Beasts of Beyond
show no fear, my dear ;; defying the storm - Printable Version

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show no fear, my dear ;; defying the storm - Cobra - 09-19-2022

And I am the devil that you forgot -

the first drop of rain hit vio on his head as he lay coiled on the river shore. the male let his eyes snap open and his head tilt back to glance up at the storm rolling in. the eyes of an ancient beast that understood what was coming. as the winds began to howl, he watched. he watched and he simply understood. many a storm like this rolled over him ages ago.

this will destroy many lives.

his mind thought back to the many moons before. watching dragons struggling to protect their young from storms. watching eggs or hatchlings ripped away. most were never seen again. the ones that were,  well, they were not always alive. he was not one of them. he never had a mate or a clutch. yet, he thought of that she-dragon he met and the people that lived further inland.

they will suffer.

the brute let his head raise as the rain crashed down suddenly. it was head and the winds were pushing him, though he was not going to let them blow him over. he shook his head and lifted his frame up. slithering across the earth with ease. the beast was not pleased with having to disturb his nap. this was not his day.

she will suffer and so will you.

his own mind taunted him until he stopped dead in his movement. anger in those eyes as he looked up into the whipping winds and pouring rains. his mouth parted and a bellowing roar left him. one of defiance. he was not going to let some storm make him doubt his power. not now. not ever.


Re: show no fear, my dear ;; defying the storm - Chernabog - 09-19-2022

As much as Chernabog wanted to huddle in her nest to wait out the storm, she chalked it up to old parental instincts she no longer needed and set out anyway. Even as the rain began to fall, she moved through the desert toward the only damn thing she liked now. Or, she supposed he was the only being she could tolerate. One who could match her power.

Wind resisted her movement but soon she had appeared near Vio, hearing his roar. Her own roar began with a deep inhale, and several trudging steps forward before she finally stood next to him. Then, she angled her maw up toward the storming sky and opened it, and the horrid sound that left her was one of the loudest roars she'd ever given. And she closed her maw and breathed again. It was quite fun to challenge the forces of nature.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: show no fear, my dear ;; defying the storm - FIVE PEBBLES - 09-20-2022

Re: show no fear, my dear ;; defying the storm - Cobra - 09-25-2022

And I am the devil that you forgot -

a bellowing roar followed his and he let his head turn to see her. chern was a welcomed sight and he was pleased. then, he heard a second roar and his head perked. snake like body rearing up to look at the stranger to him. another to defy a storm that was anything but welcomed. it was thrilling and that was saying something for the ancient beast.

he let his body move once more, in a swaying motion. winds and rains pelting him, but he only swayed from time to time. the storm brings out the powerful members, i see. he rumbled as he let those lovely eyes flick over chern and pebbles. he loved this weather. he loved knowing he was a force of nature not unlike this. and, from what he could tell, these two were as well.
