Beasts of Beyond
AS I WENT AWAY I KNEW WHAT TO SAY ⚘ rainstorm - Printable Version

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AS I WENT AWAY I KNEW WHAT TO SAY ⚘ rainstorm - aesior - 09-19-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
There was something in the air that inspired him to drag himself from his place in the tavern and from his rest, something static in it that drew him out and away from the warm comfort of relaxing in the evening gloom. Gaze peering out from where he laid near to the hearth, both soaking up the chill of the hearth and what little warmth the small fire within it gave him. Frowning as he noticed that it was darker than normal for this time of evening, he abandoned his ale to stiffly stand up and drag himself from the comfort of indoors. Pleasant conversation had kept the Luminary from noticing the shrill whisper of wind coursing the trees, only now noticing it as it forced it's way through the trees, drowning out the regular sounds of frogs calling out.

Now that he thought about it, he'd seen quite a few birds in flight throughout the week but especially today, and it was so still right now, with not an animal's sound stirring his ears. Fur rising at the silence, breath growing thin in his chest as he looked up at the skies with a nervous lashing of his tail. Something like relief filled him as the sound of distant thunder rumbled through his ears and into his paws through the ground. Slow budding lilacs fully bloomed upon his pelt, a calming scent among many other things. It wouldn't be all that bad to have more rain, so long as their harvest was done in time. Luckily, he and a few others had done a major amount of work out in the fields and he felt satisfied with what they had gotten done for the day.

Fur ruffling as he gazed at the dark and rolling skies, waving his tail at his fellow tavern patrons, deciding he would go off and walk around the camp to soothe his nerves and his aching joints. Everything hurt five times more than normal but he accredited that to the incident with Ares, not to any change in the weather patterns though he supposed it would be smart to consider that a reason. Stepping from the tavern, his tail would slowly float to rest just over the ground, feeling the dry dust kicking up from his paws. Inhaling, he was relieved to catch the scent of rain on the air, worrying all they would get was a lightning storm. The territory wasn't so dry as to worry about a fire, but he couldn't help but worry about it. There was so much to worry about but he had to keep his head.

Lowering his head to sniff at some of the encroaching plants, he would jolt in surprise as a fat raindrop landed on his head and rolled down his nose. Lifting his head and partially covering his gaze with a paw, he looked at the gray skies, glimpsing rain drops beginning to fall and gorgeous sheet lightning arching across the sky, the boom of thunder that followed shaking him to the bones and setting nearby windows a-rattle. Gasping as he flattened his ears as the skies opened up and let loose it's heavy downpour of rain. It only took a few seconds of helping a mother take her children indoors to drench the gray tabby through, thin frame evident. Pausing to make an effort to wipe rain from his gaze, looking for shelter or a way back to the tavern, helping to make efforts to make sure his Tanglers were making it safely inside. Debating, he paused and shook himself out, feeling his veil immediately weigh down again and frowning. Temporarily in the shelter of a tree, he clambered onto it's roots, digging his claws in for some balance.

aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef

Re: AS I WENT AWAY I KNEW WHAT TO SAY ⚘ rainstorm - Kiara Kokytos - 09-19-2022

- tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

gods she had missed much. chaos. tanglewood. she had been lying on the ground curled in on herself as she noticed aesior leaving the tavern. she shot him a friendly smile, unsure if he wanted company. who cares? you live, you die. better do what you want. she stood, padding over to him. ears flicking she murmured a small hello but fell silent again, picking up the sounds of the world. or rather, the lack of. everything was silent save the whooshing of wind flattening her short fur against her spine.

aesior looked nervous as he looked up in the sky, and the coyote parted her maw to taste the air. something didn't settle right with her and she clenched her jaw, gaze drawn to the flowers that grew on the luminary's fur. he dipped his head to smell some plants and his body tensed as a raindrop landed square in the middle of his head. a laugh bubbled in her throat as he flattened his ears.

then the sky let loose.

instantly they were drenched. she didn't mind the water, but this was an alarmingly large quantity. there wasn't many places to go without tearing through the shrubs and she didn't want to get caught outside if it flooded, so she bounded towards some trees.