Beasts of Beyond
BRING ME TO LIFE ⚘ harvest - Printable Version

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BRING ME TO LIFE ⚘ harvest - aesior - 09-19-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
(set before the storm thread)

the early morning sun felt good on his aching back and pelt, the tom having taken his cheetah body once again, to make it easier to communicate with those that would accompany him today. today was the big day, where they ought to tackle the most of the harvest that they could get. it would help them survive through the winter, and to fill their bellies. limping through camp to the marble statue in the center of town, he would settle beneath it, setting down a basket filled with a great manner of shears, scythes, knives, and axes. exhaling, he would look up to the sky as it slowly lit up and the great ball of gas and fire rose higher and higher slowly. eyes narrowing, brows furrowing as he lashed his tongue as he stared at the sun, the dark taste on his tongue reminding him of his nightmares escaped only an hour or so ago. clearing his throat, he sat down in the former statue's shade, calling out to the morning inhabitants, "Alright, harvest starts today! Gather before me to be split into work teams! I want one team coming with me to help me cut down the fields, and I want another team to go through the territory and forage what you can of berries, roots and leaves. If we have any bees, I want that reported back to me, and I also want you on the lookout for bulrushes, tall grasses and the like. If you spot any saplings in the fields, cut them down and drag them to the side of the field. Rocks we will work together to move." he called out, watching in satisfaction as some bodies began to appear. Tail curling about his paws, he exhaled wearily, back aching despite the herbs he'd taken that morning for the pain. Seven would have his head for this, but he couldn't do much about it. The group needed to get on the move.

aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef

Re: BRING ME TO LIFE ⚘ harvest - Kiara Kokytos - 09-20-2022

- tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

harvesting? that she could do. why not? she padded over to answer aesior's call, a small smile forming on her face as she set sights on the new luminary. "hello aesior, i'd love to help out if there's something for me to do!" she watched him sigh deeply, shoulders drooping as if the weight of the world was resting on his shoulders. the job of a luminary was heavy, after all. she decided to walk over to him, gently touching his shoulder with a paw. "hey, you alright? you seem really stressed. is there anything i can do, harvest related aside?"