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lone noodle chat thread - Printable Version

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lone noodle chat thread - tinsel - 06-02-2018

welcome to my chat thread
for all the noodles who are alone
if we converge, we can be a pot of pasta

Re: lone noodle chat thread - raiden - 06-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:0.5px;"]idk dude,,,,
there's something wholesome about that post
good post op. good post. made me feel good inside
i rate it 4.5/5 smiling puppers

oh and hello .u.

Re: lone noodle chat thread - Beatles. - 06-03-2018

i detect......

a thot

Re: lone noodle chat thread - tinsel - 06-03-2018

wholesome it might be but uh
we're not whole wheat noodles
i don't fucks with those abominations

and it appears you're detecting yourself thot

i brought my mom to the mall b/c we're watching a movie in two hours
and she's already begun embarrassing me
this is why i don't take her in public smh

Re: lone noodle chat thread - Beatles. - 06-03-2018

Ur the least wholesome person I know

You’re a whole thot

Re: lone noodle chat thread - raiden - 06-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:0.5px;"]omfg i'm so done with wheat noodles. my family thinks that everything wheat is so much better (it's a healthier alternative, i get it) but it's gotten to the point where i have to fight to be able to eat white rice and regular noodles (regular?? is that the name?? idk) on the ultra rare occasions where we do eat out. bc they think after nearly ten years of eating whole wheat everything, one bowl of white rice or eating a sandwich with white bread is going to kill me smh
td;lr: i don't fuck with those abominations either

lmao i love bringing my mum places. she's super fun and she doesn't really do things to embarrass me?? she'll maybe start dancing to the music stores play but if it's a bop, i'll be dancing with her. however, she'll talk to anyone and somehow start talking about my siblings and i and our flaws,,,, so yeah, that's kind of embarrassing -u-;

Re: lone noodle chat thread - tinsel - 06-03-2018

hey thot
tupac says i'm wholesome

and oof my mom's like,,, she's getting better? we had a talk the other day about her acting weird and treating me like i'm five, and she's starting to accept that i'm moving out on my own in a few weeks and like she's getting better? but she talks to women in stores and gets talked into buying shit and she'll tell them our life story and i'm just,,, dying in a corner

Re: lone noodle chat thread - astre - 06-04-2018

slides in and screeches


Re: lone noodle chat thread - tinsel - 06-05-2018

welcome to the pot my noodle
ur not a whole wheat noodle, right?
we don't welcome those here.

Re: lone noodle chat thread - raiden - 06-05-2018

it's good that she's getting better. my mum, however, is showing no signs of improvement and i doubt it will even when i move out //shrugs
but ehhh what're u gonna do, right?

yes yes welcome!
and no, wheat noodles are not welcomed here.
exceptions can and will be made but the noodle would have to be hella special