Beasts of Beyond

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I CAN'T FILL THE VOID INSIDE! -- maned wolf. band of arrick.
the weather as of late had been drawing her to the ocean more often than she wanted. the roll and growl of thunder out at sea broke through her thoughts, drawing her red gaze back out to the clouds of rain that showered down. a low growl escaped her as her ears flattened back, licking her lips with a sense of foreboding. it was so easy to write everything off as a seasonal storm. it was so easy to pretend they weren't facing a monster of a storm in the making. it was so easy to pretend that she was somewhere else, until now. the otherwise gentle feeling of rain grew into a stinging pricking sensation, her lips curling back as she watched the oceans begin to rip themselves apart within the squall. stepping back, she tilted her head back and uttered a roar bark, "[]EVERYONE TO HIGH GROUND!", she wouldn't waste any time in chasing the younger and smaller group members back up the hillside that led down to Njord's Beach, picking up a child by the scruff of their neck. trotting up the hill, she deposited the child where it could run to it's father, a sense of fear sweeping her as she once again roared out to her group, "[]HELP YOUR GROUPMATES TO HIGH GROUND!"

in all honesty, she realized, they should always keep one of their boats on high ground. perhaps in situations like this, it wouldn't be a bad idea. her eyes narrowed in fear, sending a fervent prayer to her patron god of Heimdall to ask for protection upon herself and her Band. ears laying flat to her skull, the Drotten watched as the waves swelled and broke under the weight of the boats, fear hammering away in her chest, a fear that she would never admit to another soul. just what in the nine worlds was going to happen? this was the first severe storm that the Band had to face in this land, and it almost made her wonder if they had done something to anger the gods. swallowing as wind buffeted her fur, the rain lashing her face and driving fur into her eyes, ears filled with the roar of wind, straining to hear the voices of her people. most of them already would have found their way indoors, and those who were out at sea would have already long returned or found shelter wherever they could.

turning her head over her shoulder, she headed for Forsetti's Hall and the Horn of Skadi at as fast a trot as she could against the wind. hopefully, the gale wouldn't steal the screaming blaring of the horn from the air. paws sliding over rain slicked ground, she pressed her muzzle to the horn and put all of her stamina behind three long blares of sound on the horn, the signature sound that foretold of danger swallowing their lands. it felt as if the earth itself shuddered under the loud shriek of the horn, shaking her through her very bones. pulling back as she panted, swallowing in the depths of her throat, looking through the rain that almost blocked everything from sight. was everyone indoors? the Halls were the strongest built of their structures, they had the most support and protection from the tropical storm that was quickly throwing it's waves against the Band encampment's cliffs, the spray flying into the air alongside the rain. she was unable to notice the water that began to leap and swallow the beach and roar up the hillside as the storm surged and screamed about them. she could only hope that they would be able to hold out. she had no way of knowing that every other territory was suffering a similar fate except for their landlocked cousins, though they too, would feel the effects in one way or another.

she wasn't ready for the waves to capture her paws, as slick as the grass and rocks were upon the clifftop that they made their home. useless was the scrabble of her claws amongst pebbles and rocks as the Drotten gasped, her scream of surprise lost among the howling of the wind as her paws were swept out from under her by a strong buffet of wind, thunder screaming overhead as lightning flashed nearby. it felt as if the souls of the ocean had emerged and sucked her back into their maw, the Drotten pushed from stable footing and back to the edge of the cliff, paws scrambling furiously for purchase as she fought against the winds and the whispers of death that called to her from just beyond the cliff's edge.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #916A6B. -- MYSELF WITHOUT A SOUL !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy


As wind picked up and rain began to blanket the lands, the beast almost didn't hear Avanti's commands for higher ground. The wind buffeted Ares and made her stagger, and she forced her wings and forelimbs closer to her body as she started for the hill. She nipped at the heels of others, keeping them at her pace to ensure their safety as they ran up and into housing and shelters. She herself stayed behind, the dromaeosaur turning to run back toward the cliffs in hopes of finding stragglers to bring back. And good thing she did, as the beast saw Avanti scrabble and be dragged by the waves.

With a shriek, the beast sprinted, forcing herself to stop before she wanted to in order not to go falling off the cliffside. There was an immaculate speed to how she moved, and before she could think the beast tried to bite down on Avanti's neck and throw her back onto solid ground. She cared little for how strong her bite was, but made sure it wasn't going to kill her Drotten.