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time goes on [juniper] - Printable Version

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time goes on [juniper] - Morrison - 09-21-2022

[Image: 39337026_iDDu7Bz04pspvuK.gif]
As the tropical storm started to fade, so did Morrison's adrenaline and the constant fight for his life. The canine had already lived a life full of wonder and danger, but in his retirement, he did not want to experience the second part once again. Unfortunately, a conundrum had to come up. Caught by surprise by the waves, the finned captain fell below the water and had no time to breathe in one last breath before his body switched to aquatic mode. As a result, he had a hard time navigating the ocean floods. Gills were caught up in compensating for his lack of oxygen and his body had slowed down, unable to barely move in his old age. In truth, it was embarrassing. Morrison hardly could save a soul.

Now the canine sat on a rock above the water near the lighthouse, catching his breath. Through huffs and heaves, he lowered his head into his paws and laid down onto the cold, damp stone below. Golden eyes closed in defeat. In a moment of disappointment, he let out a low snort. 'Pitiful, you old bat,' he thought to himself. Old age was beginning to catch up and he was starting to see that time was his enemy, something he had always thought was infinite. Maybe it was time to start making arrangements.

His head ran as he sat still in the cold rain. Morrison had loved many souls, but never stuck to one. Not even family. They always faded out of his view, becoming inconsistent side characters to his life that connected to his past. The elderly dog cackled into his paws and sighed. There was no time left to do any of that, was there?

Re: time goes on [juniper] - Casphian - 09-21-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
we must go through phases of emptiness! -- lion. typhoon.
The storm had caught many by surprise and Juniper had been no exception to this. The old lass had been trying to get out of the storm when she had gotten caught by the rushing water, the current too strong for even her. It had taken a lot for the lioness to finally get free of the current, lucky that someone had come along and helped her to get free from the water's grip. Her body wasn't quite like it used to be, her age finally starting to show with how exhausted she was after fighting the wild current.

As the rest of the group gathered up the remainder of those who were missing the lioness slipped away, wanting to take the time to regain he strength and composure. Plus it's not like she truly knew the rest of the typhooners so she didn't see much of a point to stick around and chit chat with the rest of them. Sure Juniper probably should be learning who the rest of the group was but at the same time the lass didn't truly see a point in making connections with anyone. At least not after her lover, things hadn't truly been the same since they had passed.

The lioness shook her head as she walked, shaking the memories and thoughts from her mind. That was enough of that, there was a time and place to think about those things and that time and place was not here or now. She shuffled towards the lighthouse, drawn to the building by pure curiosity for the thing. As she drew closer her gaze landed on the canine who rested on the rocks nearby. Peachy orbs narrowed as Juniper took in Morrison, head tilting a bit as she pondered why the other was away from the rest. She debated on going over or not and finally curiosity won and the lioness padded over to the canine. "You'll catch a cold out here in this rain," she mused, her tone laced with a heavy southern accent. "It's not healthy for ya to lay out here while it's raining cats and dogs."

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #COLOR. -- to feel full again !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: time goes on [juniper] - Morrison - 09-21-2022

[Image: 39337026_iDDu7Bz04pspvuK.gif]
Pawsteps caused his head to lift away from his own and up towards the stranger who wandered over. Their words rang true in his head, but that was nothing he couldn't handle... or so he thought? Hell, he couldn't even breathe underwater properly the other day. Maybe it was time to take things slower. Lost in thought for a moment, he merely offered a simple nod of his head. "No, no, I think yer right," came his accented voice. "The water's my element, but perhaps an old man needs a break, mate..." Neglecting his health was no good if he wanted to retire peacefully.

Raising to his feet, the slick furred dog shook out his pelt and straightened out, cracking his back in the process. With a cocky smile, he continued on his long-winded spiel. "Mmm, I don't see any cats or dogs besides you though, hon," he joked back. "Any more of ya around here? I'd like to see more of ya." His maw pulled further back into a toothy smile, showing off yellowed teeth for the other to see. Maybe he was just being nice, maybe he was flirting. Only he could know... but it was usually the ladder. Morrison had a knack for being a man of many words and lending a few compliments out to those who needed it.

Re: time goes on [juniper] - Casphian - 09-21-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
we must go through phases of emptiness! -- lion. typhoon.
Juniper padded closer to him, settling down on her haunches when she felt she was close enough. She hummed when he spoke up, lifting an eyebrow towards him before looking said canine up and down. "You old? You don't look a day out of puphood," she said with a slightly teasing tone. A smile danced on her maw, gaze twinkling with amusement.

She rolled her eyes at the snarky and flirty remarks that he made, a snort ringing out from her. She pushed herself back up onto her paws with a chuckle, shaking her head lightly. "Well aren't ya just a charmer," she teased, her own grin matching his. "The name's Juniper Whitlock but ya can call me Juniper or whatever floats ya boat," she said, finally deciding to introduce herself to him.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #COLOR. -- to feel full again !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: time goes on [juniper] - Morrison - 09-22-2022

[Image: 39337026_iDDu7Bz04pspvuK.gif]
A snort left him as she furrowed her brow and made her cocky comment. Teeth sparkled in the sunlight, although mainly covered by grey clouds, in amusement. This girl appeared to be quite catch. Now reel it in, mate. "Spry as a young chicken," he restated back. "Don't doubt this blue bottom a day in your life, honey, because it'll surprise you on what it can do." Funnily enough, yes, he did mean it in other ways too. Nevertheless, his old age had caught up to him and it was clear with Juniper's comment. Grey hairs had even started to line his chin and were sprinkled around the top of his ears, creating a white tuft at the top. Morrison took that in stride though.

A charmer, indeed. This old man had some experience for sure. "Always have been, always will be, dear," he cockily replied with a wink. "Pleasure to meet ya, Juniper. Can I call you Juni? Junebug? Glad it floats ya boat either way because I'm the captain." A paw raised up, gesturing outwards and stopping himself. "Well, used to be... Retirement seemed more enjoyable than managing this band of bandits." He hoped the other Typhoon member would not take any offense to that, especially since they both resided within the island, but her sympathies were appreciated too.

His navy blue paw extended out to the other, attempting a handshake. "Name's Morrison." A last name didn't really matter to him anymore. No one was left anyways, similarly to his pirating days.

Re: time goes on [juniper] - Casphian - 09-22-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
we must go through phases of emptiness! -- lion. typhoon.
A chuckle rung out as amusement flourished inside of Juniper. She shook her head gently, unable to contain the small laughter that came from her. "I'm sure it can do wonderful things, that is as long as you don't break your hip," she teased him. It didn't take much to notice the grey hairs that were starting to appear on the wolf but those little hairs didn't bother Juniper much at all. Besides it's not like she was a little cub anymore, she was starting to climb the ladder in years but luckily her fur was light enough in places that you couldn't truly tell unless you looked hard enough.

"I'd be mighty fine with those nicknames as long as it's you calling me them dear," she hummed, trying to fight off the blush that was threatening to spread across her cheeks. She wasn't used to this much attention all at once, especially not all these compliments. "It's been quite a while since anyone's giving me a nickname, but it's definitely not unwelcomed," she hummed. "I don't blame you honestly, I don't think I could wrangle up these hooligans even if I tried, it takes a patient soul to deal with this bunch." Honestly she couldn't see how anyone could lead a group period, but she supposed someone had to do it but luckily that someone wasn't her and hopefully it never would be. "It's hard enough having to listen to them bicker and whine all the time especially when they get a wee lil scratch on their paw," she huffed. Her gaze drifted down to the extended paw, head tilting a bit before her own reached out to take his. "Well it sure is nice to met ya too Morrison, you've been mighty fine company to this old gal."

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #COLOR. -- to feel full again !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: time goes on [juniper] - Morrison - 09-22-2022

[Image: 39337026_iDDu7Bz04pspvuK.gif]
A snort left him. He never said others could joke about his old age, but he welcomed it. Experience was never a bad thing, especially in the case of that. "Mate, I promise I'll try not to," Morrison shot back. He sat back down into his spot and leaned back dramatically, looking at his behind with a groan. His tail wagged in the meantime, almost as if it was taunting him. It appeared his body disagreed. He preached mind over matter, even to Juniper now, but how long until his body took control and slowed him down for good?

His young mentality did not stop him from calling others by quirky nicknames though. It appeared these names stuck too... and as long as he was calling her those nicknames? Well, my, oh, my! Morrison's gaze started to have a mischievous, yet pleasant, twinkle in his eyes. "You've got yourself a deal, dear. Only for you-" His navy blue paw attempted to reach out and grab at her shoulder, giving her a friendly shake. "-will I call you Juni, Junebug." He offered a smirk. Pointed ears that perked up indicated his pleasure. Being known as someone who donned the all mighty Juniper with their gracious nicknames was good enough for him, especially since it was not unwelcome either.

She couldn't wrap up a few hooligans by their ankles and thrown them off the side of a ship when they misbehaved though? Please! Morrison frowned at her lack of self-confidence, or rather that she acknowledged her own capabilities, due to his belief that she seemed like the soul who would be able to lead. After all, she came to him in a moment of defeat. Juniper could take his teasing nicknames also with stride, something he admired, clearly. Others have tried to pick a fight for that. "Please," he cooed. "If ya can manage yours truly, a crew is no worry."

Pulling his paw away from hers, he offered a dip of his head. "You too, sweets," he reinforced back. "Ya caught me at a bad time but managed to hand over a pick me up with that personality of yours." His free paw traced an outline of a smile on his own maw, indicating her cheery personality. She was quite the catch for a stranger.

Re: time goes on [juniper] - Casphian - 09-29-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
we must go through phases of emptiness! -- lion. typhoon.
Juniper followed suit with sitting back down before moving to lower herself fully down to the ground. She couldn't help but giggle when he reached out and shook her shoulder, shifting her body side to side. "It's only fair if I get to give ya a nickname too ya know," she said with a slight teasing tone. "Hmm, maybe firefly?" she mused, more to herself than anything. "Ah oh well, I'll think of one eventually," she hummed while laying her head down on her paws.

She rolled her eyes when Morrison said that she was more than capable of managing a crew, huffing softly as she did so. "Well I'm sure you're right but it's also that matter if I'd truly enjoy it," she hummed. Juniper really wasn't sure if she would enjoy leading or not, sure it was one thing to take care of the rascals but to add so many more responsibilities on top of it, yea she'd rather just leave that to someone else. That's not to say if she wasn't asked she wouldn't help she just wouldn't actively seek it out. Besides most of her attention seemed to be on this handsome wolf in front of her.

"Aw shucks it wasn't nothin', just wanting to check on ya after this fearsome storm we had," she said. "Besides us old folk gotta stick together ya hear?" she said teasingly while attempting to reach out her paw and playfully bat at Morrison's muzzle. "Goodness you sure know how to treat a lady right with all those compliments, honestly I can feel my cheeks burning from those sly words of yours."

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #COLOR. -- to feel full again !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: time goes on [juniper] - Morrison - 01-29-2023

[Image: 39337026_iDDu7Bz04pspvuK.gif]
Firefly? He did seem firey in personality, but not in appearance. Maybe 'fish boy?' No. That felt derogatory. Morrison tried not to think of his own nicknames and instead shrugged to her words. "You'll think of something," he remarked. "But yer more than welcome to just call me 'Morrison' and that's it... Maybe even 'Morri' if time doesn't allow for the entire thing." Sometimes life was short. So names had to be too. Luckily, Morrison could hold on for quite awhile.

Leading was not for everyone. Morrison truly enjoyed it, but in his old age, it was also time to relax. After all, he retired for a reason. Rather than being in charge of these rascals till his death, he could sit around with wonderful ladies like Juniper and tell his seven seas stories from the comfort of his bottom. "Fair enough. I find myself a bit of a control freak," came his joking tone. In fact, he was quite the opposite. He liked letting loose and allowing the world to flow around him, watching with amusement. "I have to be in charge." That, though, was not a lie. He liked being the center of someone's attention... to an extent.

Checking on him? The lowly captain did not think anyone would poke their head into his quarters, but here she was. "I suppose we do, laddie." Her paw reached out and slapped lightly at his muzzle. In response, he huffed loudly and shook his head. "You're a trip, aren't ya?"

At her dashing tease, he could only smirk. "Call it experience," he hinted. "An old man like myself has sailed the seas far and wide with many, but never with one like yourself." Perhaps their retirement plan could be sailing off together. At least that's what he was hinting at.