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in love with the risk + intro - Printable Version

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in love with the risk + intro - MICK - 09-19-2022

A leather brace lay atop a stone worktable in the central plaza. Fastened to the rim was a mechanism that, when pulled by way of mouth, would produce a serrated steel blade. Although the sawtooth indentations in the blade happened to be well-worn and rusted, they were sharp enough to nick the feline in the cheek as he put the finishing touches on his weapon. But he was satisfied in his pain. For it to be dangerous enough to inadvertently draw his blood, he knew that it would make for a cunning weapon in the heat of battle.

A simple tune rumbled in the feline's throat as he licked his paw and wiped the part of his face which stung. He would snort as he observed the redness that clung to his silver fur. "Ought to be careful around this toy," he silently mused, before pulling back on the mechanism and sheathing the blade for the time being. Though he worked in the shade of a canopy tent, the cat found himself panting on account of the arid heat. He much preferred the canopy provided by the Pitt's jungle regions - perhaps when everything was done and dusted, he could test his tool on some mushrooms, or perhaps a very tall fern.

All in all, the switchblade-bracer (or switch-bracer for short) was finished. After two days' worth of work, adding the last of the adornments today, all that needed to be done now was testing the thing out. Mick slipped his right paw into the piece and tightened the laces with a pull from his mouth. It clung to him like honey, which wasn't a problem - apart from the fact that he'd forgotten to implement an easy way to loosen it. Moving on to the mechanism, he gave it a yank and nigh lacerated his very throat as the blade sprung forth.

"Excellent," the tabby meowed, completely ignoring the wound on his cheek in his triumph.

Re: in love with the risk + intro - Night of No Stars - 09-19-2022

the smell of blood made her head spin and she limped steadily towards the smell. it was only moments later that she spotted the stranger in the plaza. her eyes falling on them and taking in their appearance. right down to the cut on their cheek. the woman would slowly moved over and took a seat. blood mist optics fixed on the stranger before she scrawled her name in the earth between them.

'helo i am always dead.' a simply greeting if the other could read. she was getting good at writing upside down so others could read it. she wished she could find a note book to write in. alas, there was no such luck yet.


Re: in love with the risk + intro - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 09-20-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

the same blood that alerted alwaysdead notified jormungand too. ears flicking up and tailtip twitching his gaze followed the mute female as she stalked over to a newcomer almost hungrily. he supposed he should also go and greet a newcomer, so he padded over slowly, muscles bringing him easily over. watched the stranger complete his little build, unsheathing the blade at his throat. alwaysdead wrote her name into the ground as jormungand approached, glancing at the stranger's cut. "you need some help finding your way about? i've seen you here for the past few days - you have a place to stay?" he wasn't going to ask anything else, just sat down and curled his tail around his paws.

Re: in love with the risk + intro - MICK - 09-20-2022

Narrowed eyes trailed the unfamiliar feline as she drew near. He half-expected her to call out some sort of greeting, hence Mick's brows knit together in response to her silence. But the stranger carried no malice with their step, and when she sat down in the dirt just a metre away, her Pittian scent wafted into his system. She was a local, a friend. And while she scrawled her salutations into the earth, the tabby's harsh gaze faltered.

"Is that your name, a title, or an affliction?" he asked curtly, peering over the ridge of his worktable. Mick gestured vaguely towards the inscription that she had left in the ground. Having spent enough time in the company of others around these parts, the male has met many who claimed to be undead, or some sort of reincarnated entity. A small smile emerged from beneath a crooked brow. "I'm Mick," he said. "Vagrant, drifter, and as of recent days, Pittian."

The movement of another feline - a much larger feline at that - soon caught his eye, and his line of vision then drifted towards the approaching individual. It wasn't often that Mick had the height advantage over a panther, and he felt a rare shred of dignity as he stared down the male. "I've got my bearings," he meowed, nodding whilst he said so, "been here for a little bit, but I've lived in these parts long enough to know what's going on." The silver tabby could recall the Pitt's diplomatic endeavours during its bloodied days, how it practiced slavery and consistently waged war against its neighbours. That era has seemingly come to an end, yet the clan remains as one born from a brutal past. That image allured Mick, it drew him to the group.

The feline crouched down, gave his rump a little wiggle, and leapt onto the soil, so as to close the distance between him and the other two cats. He stretches out his paw that wore the bracer so that the lever-switch faced both 'Always Dead' and the panther. "Give'r a tug," he instructs. Should either of them listen, the blade would rapidly unsheathe. Mick loved to show off his little creations.

Re: in love with the risk + intro - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 09-20-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

so the kitty cat had been here for a while, hadn't he? well, jormungand had been here for much longer and the maurader knew it. he greeted the other with a small smile, flicking his tail, pleased. hopefully the stranger knew the rules, because jormungand really couldn't be bothered recalling all of them and telling the other them. his muscles tensed briefly, then relaxed again, as he studied mick. the other hopped forward, perhaps to startle the pair? but jormungand was not fazed. mick offered that one of them pull the collar, and jormungand declined. he had seen what mick was building out of it, not to mention the fresh blood on his cheek. alwaysdead could pull the collar if she wanted, but he wasn't a fool.

Re: in love with the risk + intro - MICK - 09-21-2022

Mick would grimace at the panther's hesitation. "It ain't going to kill ya, big guy," he mewled, gesturing the same paw once again. The brace wasn't all too large - it covered the length from his elbow to ankle, and the blade's breadth was similar in size. Nothing that would cause serious harm, should the larger feline be dumb enough to stand in its way.

Noting the panther's lack of interest, the outstretched paw drifts towards Alwaysdead. "C'mon, humour me," said Mick, "I put my blood, sweat, and tears into this thing."

Re: in love with the risk + intro - AEGON - 09-21-2022

A new face always interested the quiet soul. Another animal to claim, another to taunt, and another to observe with watchful eyes until their final moments. Aegon was pleased at the sight of another coming across his pastel gaze and treaded forward towards the three that gathered. He watched as Jormungand hesitated towards Mick gesture as he came to a halt. Sighing, he looked up to Mick and offered a disappointed shrug.

His eyes shifted to Jormungand. "Coward," he uttered lowly, attempting to taunt him into grabbing Mick's arm. The Pitt was all about blood shed and violence. For a proclaimed king, the panther could barely spare a drop for the sake of humoring an audience. Not surprising though. He had always been a chicken beneath that sickening grimace, no matter what the panther claimed. Aegon, per usual, could see through the façade. Maybe for once they'd jump at an opportunity that would benefit others, not just themselves. The lion was one to say that internally though... Ironic.

Whether or not the other offered their assistance, he furrowed his brow and returned to Mick. "Aegon," said the horseman. He was not a man of many words. He preferred not to meddle, but to watch.

Re: in love with the risk + intro - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 09-22-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


IC TEXT | IC opinions only

"i know it will not kill me." he just couldn't be bothered to humor anybody. he wasn't an entertainer, there was no point for him to perform an action everyone had seen mick just do. what was the reason? he wasn't scared, and once hearing aegon scoff that he was a coward the panther let out a low bark of laughter. "i have no need to pull his collar, i am no coward. i have seen what he has created and there is no need to do the exact same thing. mick has just displayed his creation, and if you want to see it so badly why do you not pull it?" he wasn't a coward. aegon didn't know what the hell he was talking about. if jormungand were a coward would he have merlin's wings hanging in his house? would he have the brand left by sojourn on his chest? he did not cry when he received it, had he? there was so much aegon didn't know about him, and the panther smirked. if the other wasn't careful he'd attack him instead. it would be much more worth it than a mere scratch caused by mick's work. it was true, the pitt was all about bloodshed and violence and jormungand had no problems with that, but if aegon wanted a display of violence a tiny scratch was not it. the violence the maurader preferred would be tearing aegon's windpipe out.

Re: in love with the risk + intro - MICK - 09-22-2022

A shallow sigh would expire from his throat as Mick saw that his offer wasn't going anywhere. The outstretched paw plants itself in the grainy ground below, collecting sand on the leather armpiece. Pity. He figured that the Pittians would enjoy a good show of outstanding weaponsmithing.

Now sitting upon his haunches, the tabby observed with tapered eyes as another individual encroached on his position. This one carried himself in a baleful manner, with a nasal piercing to boot. Based on appearance alone, Mick surmised that this one would at least harbour some interest in the piece. But no attempt to activate it was made on the lion's part.

"Mick," reciprocated the much-smaller feline, donning a grin at Aegon's taunt. His line of vision then darted towards the panther, who didn't appear to appreciate the name-calling as much. If he shan't be entertained through these Pittians testing out his device, then sitting back and watching the bickering would suffice. Pushing them a little further may prove worthwhile, too. Watching a test of strength, observing the Pitt's physical hierarchy - such knowledge would be useful to possess in the long run of things.

"I must beg the question," he said asudden, facing Jormangund, "which do you fear more? My toy, or Aegon?" 

Re: in love with the risk + intro - AEGON - 09-22-2022

Another self-proclaimed tough guy with a tendency for violence. Aegon had seen it before in many of his years and even challenged a few, but never wished to tussle with them, knowing their true identities underneath their rough, muscular physicalities. After all, as he stared at Jormungand during their rant, he could only continue to qualify them as a coward. A display of their proclaimed violence to prove their strength, something they had to be self-conscious of if they needed to, was truly unnecessary. The lion merely offered a huff. "If you wish to threaten me with baseless violence," he rumbled, "Then you are a coward with no wit."

As he stared out at the other with slitted eyes, he blindly reached out to attempt to grab Mick's daggered arm. Whether or not the knife slide from it's position (and if Mick's paw was grabbed), he would remain still and watch Jormungand's reaction carefully with interest. "Pick your answer carefully." Death did not hold back, as it was all mortal's fate, and would not hold back on some miscreant who decided to play rough to uphold


By moving Mick's arm appropriately, the knife shot from it's sheath and out onto Aegon's forearm. The horseman did not pull away. Instead, he let the knife dig in further to his skin. Crimson started to don the knife's edge, some dripping down onto the jungle's greenery below. Without flinching, he used his free paw to unhinge the knife's tip from his flesh and gently pushed it back into Mick's sleeve, leaving the blood to rub against the leather. 

His forearm entered his hindsight, finally looking away from Jormungand. Pastel hues watched as the blood dripped down onto his acorn-colored fur, offering a narrow gazed in response to the mortal liquid dropping to the floor. Unlike Jormungand, he knew his strengths and weaknesses, willing to test them before other's eyes. Aegon knew his power. He did not need to question it through threats of violence. His title dictated what he could do, even while wearing mortal flesh and bone.

Liquid continued to gush from the wound and Aegon raised his arm once again, flicking it in Jormungand's direction and attempting to cover the other's features in his blood. "Take what you desire, coward," he dully taunted.