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recon | Reconstruction & Exploration | mini-meeting 9/22 - Printable Version

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recon | Reconstruction & Exploration | mini-meeting 9/22 - SHERBET - 09-22-2022

Sherbet, still bedraggled and eyes haunted, scrambled to the highest point he could and took in the damage the storm had done. He could see most of the territory from his vantage point, and yet it felt like he was looking at nothing. His heart dropped at all the homes destroyed and water damaged, all the personal belongings washed away and scattered throughout the territory. Trees knocked over, lush plant life barely clinging where it used to, all the Captain could do was feel the stress headache from the efforts needed to rebuild. Pausing, right before he started to climb down, Sherbet spied the ocean level was lower than usual. His heart thumped at there possibly being something to be found, the light in his eyes still but a dull glint, but it was there.

Trotting to the bay most of the crewmates called home, his claws still poking from his paws from the stress and fear still pulsing through his blood of the past few days, he went to the center and called, "ALL TYPHOONERS HEED MY CALL!" With a lost look around the destruction, and seeing a few of his people just aimlessly moving supplies they still had (it was so little, he anguished, they might barely survive the winter), he cleared his throat and began, "As we all know...we just suffered through a massive tropical storm. Our homes, our crewmates, our supplies, and our territory itself have washed away." His throat closed at remembering being swept into the tide, his life saved only because of Scyllios, and he didn't even know if he came back from his second dive into the violent waves.

"Our biggest concern, and priority, is rebuilding. I can't lie when I say it will be hard, and it will be long." His voice cracked at the end as he took a deep breath, "But, I believe in us. I believe we WILL survive and come out stronger than ever. With that, I want anyone who isn't injured and willing to lead patrols to speak up!" Green tired eyes roved over the wet and injured, trying to keep the ghosts out of his view, "We will need a patrol for supplies to rebuild housing, a patrol for any herbs we can find in the territory that isn't waterlogged, a patrol to catch food for us, and a patrol to check the lowered ocean level."

Weighing his options, the Captain slowly began again, "I will lead the patrol to the beaches and investigate, so anyone who wants to go with me will have their chance soon. After investigating, we will rebuild any boats that didn't survive the storm, and we'll explore this lowed sea level; maybe we'll find something of use." There was a hint of a mischievous smile at the end of his declaration, a welcome look compared to the haunted expressions he's been carrying for days.

[These main threads will be posted ASAP today & tomorrow by either Sherbet OR Morrison/Alex depending on how my health goes, so keep an eye out! Anyone who wants to lead the patrols for the other needs, feel free to post that you will, then you can make a thread for others to join. Anyone who wants to investigate/explore, just be sure to post in those threads once they're up!]
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: recon | Reconstruction & Exploration | mini-meeting 9/22 - Morrison - 09-22-2022

[Image: 39337026_iDDu7Bz04pspvuK.gif]
The pain endured by the tropical storm was immeasurable to Morrison. Not only the trauma reinforced through his past hurricane, but the struggle he went through when dipping under the waters in the meantime. Needless to say, the experience was hell. Thankfully, no one got to see the usually spry former captain during the event. He suffered in private instead. Morrison was thankful for that, but deep down he wished for the company he always wanted, even if it was during a dark moment.

At the new leaders call, he gathered before Sherbet to listen. In truth, he was glad they ascended to captain per his offer and let him retire in peace (although it wasn't swell so far). He spoke with eloquence and purpose, just as Morrison had. Despite the times before them, he let a small smirk reach his navy lips and curl up proudly. He nodded along with their words, knowing he would take it upon himself to at least do something to rebuild what was lost in the storm, despite his supposed 'retirement.' Life never stopped, it appeared. "If possible, mate, I'd like to run a patrol," came his offer from the audience. "Setting sail to explore would not hurt."

Re: recon | Reconstruction & Exploration | mini-meeting 9/22 - INFERNO CIPHER-VANTAS - 09-23-2022

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

the was the ambassador, yes, she didn't know boundaries, also yes. carefully she stepped into typhoon territory, noting how damaged everything was. just like the coalition. the storm had evidently also wrecked the pitt and tanglewood, that much she could deduct from just how bad the typhoon was. the typhoon must've been hit hard though, considering they're right next to the ocean and the rest of the groups were a bit further inland.

the captain was announcing somethings as she gathered to the clearing and sat down, slightly away from the group members. she needed to pay attention in case there was important information that she needed to alert romulus about. the captain mentioned lowered sea levels and she wasn't sure what that meant, so after he had announced everything she slowly padded towards him, ignoring the looks some npcs gave her, be them hostile or friendly. "my name is inferno cipher-vantas. i am the ambassador for the coalition of the condemned. sorry to approach you at this saddening time, but i heard that the sea levels were lower? i am unsure what that bodes, perhaps another storm, so do you think i could participate in analysing it? if something bad is going to happen i'd like to report it to my kingpin." she really wasn't sure how sherbert would take this, hopefully everything went smoothly and nobody attacked her.

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!


Re: recon | Reconstruction & Exploration | mini-meeting 9/22 - LOKI FLÓKI - 09-23-2022

LOKI FLÓKI 7 months / cutie pie bio

she had stayed hidden, away from sight, as the world fell into chaos and messes she could only hope would go away. everything had been so loud, she had lost her father and everybody she knew - couldn't see anything, anybody. she had felt so, so scared, all alone, clinging desperately to something to avoid drowning. now, however, she heard his voice again, loud and strong, and she followed the source of it to the gathering point. noticing somebody that didn't smell of the typhoon she didn't think much of her but instead walked closer to her father, shivering slightly. "can i help with something?"


Re: recon | Reconstruction & Exploration | mini-meeting 9/22 - Cobra - 09-25-2022

Until you kissed my lips and you saved me -

sherbet. the male moved over and paused slightly. taking in all the things going on. listening to the words before letting his eyes find the floor. sherbet, i would like to help. i can set sail to see what i can find, if you want. it has been a while, but this old fisherman still has his skills. he offered as he looked up at sherbet. tail swishing behind him a moment.

he had to do something. sailing out to see if there was trouble brewing would be just fine.


Re: recon | Reconstruction & Exploration | mini-meeting 9/22 - SHERBET - 09-25-2022

A breathe of relief left Sherbet at the voices below him, a small sniffle beginning as he lightly raised his voice again, "Morrison, and Boots, I'd be honored to let you two round up a crew and sail to check out what's going on out there. " His green eyes softened as he kept his gaze on the feline before he looked over at one of his precious children, "Loki, can you check the Jungle Temple with a few more people, and see if you can categorize what herbs are ruined and need replaced, and what is still okay?"

Finally, drawing himself up, Sherbet bared his teeth at the intruder, his hackles finally raising as the stress of the past week was showing, "I don't quite remember allowing a Coalitioner to cross the borders yet." His voice as cold as his pelt, his eyes like flints, "If the storm hit us all, why is a Coalitioner crossing boundaries?" Slowly, he sheathed his claws as he may be pissed, but he isn't attack ready pissed.

"It means what it means, the ocean has a lower water level." The Captain flatly spoke, his tail twitching in agitation as his gaze quickly picked through the crowd for [member=16449]ALEXANDRE[/member] , "Alex, if you'd be so kind to escort our dear wanderer back to their side of the border."
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: recon | Reconstruction & Exploration | mini-meeting 9/22 - Alexandre - 09-25-2022

— alexandre f.m.r
Upon their arrival, the winged feline was not surprised by the announcements Sherbet had to offer. A tragedy had struck. That was no lie, but they had experienced enough of that in their lifetime to see this as a bump in the road rather than an uppercut to the jaw. In response, the vampiric succubus' jaws parted into a bored yawn. Orange eyes found themselves closing as if it was night, ready to sleep out of boredom. With a frown, his head shot back up at the beginning of each spiel the leader gave.

Thankfully, some entertainment arrived. Slick features turned to face their intruder and muscles flexed in anticipation, ready to strike momentarily. The feline rose from their spot and onto their paws, beginning to saunter over with a sickening smirk on their lips. Dagger-like canine started to slip from their sheath. "And what makes you think you're welcome here across our border, sweets?" came his cocky coo. Claws, for once today, stayed outside of their home. They gleamed in the limelight, ready to strike, but they awaited a cue. Alexandre liked to tease their food, after all.

Unfortunately for Alexandre, time ran out. Sherbet's demand rang in their ears and the domestic cat stopped his confident stride, breaking into a violent sprint. Haunches pressed back and launched them off the floor instantaneously, launching them in the air. Outstretched claws attempted to latch onto Inferno's shoulder, roll her over with his dragging force, and slide his teeth into her nape. If successful, they'd hold her down with a paw between the shoulder blades. Blood would coat his fangs, satisfying his desires unbeknownst of his audience.

His mouth would pull down and lean close into the other's ear. "It might be best for you to run," Alex sneered. His voice would come down into a whisper. "Unless you prefer to stay and be my slave, darling." Claws would, if successful once again, would mockingly unhinge from Inferno and a paw would be lifted off her back.

Let the chase begin.

Re: recon | Reconstruction & Exploration | mini-meeting 9/22 - INFERNO CIPHER-VANTAS - 09-26-2022

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

hostility met her full in the face, as expected. the captain's voice was surprisingly harsh as he ordered her to leave. she flicked an ear with no recognisable expression on her maw, rising to her paws. if that was what he wished, she would leave. crossing the border simply to check the state of other groups. the arrival of alexandre, however, was not something she had anticipated. his voice, sickly sweet like hers, assaulted her lobes and she flickered an ear to turn to look at him. before she could fully complete the movement he had pinned her on the ground and his fangs were sinking into her neck, drawing blood. her sweet, sweet lifeblood. she shivered, not from pain or fear but from excitement. a large paw was pressing between her shoulderblades and she turned slightly to look at him, pink swirling in her optics. the idea of being enslaved by him didn't sound too terrible. she could feel his talons exit her body and the weight was suddenly lifted off her. taking a moment to regain her composure and she stood, shaking her fur out. turning to glance at her blood on alexandre's claws. shooting him a flirty smile before padding away from beneath him, allowing her tailtip to touch his chin.

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!


Re: recon | Reconstruction & Exploration | mini-meeting 9/22 - Alexandre - 09-26-2022

— alexandre f.m.r
Blood coated his canines, leaking down their tongue and into the back of their throat with a satisfying swallow. They lapped away at what they could in the moment without making the scene obvious, only to pull away. Satisfaction allured him to continue. Pleasure pushed him forward. Alexandre's free paw swiped away what was left on their muzzle, crimson sliding across their fur with ease. A sly smirk crossed their lips as he licked away the rest. Perhaps there would be more?

With the release, Inferno only remained. Soft fur from her tail caressed at the bottom of his chin, taking some of the leftover blood with it. In response, fangs shot out and launched themselves forward. His teeth attempted to wrap around the middle of it and yank with force. If successful, he'd pull her back with a thrash and deglove her tail.

Whether or not he attached to her tail, they spoke with vicious intent. "Leave." Spitting out what remained from his previous attack, blood splattered onto the floor below. If they had Inferno's tail in their mouth, the succubus would also choose to eject that from their mouth with a violent spit. "Or your life will be reduced to the crimson liquids that many desire from the Coalition's miscreants." Alexandre had never gotten over Sojourn's torture. The feline did not prefer to generalize, but they rarely met a Coalitioner that could change their mind.

Re: recon | Reconstruction & Exploration | mini-meeting 9/22 - INFERNO CIPHER-VANTAS - 09-27-2022

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

expecting nothing more than violencfe from the brute she felt his body tense as she brushed past him. sidestepping quickly she felt his teeth graze her tail, hearing the satisfying click as they met each other in thin air. he spat her blood out and she watched with mild curiosity as it fell to the floor, then flicked her ear as he snarled for her to leave. she shrugged, not bothering to deal with the rest of his words. "alright." he was the one who taunted her into staying, not her. but if the typhoon really didn't want ambassadors visiting then she would let them know. "guess i'll have to report back to romulus that the typhoon doesn't seem to be looking for allies, especially not after what had happened." with a small shriek-giggle her sickness briefly reared its head before she padded away the direction she came.

she walked in looking for no trouble, and she was going to walk out without it too.

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!

out unless stopped!
