form her own bonds with whomever decided to show up to her very call. Maybe she'd even strike lucky. A lover beside her or a nice drink here and there would never hurt, after all. Though, she didn't expect that. Even if she aimed for that.

Sauntering up to the border, the caracal's head craned off the side. What a nasty marsh. Grimacing, she let out a snort. It would have to do for now, as she had no other idea what to do these days besides help Pincher with setting up the Typhoon and dealing with Daphne's ghost problems. Why did she have to be the one with clairvoyance? For fucks sake. Nevertheless, she was pleased to be here. Adjusting herself, she finally let out a call to announce her presence as she wandered into the territory and passed by the border. "Guru, The Typhoon, here to offer my kindness while I visit for no reason," she enthused lamely. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." A sly grin curled upon her lips as she finished. Weren't they going to have some fun?

Re: to a woman so heartless + visiting - COSMIIX - 03-18-2018

Perhaps Guru was aiming a little too high though that wasn't why the jaguaress was here. The halved beauty would make her way over with her concealing most of her lithe form aside from her face as she stared at the caracal with a twitch of her whiskers. Amunet would take what she could from the introduction and well, this was just amusing since they didn't have any clan relations at all to begin with though she wouldn't be the one to lose a chance to make a few outer clan relations "I am Amunet," There was a brief pause before she added with a light nod of her cranium and her Egyptian accent making itself evident "A pleasure to meet you, Guru." She was not much of a lover and if she had been well, she didn't stay unless she liked what she saw and it was quite easy with a power such as clairvoyance. She didn't drink either since she saw no need in that, she didn't think drinking for fun was something that she would ever do in her life since she was well aware of all the possible consequences of unsafe drinking. Now as much as she loved taking risks like the next person, she was reserving herself for a more refined night and well, call her a hopeless romantic since that was what she was even if no one knew that side of her. "Anything you'd like? Food? Water?" As her eyes shone with wonder waiting for a response as a lovely smile appeared on her petite face. The least she could do was offer some hospitality to the caracal that had traveled quite a ways to drop off an unexpected visit, she just hoped that the caracal didn't try anything or she'd fear that quite the interesting individual would fall into the wrong scenario or set of jaws. Amunet took a seat letting out a soft sigh before her large python peeked out from his hiding place, the hood of her cloak, and stared at the stranger.


Re: to a woman so heartless + visiting - Guru - 03-18-2018

Her first victim. Sort of. The female's green gaze wandered away from the distance ahead of her and moved over towards the hooded jaguar. What an interesting figure, indeed. Though, she wasn't one to judge, seeing that she was caracal with studded earrings and three golden rings up her leg. A small wardrobe fix, along with a color mutation, was no problem and looked rather nice on the individual presented before here. It brought an even wider smile to the female's maw. "Quite the name you've got there, Amunet," she cooed lightly. "It's my pleasure." Although she had already stated that, she felt like reiterating her statement. 

Formalities? Wonderful. The small talk led to larger things. "Water would be appreciated, if you could, but no big deal. I'd rather not be left alone while you wander off to get water, unless you'd allow me to follow," she purred. "Tanglewood and it's members interest me." The Typhoon had to make allies somehow. If this was the way, then so be it. Her words would be sent to Pincher later on if needed, but for now, she was having the time of her life.

As the python appeared, she visible paused in her movements and observed it closely. "What an interesting bugger you've got there." Guru wanted to grow closer to it, but she figured that she was already trespassing and shouldn't push her limits.

Re: to a woman so heartless + visiting - Guru - 03-20-2018


Re: to a woman so heartless + visiting - madster - 03-20-2018

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Nocturne didn't know about his own clan, let alone other clans. He didn't even know anything except for his name, how was he supposed to stand by the side of his clanmates when he was so inferior? The thought made his lip curl in disgust. You're pathetic, he told himself, and was filled with rage. Why couldn't he know about other things? It wasn't like they were stopping him. He was just too lazy. Too tired to learn.

He didn't know Amunet, but still took a firm stance by her side. "The Typhoon? Sounds real lovely. I'm gonna start a clan called The Hurricane. Maybe The Earthquake. Maybe even the Fire Tornado. They all sound so inviting." With his own anger, he lashed out at others.

"If you don't have a reason to be here, you're trespassing, by the way." He was a handsome, lean male, though felt nothing towards the beautiful femme. He didn't care. His own self-hatred burned deeper than his hormones. "I'd advise you do whatever you need to do and get out."

Re: to a woman so heartless + visiting - Guru - 03-20-2018

Lucky her. She found a fighter. Guru's ears flared upwards and her brow furrowed as soon as Nocturne hustled over with his lip curled and a firm stance as he paused by Amunet. He was asking for a good whack upside the head. Sadly, Guru could not do that. Tanglewood was... special. They were the only clan The Typhoon knew of with their similar tastes and virtues. She shouldn't mess that up. Doesn't mean she wouldn't, though.

How petty of him, really. Nocturne had to poke at her clan's name, seeing that it was oh-so horrid, apparently. Tanglewood wasn't that pretty either. "Tangle and wood should not be combined otherwise," she challenged back. "Our name is fine, really." Her head crooked to the side. "It shows how much destruction we can cause in a small amount of time." Whether he took that as a threat or a simple explaination was up to Nocturne, but in her mind, she was simply providing a possibility that she could do something if he decided to hop on her ass about trespassing any further.

"I'm not causing any harm," came her coo as she continued on. "So trespassing is quite the false accusation. More like..." A paw raised to her chin and scratched it a few in a sarcastic manner before a non-existent lightbulb went off in her head. "Taking a peaceful stroll." So, what was the point of leaving? Guru wasn't causing any trouble just yet.

Re: to a woman so heartless + visiting - madster - 03-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; height: auto; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 12pt; text-align: justify;"]
The dark-coated tabby would just scoff. "That's not how it works. That not how any of this works," He said. "To trespass is to enter somebody's private property without their permission. Two-face here-" He glanced at Amunet, noting her strange pelt coloration. "Might give you food and water, but we're not a passive clan."

For all he knew, this could be a femme fatale- yes, god, she was beautiful, but also dangerous. Though he didn't know anything about The Typhoon except for its stupid name, even though Tanglewood was no better. "Just cause' you're a pretty girl doesn't mean I won't hesitate to rip you into shreds, y'know," He said matter-of-factly.

He blinked, not exactly super agitated- he would attack, sure, but also quietly feared what he was doing was wrong. Maybe they just let any old chick wander in? He thought they were aggressive, and even laid out traps for potential loners wandering into their camp, but... the way Amunet treated Guru made Nocturne think otherwise. Still, he had a massive pride complex and thus wouldn't back down.

Re: to a woman so heartless + visiting - beck. - 03-21-2018

    Now, she was quite the arrogant little thing, wasn't she? A shrew, if he could correctly remember the slang from his life to describe such a woman like her. Wrapping people around her finger with sultry words and ensnaring arguments. Beck's tar-like excuse for blood boiled at the scene, and fluffed hackles were becoming a regular habit for interactions with the Typhoon and its members. Why couldn't Pincher mind his own damn business? He already dragged the three other groups to a boring meeting, and now he was sending rats in to nose around. "Peaceful my ass," the commander interrupted, revealing his eavesdropping perch within the brambles and shouldering out to puff out his scrawny chest and snarl at Guru. A noble effort, but pathetic given someone his malnourished stature. "Taking a 'stroll' right through our fuckin' territory is trespassin', and ya better get your ass off our border before I let the kid stay true to his word." Refusing to back down from the caracal, Beck sent an angered glare towards Amunet and her hospitality -- couldn't she smell the other clan's stench? Now, thanks to Guru, he would have to set more traps and demand more hostility towards simple visitors. And maybe, just to pissed their captain off, he could declare them as enemies. While not entirely beneficial, it would prevent nuisances from thinking they can march all over their land and get away with it.

Re: to a woman so heartless + visiting - valo-kas - 03-21-2018

"[color=salmon]hey, lady, your ears work? nobody wants you here. nobody that matters, anyway. begone." valo-kas chimed, slogging forward. they were coated in mud. again. "[color=salmon]only food and water she should be getting is if she eats shit and drowns in the swamp." to be fair, valo-kas had like, maybe half a clue what was going on, but damn if they didn't want to be in on the drama. the trash talking. the...something other than getting stuck in mud. they shook, murk and grime sloughing off their coat as they did so.

"[color=salmon]shit dude why are ya'll not, like, pulling this hoe's skin off like it's candy wrappers already? you're really standing around letting a, what, solid three and a half at best backtalk you? folks. c'mon. do better." valo-kas whined, eager to witness some violence. partake? absolutely not. but witnessing would be fine.

Re: to a woman so heartless + visiting - Guru - 03-21-2018

Oh boy. That's not how this worked? Seemed like she was wrong all along. Not like it was common sense to not pass boundaries or anything... Then again, what was common sense when you could feel the rush of going against the law? Guru only smiled at Nocturne's words. "And I'm not a passive person unless aggravated, so please, I suggest you step off," she offered back. "But thank you for the compliment, sir." Guru smiled politely, offering a small wink in Nocturne's direction. Perhaps they could hook up sometime. Seeing that Pincher was on her trail, taking up another wouldn't hurt. The more within her grasp, the better.

A new contender on the stand! This one seemed to agree with the 'Nocturne' son of a bitch. Couldn't she get some peace and quite for once? All this politic nonsense was bullshit. "I am not hurting anyone, hence I am peaceful, but it seems like you folks seem otherwise." The female's smile widened. "But, if you want me to leave, I will leave peacefully." She shook her head side to side in disapproval. How rude of them! "But returning peacefully will not be an option," came her warning. With that, she stepped back slowly and crossed onto the neutral grounds where she would remain on the safer side.

A snort left the Typhoon member. "Three and a half out of four isn't a bad thing, kid," she shot towards Valo-Kas. "I'd let you peel me like a candy wrapper and eat me whole for cheap too, but with your attitude, you would never get the pleasure." A tongue ran over her lips. With that said, she gave a small flick of her tiny tail and offered a crane of her head towards those that gathered. "Until we meet again, dear~" And with that, she was gone.