Beasts of Beyond
creep in slowly / never lose your nerve || THEO - Printable Version

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creep in slowly / never lose your nerve || THEO - THEO. - 09-22-2022

✧ THEO | nicknames
✧ physically difficult, mentally medium
✧ intersex female | she/her
✧ clan/group | rank | titles (optional)
she'll only attack if we've discussed this beforehand. she's happy to snap, snarl, or threaten.

✧ belgian malinois (ref.) | health: 80%
— a trademark thousand-yard stare. a body marred with scars, her tail now a stump, her body a finely honed weapon. lithe, agile. muscular. she eats drywall for breakfast.
— blood/tears/sweat color (optional)
— accessories
— many scars. some visible through her fur, others aren't. half her tail is missing. one of her ears has been nearly torn off.

✧ her heart is soft and aches, if you can reach it. she has moments of kindness, tenderness. she withdraws again, just as quickly.
✧ aloof.
✧ aggressive. explosive. difficult to get along with.
— if there was light in her eyes, it has long died. she seems haunted, a beast possessed. prone to lash out, her body hard-wired for violence. she seeks what is familiar, what she knows. and what she knows is the taste of blood on her lips, and the ache in her muscles after a good fight. she isn't mindless, or evil, nor is she cruel, but mentally she's not quite there, lingering in a sort of ultra-violent dissociative state. she has moments of clarity, but they frighten her, more than offer insight. she wants something safe. she doesn't know what that looks like.

✧ family name
✧ lesbian | single | shipname
✧ friends | best friends | extra info

✧ physically difficult | mentally medium | no powers | no weapons
✧ will start & end fights, easy to provoke | will kill
✧ skilled fighter
✧ not allowed to powerplay peaceful actions | attacks in bolded COLOR | mention [member=23597]THEO.[/member] when attacking

✧ in some land beyond, she was a slave, made to fight for her freedom. she became emotionally volatile and withdrawn as a result. her body is marred with scars, and she's lost half her tail. upon killing her captors, she ran until her legs were ready to give out, soon finding respite here. she's not sure how long the peace will be enough.
— specifics right here