Beasts of Beyond
Your eyes they tell a story, one that's full of sorrow || Alexandre - Printable Version

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Your eyes they tell a story, one that's full of sorrow || Alexandre - Casphian - 09-21-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
You picked me like a flower, didn't expect the thorns! -- Ice Cream cat. Crewmate of the Typhoon.
Things had been so hectic lately and honestly Sorbet had no idea how to feel about it. First Darkheart had come back into his life, saying that the life they lived had basically been false and had promised that he would change and would prove to him that he had. Next his brother had taken on the responsibility as Captain and is now leading the clan, which he is happy about he couldn't see anyone who would be better for the position than Sherbet.

But it was all too much for the feline and at this point he just need time away from the chaos of the clan and away from all the people. He just wanted some time alone to just think. So he had set out that morning and took off in a random direction, really he had no destination in mind he just wanted to find somewhere that was quiet and gave him solitude. His paws ended up dragging him towards the beach where he would walk the shoreline, head lowered and mind far away as thoughts lead him in different directions.

After some time the stench of blood drifted across his path, causing Sorbet to stop in his tracks. His head lifted, ears swiveling as he tried to search for where the smell was coming from. He couldn't locate where it came from so he turned in towards the scent and began to follow it and soon enough he was stumbling across another feline. His gaze narrowed in on the wound they seemed to have, a soft huff slipping from his muzzle as he watched the other try to take care of the wound. "You're doing that wrong," he stated with a slight coolness to his tone. He drew closer to the other, settling down onto his haunches. "Here let me do it for you."

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #C3B1E1. -- You say that I'm too frigid, didn't know what you were in for!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: Your eyes they tell a story, one that's full of sorrow || Alexandre - Alexandre - 09-21-2022

— alexandre f.m.r
The story of their wound did not need to be told, nor would the feline disclose himself. The point is that it was there. Dastardly and oozing dark blood, the wound ran down the entirety of their forearm. Alexandre stared down at the slash in frustration, trying to press down roughly and stop the bleeding, but it's contents continued to gush, eager to escape it's inner workings. The vampiric feline stared down with slitted eyes narrowed. A growl started to rise out of their throat. Their training with Rosemary had failed him, as they never had a chance for practical use, and the crimson was beginning to stain their alabaster chest as they leaned over.

Their ragged growl came to a slow pause as the subtle sound of footsteps seared into his sensitive ears. The feline tried to pull away, but the stranger had already turned the corner and managed to slip out a comment. Straightening out, Alexandre stood up from the ground and took a confident step forward. "I'll be fine, dear,"  he said, clearly lying through his teeth. "I don't need any assistance from you."  Their gaze surveyed the other up and down, offering a frown. What a strange appearance. An intriguing one, but odd.

Continuing to drip blood, the feline shook out his pelt and started to turn away. "I should be going, but pleasure having you," came his dismissal. His tail flicked in goodbye, but he clearly paused for a moment before having his head turn back around. "Thank you though..." Their kindness was appreciated, but he could handle this himself, or so he thought.

Re: Your eyes they tell a story, one that's full of sorrow || Alexandre - Casphian - 09-21-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
You picked me like a flower, didn't expect the thorns! -- Ice Cream cat. Crewmate of the Typhoon.
Sorbet rolled his gaze as the comment, letting out a soft snort as Alex stood up to head out. His gaze followed the other feline, an eyebrow curiously lifting at the thanks. It was quite surprising to be thanked for nothing, or at least Sorbet didn't think he had done anything to require the gratitude. He shook his head and turned his attention away from the other, a paw lifting so he can groom the fur on top. "I think me and you both know that you won't be able to take care of that love," he hummed sarcastically. "But if you say so, I can see that the big bad kitty doesn't need any help," he teased.

Sorbet brushed his paw over the side of his face, now set on cleaning his fur if he was going to take the time to sit here. "There's no need to thank me it's not as if I did anything," he mused, not bothering to look at the other. After he felt that he was thoroughly cleaned the ice cream cat stood up, stretching out his front legs in front of him and toes spreading as his claws unsheathed themselves before hiding once again.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #C3B1E1. -- You say that I'm too frigid, didn't know what you were in for!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: Your eyes they tell a story, one that's full of sorrow || Alexandre - Alexandre - 09-21-2022

— alexandre f.m.r
Their ears pinned down at the other's comment. Alexandre thought they could handle his situation just fine, even if it took awhile to figure out, but doubt had started to form in the back of their mind. Rosemary would be disappointed. With a narrowed gaze, they already regretted his polite response. The fur on the back of their nape started to poke upwards in a show of dominance. "Then what would you do, love?" they shot back sassily. Even so, they were curious on their response. Maybe he could pry a clue out of them.

As the other started to groom themselves, as if Alexandre was being an entertainer to them, the feline started to grow frustrated. Pointed fangs resisted poking out from their furred sheath. "Who are you anyways?" Alexandre pointed out. "You shouldn't be here, it's dangerous." With blood present, the vampiric succubus was prone to striking. With the help of a demon, Alex had managed to curb their cravings, but after caving previously, they believed they were bound to make the mistake again. They dearly hoped today was not that day. Sorbet wouldn't know that though. In fact, he seemed oblivious. Perhaps they had spoken too much, but they merely gestured towards the beach's high tide, trying to deflect his initial point. Maybe that would work.

"My gratitude is towards your persistence," the feline merely replied. Watching as claws unsheathed from the other's paws, he quickly added on to his spiel. "I recommend you leave now before things get feisty." Orange hues stared at the other intensely, hoping they'd listen. Pressing wouldn't help.

Re: Your eyes they tell a story, one that's full of sorrow || Alexandre - Casphian - 09-22-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
You picked me like a flower, didn't expect the thorns! -- Ice Cream cat. Crewmate of the Typhoon.
Sorbet's gaze flicked back over towards Alex before shaking his head lightly. "Well first off I would clean the wound," he started off while turning towards the other. "Then I would grab the necessary herbs to keep it from getting infected and then wrap it with said herbs," he huffed out as if anyone should know this information. He grumbled to himself, slightly irritated with the fact he was having to explain all of this but deep down he knew he didn't truly care. The feline was just being grumpy like he always was.

"As for who I am the name's Ube Sorbet Flóki but everyone just calls me Sorbet," he mused nonchalantly. "And might I ask just who you might be?" he asked curiously. Sorbet had seemed to be a little less grumpy at that point but it didn't take long for him to be irritated once again. He didn't appreciate being told that he shouldn't be here and for the other to act like he couldn't take care of himself. "I'm sure I'll be fine, I lived on my own long enough that I would hope I know how to take care of myself," he said with a snippy tone. Sorbet had to quickly learn how to survive on his own when he had left his lover, and he had plenty of close calls while he had been alone.

"I don't see why anything would get feisty, it's just me and you here unless you plan on attacking me or something," he snapped. His fur puffed up along his spine a bit, pupils narrowing into slits as he stared down Alex. He should listen to the other and leave, should save his hide before things got out of hand. But Sorbet didn't like backing down and he honestly didn't want to leave the other while they were clearly wounded. It went against his morals to leave someone who was hurt.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #C3B1E1. -- You say that I'm too frigid, didn't know what you were in for!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: Your eyes they tell a story, one that's full of sorrow || Alexandre - Alexandre - 09-22-2022

— alexandre f.m.r
Alexandre had already started to clean the wound, but the 'necessary herbs' were nowhere to be seen. At a loss, they let their jaw hang for a few moments before questioning their words. "And what would those herbs be, hm?" they countered. His tone indicated it was a test, but in reality, they did not know the answer either. Maybe partially, but not enough to consider themselves an expert. Alexandre turned around and sat back down firmly, starting to fumble with the wound on their forearm again, as if they were following the other's directions per Sorbet's word.

So, a man in power? Alexandre's ears swiveled in interest at the other's name, noting their familiar allegiance. Sherbet had become leader and their family starts to show up, it appeared. How wonderful. They could remember the days when Roxanne and Diya were in power, leading hand in hand, and then disappeared without a word. Perhaps this one wouldn't do the same. Bitter and jealous, they merely let their chest fall and an exhale to leave them. "Alexandre... Folie-Mikaelson Roux," they mentioned back, emphasizing their last names as the other had done. As for what they wanted to be called, they did not mind. Their entire name or shortened to one of the two parts would not be so bad.

Frustration with their intent to stay was becoming increasingly obvious as Alexandre's tail began to lash back and forth. "If you care for your safety, dear, I recommend you leave," came a blunt response. Teeth started to show through his parted maw. "I don't do well with blood." While Alex's previous response was blunt, the feline'scondition was kept quiet. They did not need a stranger meddling in private affairs. Whether they took that the way they intended or a feint fear of the liquid, they did not know. All Alexandre wanted was for them to disappear.

Re: Your eyes they tell a story, one that's full of sorrow || Alexandre - Casphian - 09-26-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
You picked me like a flower, didn't expect the thorns! -- Ice Cream cat. Crewmate of the Typhoon.
Sorbet huffed slightly at the question before taking the time to actually examine the wound itself. He needed to make sure that he was going to give the correct information before he started listing off herbs that he would use. "Well firstly I would use a mix of Marigold and Chervile Root and if it is causing any discomfort or pain I would give you some Poppy Seeds to help with the pain," he said while Alex sat back down again. "Once I've done all of that I would wrap the wound back up and check on it daily or once every other day," he mused.

When Alex finally introduced himself the look of neutrality never left Sorbet's expression. The feline hadn't been here when Roxanne and Diya were in control, and he hadn't heard enough stories about either one to have much of an opinion. Honestly it would be a surprise if he even knew who they were so it came to no surprise that he didn't recognize the last name. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you Alexandre," Sorbet said, gaze flicking towards the other before drifting away. And it was true, it was nice to meet another face in the group but Sorbet would never admit that to anyone, especially not to Sherbet.

Sorbet sneered at the next comment, his ears flatten a bit against his head. "Well it's a good thing I never cared for my wellbeing dear." he snapped, pushing himself up to his paws as he spoke. His fur dripped to the ground while his lips were curled back in a silent snarl. He turned away from Alex, padding away from him before stopping once again. "If you don't do well with blood isn't that more of a reason to let me help you?" he ground out, head turning to peer at the feline over his shoulder. "Honestly I thought my brother was stubborn but you're starting to be more hardheaded than he is."

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #C3B1E1. -- You say that I'm too frigid, didn't know what you were in for!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: Your eyes they tell a story, one that's full of sorrow || Alexandre - Alexandre - 09-26-2022

— alexandre f.m.r
That was it. A reminder of Rosemary's information crossed their path as Sorbet spoke. The feline swallowed their pride, nodding along confidently with their words, as if he knew the information himself. Alexandre had no access to the herbs currently, leaving their wound's contents to continue to drip onto the floor and leak into their other paws as they sat down. He looked down. A visible frown lined their maw, muzzle parting in two in frustration. "You're right," came their mumble.

Their gaze moved back up to Sorbet with orange eyes observing the other. Were their intentions true? Alexandre had thanked them, but would they actually heal his wound? "It's a pleasure," the cat reiterated back. "You seem... intriguing." Despite his suspicion, he scooted closer in his spot and leaned in. Curiosity was beginning to peak. Their head craned and eyes narrowed with interest. They would try his luck, it presumed.

If he held a lackluster care for their safety, then so be it. Alexandre's back straightened out, pulling back from his lean confidently with his head whipping back. "Then tickle my fancy and come here, Sorbet." A paw extended outward, revealing their wound to the bypasser. "If you're not afraid of a bite, then you're more than welcome to assist, but with your information, I might be better off doing it myself." Claws taunted the other by wiggling in their direction. Canines peeked through parted lips. Perhaps they would understand then.

Re: Your eyes they tell a story, one that's full of sorrow || Alexandre - Casphian - 09-30-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
You picked me like a flower, didn't expect the thorns! -- Ice Cream cat. Crewmate of the Typhoon.
Living alone for quite a while left Sorbet no choice but to learn the needed herbs for different ailments, unless he was truly looking to get hurt which nine times out of ten he wasn't. Even once he moved into the group he kept a small supply of the most important herbs in his home and almost always carried some sort of bandage on him at all times. He patiently listened to what Alex had to say, orbs flicking towards the extended paw as he debated on what he should do next.

On one hand maybe Sorbet should just leave Alexandre to handle things on his own. He could offer the bandages and the herbs he has stashed away in his satchel and just walk away. Part of him felt like he was being too pushy and honestly this was a bit out of character for him. He had never been one to really want to interact with others in the group, always seen as the cold and harsh brother out of the siblings. But something about this other feline intrigued Sorbet and he couldn't deny that fact.

Now on the other hand Sorbet could stick with his argument and help Alex, to take the extended paw and trust that he would be safe. Deep down he knows that he shouldn't trust someone so easily, especially when they have insisted time and time again that it would be for the better if they were left alone. But did they truly want to be left alone? That was a question Sorbet couldn't answer and probably wouldn't ever get the answer to. But now he had a choice to make as he stood before Alex, the other's paw extended and wound shown to him. And so he took it.

Sorbet moved back over to Alexandre, sitting down in front of them and reaching out to take the paw that was offered. He leaned in closer to look at the wound, ignoring the pounding of his heart in his ears. "I've been bitten quite a few times in my life, if by chance I'm bitten again it's not going to bother me," he hummed, voice low as he spoke and loosing whatever tone he had before. "It looks pretty clean already so I'll go ahead and just wrap it with the herbs."

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #C3B1E1. -- You say that I'm too frigid, didn't know what you were in for!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: Your eyes they tell a story, one that's full of sorrow || Alexandre - Alexandre - 01-04-2023

— alexandre f.m.r
So, were they thinking clearly? Sorbet had stepped forward, grabbing the paw that was laid out in front of him. As the other leaned in, Alexandre felt the back of his throat begin to rumble. The skin over his teeth started to peel up, exposing alabaster canine and pink gums. Not afraid, were they? The vampiric succubus doubted that. The monster that his mothers created was meant to be feared, not toyed with. Yet here was this stranger, playing with his wound and doubting him.

As the other's head was down towards the wound, the beast leaned in. Their hot breath bellowed out onto the other's neck, only to end as Alexandre took a sharp breath in and dove in. Sharp teeth attempted to dig right into Sorbet's jugular and scrape, pulling at the vein and tugging at the now loose skin. If successful, both parties would feel an intense feeling of exuberant pleasure. Alexandre would lap up the blood with his barbed, pink tongue. Brown features would attempt to dig his head into the other's neck and continue to suck what he could. Meanwhile, Sorbet's senses would fill with ecstasy and, over time, he would grow light headed.

Fulfilled by intense satisfaction, whether or not successful, the feline would pull away. Their orange eyes remained narrowed, wickedly staring back at the other while stained teeth shone back at the other in malice. "Did that bother you, darling?" came their mocking coo.