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blossoming relations || COTC VISIT - Printable Version

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blossoming relations || COTC VISIT - Romulus - 09-19-2022

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]
Call it an ambassador check up or a visit to a friend, whatever works best, but Romulus was on a mission and was visiting Tanglewood. The lion had a vision in mind, a less dry one, and a goal to achieve. Relationships were important after all. The bond between two was undeniably something he could not ignore, even as a self-proclaimed logician. A pair, as a whole, needed to connect. Whether that was mutually beneficial or socially. Sometimes romantically, but the kingpin was internally wondering about Tanglewood’s relationship with his own group, sadly, as he walked along the neutral lands. The needs of others, rather than his own, had always been a priority.

With paws a few feet away from what he assumed was the swamp’s border, Romulus sat politely with his tail wrapped over his claws. The larger feline did not want to appear threatening. Given the tropical storm upon them, they had no time to boast and swipe claws at the border. Instead, he had a proposition. An inquiry, even. As neutrals, he was willing to help Tanglewood in their dire situation, as long as they assisted with the Coalition of the Condemned’s own. Consider it a laborious trade.

Patient eyes surveyed the damage before him in the meantime as the rain soaked his multicolored pelt, although the large tree above sheltered him slightly from the real dangers. Plants were uprooted, the salty smell of sea water had tainted the area, and trees had started to topple over within Tanglewood. The destruction was far from over though. Romulus merely lowered his head in disappointment, a sad and subtle frown appearing across his maw. Disgraceful. Perhaps it was best if they worked together in this trying time then.

//mobile post

Re: blossoming relations || COTC VISIT - Kiara Kokytos - 09-28-2022

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

the reaper had been clearing her head, enjoying the fresh air and attempting to ignore the destruction caused by the storm. it wasn't all too difficult - she had seen more than enough chaos back in her days when her siblings were still alive. an unfamiliar stink met her, a few more sniffs told her somebody from the coalition was sitting at their borders. she didn't quite know the stance of friendliness between the two groups so decided to approach with caution.

"my name is kiara kokytos. who are you, and what are you doing here?" her usually honeyed voice turned cold and she didn't hide the suspicion in it.

Re: blossoming relations || COTC VISIT - aesior - 10-03-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
The bond between two was something the Luminary also considered important. He'd seen how his own group had responded to the brutal murder of Ximen, he'd seen how they rallied and called for justice. He'd seen how the Coalition had responded in kind. They gave them their justice in some sense. They gave them the chance to recover and grieve the Reaper's death. Such bonds were important and if he wasn't busy still tallying up the body count and rearranging misplaced families, he would have visited the Coalition himself to announce his leadership. Gods help him, he still needed to travel to each group and inform them that he was the latest Luminary of Tanglewood. It still put him on edge, the fact that he was the one to hold that rank.

Working nearby, the sound of Kiara's cold voice washed over his ears and pulled the brute from his work of pulling younger trees back upright with the aid of other big-bodied Tanglers. Panting, the male donning his fearsome lion body, though his strongest if not the one he hated most, would pad over. Coughing, he would frown at the sight of Romulus just outside of their borders.

Fixing his wooden mask to properly cover his face, knocked askew from his activities, he would inhale and respond, "Ah. Romulus. What brings you to Tanglewood today? Are things well in the Coalition?", he spoke, his voice rough and sounding like gravel lined his throat.

Expression twisting as his voice grated in his ears, shaking himself, careful of accidentally splattering either of the other two with the mud that soaked his body almost up to his chin. His poor veil was absolutely drenched in the mud and muddy water, churned by the many paws that were working together to correct the damages. Looking around them, he sighed, "I don't know if you'll recognise me as I am, but I am Aesior. The newest Luminary to call this place home, replacing Corrupttimelines and Firefly before him. Had this storm not hit, I would have already made my way to your borders to introduce myself and make alliance arrangements. Though by the fact you are upon my borders, I would hope that we share a similar thought."

aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef

Re: blossoming relations || COTC VISIT - Kiara Kokytos - 10-03-2022

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

their luminary walked over, covered in mud. kiara shot him an amused smile and flicked her tail, ignoring the mud that clung to her fur. she turned again, to face romulus, and watched his reaction with muted interest as aesior annoucned his leadership. it was true, each group had been too focused on repairing their own damage to make new announcements - she hadn't heard from any of them in ages.