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strutting | new comer - Printable Version

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strutting | new comer - MICAH - 09-25-2022

What a dismal backwater place he has come upon. It looks so...dragged through the mud. Not to mention he despises the decorum. But alas he refuses to go any further than he already has. Sighing almost bitterly the canine glares up at the snake mouth bridge and snorts calmly. "I hope you don't think that you are scary." Besides he's eaten snakes before and they are hardly a threatening bunch. Shifting his paws he starts to make his way with a regal air across the bridge, eyes of pale periwinkle narrowing as he feels the hard stone beneath his paws. It's only when he touches upon the ground does it show any damage. Frost and burn marks following his wake. Something he hardly cares about controlling himself. It just shows how powerful he is. Someone not meant to be tangled with. And he thinks it'll be wise for them to see that themselves. He is royalty after all.

His family line is strong and when he had been born with all of their elements even it grew. Disasterly so did his own ego but that isn't the point. He is here in a new land and thus he will make due with it. The man tilts his head as he looks upon the thick foliage and he is about to step into it when a plant, a nasty plant of all things tries to take a nip at him! Him! With a look that could most certainly kill the plant erupts into flames and he chuckles, watching it burn with amusement twinkling in his eyes before it soon dissolves into annoyance. "What a bore. Where are all the commoners? Surely around here somewhere. It stinks enough to know something lives around here." The fire beside him crackles and scorches the earth, radiant almost like a starry midnight sky.

Re: strutting | new comer - Brutei Tsune - 09-25-2022

"Watch your words," the demon feline spoke from their spot in the bushes nearby, their dainty paws stepping into the muddy earth and showing off the snowy blue fur and icy horns that crowned their head. "Not everyone is okay with being called common." And they were very sure that Byriath would kill someone if they ever called him a common man.

"You chose a bad time to come here, dog. We just had a storm blow through, wrecked this whole damn place." Brutei noted, ice sticking to their paws before they shrugged. "What do you want. Aside from wrecking our territory like you own it." Brutei hissed, tail lashing. 


Re: strutting | new comer - MICAH - 09-26-2022

Speak of the devil and he arrives. The canine can't help the snicker that flutters from his thickly covered throat as he eyes the ice laiden feline before him. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Would you like something better? Maybe peasant is a better word for it." Either way he doubts he will stop the use of the word anytime soon. After all, that is what they are. Mere common folk that toil away in the soil all day. Struggling to make ends meet. That's just the way of the world and he enjoys the jabbing and prodding that comes with his elevated statues. Even despite not being in his own kingdom he hardly cares about the incessant whining of others unless it is something worth his time.

Shifting the poodle finally gives the other his full attention and he snorts a little. They had a storm? Where were the workers that repaired things? Surely they at least cared enough to rebuild? Or is he just coming at a breaking period. Regardless he almost sneers and he shrugs his shoulders. "I'm looking for a new place to put up my feet if you must know, cat. Show me to where you all sleep if not then I'm done talking to you and I'll find my own way."

Re: strutting | new comer - Brutei Tsune - 09-26-2022

Brutei rolled their eyes, a half-assed smirk on their face. "Call me whatever you want, kid. It's the big crew you have to be careful with." and they'd pay to see one of the three HPs wrestle with the pretty bastard. Granted, there were plenty others who would certainly have a distaste to being called commoners or peasants. Perhaps not Plexus, though someone would fight for him.

"We're not a charity, kid. You want to live here you have to work. And besides," the feline sat down, head tilted upward and eyes closed in an arrogant posture. Not something they were used to. "I don't have the power to accept newcomers. That's for Romulus, Byriath, or Plexus. Like it or not, you're stuck here until one of them come along." And then they rasped a blue tongue over a paw and grinned.


Re: strutting | new comer - MICAH - 09-26-2022

So this whole conversation is pointless. The fact that he doesn't have power to do anything but waste his time is annoying and he rolls his eyes. Calling him kid. He snorts. He is old enough to roam these lands, not something that a kid can do. He keeps talking, says he has to work, says he has to wait here. Bullshit. He isn't going to and he will find an individual that can help him. "Then what is the point of me even wasting my breath on you. Ugh, worthless." The complete scorn he has for the whole interaction is palpable and he turns away to keep walking. The fire has long since went out, nothing but smoldering ashes as he steps around what was once gigantic plants.

He isn't about to sit around and wait for some person with whatever authority they think they have to come around and finally say something. He doesn't like his time wasted and he will find the abode and introduce himself. He will be staying here despite the devastation. Working is another thing entirely and he doubts he will lift so much as a paw to help them with their clean up. Not his job, it's theirs. And it looks like they are sorely lacking in competence when it comes to their own jobs.

Re: strutting | new comer - Romulus - 09-26-2022

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]
Perhaps the newcomer deserved to be snapped by his mother's striking venomous fly traps. With an attitude like that, Romulus could only begin to frown as he started to approach from afar. Brutei was a trusted adversary. Despite holding no rank, respect was in order for any wanderer that roamed the Coalition of the Condemned. Not only that, but his mother's beloved flora was burned into pieces. The kingpin's nose upturned at the smell of ash in the air, coming to pause before the stranger and Brutei. Eyes narrowed in disappointment. This was going to be rather frustrating, wasn't it?

"And what makes you think you're so special enough to join the Coalition of the Condemned?" the lion started off with. Romulus intentionally made no introduction. His authority was of no concern to someone who held themselves as the king of the world. Egotistical and selfish individuals could find themselves a home elsewhere. With his tail lashing back and forth in frustration, he awaited an answer. Romulus remained tense.

Re: strutting | new comer - Brutei Tsune - 09-26-2022

Was this boy digging a grave? Brutei had no issue being called worthless, it meant nothing to them, but the fact he turned to keep walking irked the demon. "Oh, my lord-" Brutei clicked their tongue and got up to hastily follow the poodle. For a moment they opened their maw to speak, but saw Romulus and fell silent. Instead they dipped their head to him and went to stand next to him.

"He's special, alright." They mumbled, tail lashing as well. Hell, if Brutei was lucky, Byriath would make an appearance and then who knows what would happen.


Re: strutting | new comer - Byriath - 09-26-2022

Re: strutting | new comer - Plexus - 09-26-2022

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
Plexus, mask on with the guru warpaint chipping, trotted up, a large satchel on his person as was his usual medic kit. He had been savaging any herbs before he had to turn to the greenhouse (and he had a feeling it was in a similar state of disarray) when he heard muffled conversation nearby. Curious, the male gave a friendly tilt of the head as he gingerly stood (hide) halfway behind Romulus and Byriath.

The Guru had made to sign, "Welcome." But frowned behind his own mask, he felt uneasy around someone who reminded him of his past mentor's attitude.

Re: strutting | new comer - MICAH - 09-27-2022

The canine is about to take his steps into the wilderness when someone calls out to him. Asks him what makes him think he is so special to be here. Amusement lights up in the soft plum color of his eyes and he turns around to stare at the brute that had spoken. Another imbecile joins him, another strong arm is what he thinks. Less brain and more brawn. Sure. The next does something odd that he doesn't understand and half hides. He snorts before focusing back on the main one, a grin forming on his muzzle. "Never said that I was special but since you are so inclined to give me a compliment I'll accept it. After all it's sorta true." He could laugh right now but he holds it in before glancing at the first one he met and rolling his eyes.

"Regardless since everyone is sitting like little loyal subjects around you I'm going to assume you have some sort of leverage here." Perhaps the leader though he is not the type to mooch up to anyone just because they believe they can control something. Flicking his hairless fur capped tail he tilts his head a bit in thought before pressing on with his sentence. "I'm looking for a new residence, hopefully here. Your little...denizen over there-," He wants to say maggot. "Spoke of work which I can do or whatever you think is necessary." He doesn't plan on lifting a paw but he supposes lying is necessary.