Beasts of Beyond
THE END IS NIGH ⚘ tropical storm event - Printable Version

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THE END IS NIGH ⚘ tropical storm event - aesior - 09-19-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
the first thing that he noticed was the lack of wild-life. he'd noticed it the night before when a torrential downpour had ripped through the swamp, soaking himself and kiara to their very bones. he'd noticed the agitation in the wildlife, birds and animals all fleeing from the swamps and making hunting a hard prospect. today, he waded through the admittedly very-watery lands, places that were normally dry were squishy and springy under-paw, and it set him on edge. a newly caught frog dangled from the Luminary's jaws, his paws and chest stained with mud, ears laying back to his head as he felt the usual warmth of the day slowly beginning to leech from the air as he made his way through the swamps. fur and skin prickling, the tom would shake his head, passing it off as sleep deprivation and the result of vicious nightmares haunting him.

more time passed and by then, he was in camp, depositing his few meager catches in a basket on his doorstep, picking up a bucket and heading for the swampy beaches in hopes of finding perhaps a few fish. reaching the beach, the tom froze as his gaze took in the dark and angry sky, eyes catching onto the whitecaps that lashed out at sea, a sense of other-worldly fear shaking him through to his core, causing him to pause. he couldn't take his eyes off of the waves that came to slam against the beach with a fury he couldn't describe, his fur rising along his spine as he felt the familiar lashing of rain against his fur and head as a storm began to sweep in from the sea. this didn't feel natural, it felt as if the world itself was holding it's breath, waiting, but waiting for what? jumping at the crack of thunder overhead, the tom turned on his heel, headed back towards camp. the clams could wait, he had a bad feeling about the weather that was encroaching upon them.

quick and hurried pawsteps brought him back into camp, watching the town rush its members inside into the relative safety of a warm home and roof. acid rose in his throat as he felt wind buffet him, nearly knocking him from his paws as he rushed towards his own home, tail raised as he moved as quickly as he could. fear raced through him, breeding confusion it it's wake, the tom panting. he swore he could hear the waves even now, racing back towards the safety of home. clambering upon the steps of his home, he whipped around to watch the way he'd came with raised fur as horror surged in him, the sight of water rushing through into camp meeting his gaze. a cry would reach out to those who could hear it within their minds, "Waves! Get inside!", he would screech through his mind, desperate to reach anyone that he could. it would only take seconds for the waves to breech the edge of the town and sweep through it, his mind busy with fear and thoughts of about who wasn't in camp and who was. oh gods help him, he had to save those that were still out there! he would have to take a headcount as soon as he could, but he couldn't get to the other homes, he couldn't reach all of them to get the count he needed! there was nothing more gut wrenching than this realization, fear pounding through him as he cried out wordlessly, the tom staring aghast in fear amid the pounding rain and waves sweeping into town from the storm surge. they were going to be in for a wild ride, gods help them all.


aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef

Re: THE END IS NIGH ⚘ tropical storm event - Atticus Roux - 09-19-2022

The rain seemed unusual to Atticus, but not enough for him to head inside. He enjoyed the quiet the lack of wildlife brought. For once, the silence actually led him outside of his comfort zone and into the rain. Soaked and enjoying the breeze on his fur, the feline barely noticed the swamp's green waters beginning to coat the bottom of his paws. Algae started to stick to his white paws in no time, causing the cat to tilt his head down and sneer in disgust. What the hell? A paw raised out of the water in confusion.

His question received an answer as Aesior's call reached his mind. 'Waves?' The feline straightened out and looked out in the distance, spotting an uneven horizon. Swallowing, he started to traverse back home. What was happening?

[Open to assisting smaller animals/other domestic felines.]

Re: THE END IS NIGH ⚘ tropical storm event - LUCINDER XIU - 09-20-2022


as the sky fell apart flames burst upon his spine and quickly were drenched. there wasn't much to go apart from away from the waves that seemed to come in all directions, and his house was quite far away to even shapeshift to get to - whatever form he took would quickly get swamped with the water, and in his panicked state of mind hadn't even considered becoming something that lived in water. he hated what was happening now, hated that he couldn't use the fire to keep himself warm or do anything, and as a larger wave slammed into him he stumbled a few steps back, nearly being swept off his feet. out of the corner of his eye he saw atticus and kiara and some others he recognised, but his vision went dark as more liquid crashed over his body. he managed a shrill scream before he went under, and he struggled to get a foothold on the ground that was softening into mud alarmingly quickly.


lucinder x — tanglewood — 7 months

Re: THE END IS NIGH ⚘ tropical storm event - Seven - 09-28-2022

[b]"Get to higher ground, get in the trees, get out of the water." She ordered around, following her own orders as she tried to clamber onto the porch roof of her house to little avail. But as she finally stood upon the roofing, her ears picked up Lucinder's scream. "Lucinder! No!" She roared, trying to pinpoint his outline before the sudden crash of a wave distracted her.

Water drenched her face and the regent inched up the roof. In the grand scheme of things, she was [i]useless.