Beasts of Beyond

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+---- Thread: WE KNOW WE'LL ONLY LAST TILL DAWN ⚘ SEPTEMBER MEETING & TAKEOVER (/showthread.php?tid=17343)


"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
TLDR:: Aesior has taken over as Luminary. Old buildings will be destroyed, and expansion to the North will begin, and with the expansion, trees will be cut down and used to rebuild the buildings come spring. Patrols should begin on the Northern borders, with Atticus being named as the first patrol as well as fixing signage. Come spring, a greenhouse, orchard and new silos will be constructed nearest to the farm and the farm will be sowed with new crops. a fire will occur following harvest, and a corn maze is asked to be created. Mercury has been assigned to repairing the farm.  brand new event: the farmers market. there is the introduction of a brand new rank within the group, kept hush hush - dm teef for details. new titles for those who are crafty! ask aesior for more info on it - a new building will be made for them. pranking has been removed as a tradition and replaced with raid training. Ambassadors and alliances are to be discussed IC - who wants what etc. Seven has been promoted to Shadow Reaper with acceptance of Dio.

This was not the place that he wanted to find himself, let alone in these circumstances. breath misting around his whiskers as the injured Tangler made his way from his home in the early morning mists, coughing at the chill in the air. Slow was his pace as he approached the center of the town of Tanglewood, his tail sweeping over dewy grass and flowers, eyes on trees that were beginning to trigger into their fall-time decorations of auburn, gold, amber and brown. His eyes roamed over the sleepy encampment, his thoughts ranging back to the fateful conversation he'd shared with Corrupttimelines, shared in the warmth of his home sometime after he'd returned to the swamps. His heart clenched in his chest at the memory of letting the other tom into the sanctuary of four walls and all of his herbs and plants, amongst the mess he called his own home. He could still hear those fateful words ringing in his ears.

"I ... I need to go in search of someone important. I won't be here for a while, and I don't know when I'll be back. I want you to look after Tanglewood until then.", he could have sworn his heart had dropped to his stomach when the Luminary had confided in him that he would be leaving for some time. He had known it then, as well as he knew it now, that Cory was never going to be what he had wanted him to be. It was something else, acknowledging that the other had won his feelings from a heart that he never thought would open itself again. It was a whole other thing, realizing that those chances were far beyond shot and that he just had to pick up the pieces of a fragile heart and keep carrying on. What he hadn't expected, was for Cory to ask him to look after the sleepy swamp town. His fur and skin had prickled with cold nerves and realization of the importance of those words, just as his skin prickled again. He was mute, how was he supposed to look after them? How was he going to speak to them? Not everybody could read. And shapeshifting was surely going to cause him a lot of pain but he had little choice. Cory had left big pawprints to fill, and he wasn't sure if he'd do him proud, or do the group justice. Any of the Luminaries from the past. Could he make his way among those heroes of legend?

Looking up to the sky as he paused, swearing he felt the shadows pressing in closer, the spirits going silent as a cold breeze shook through the fall dressed trees and through the town, mussing his fur and whiskers. He could swear that he saw a ghost standing so far away, at the edges of his vision, wearing a smile on it's muzzle, a glint of pride in it's eyes. Throat closing up as he stared at the ghost that only he could see, taking a shaky breath and nodding. He would do them as proud as he could, he would bring Tanglewood to a new place among the other groups of the Beyond. He would be alright, they all would be.

Taking a breath as he forced his body into a shift, holding his breath as his body changed, his injuries and back screaming at him. Sobbing from the agony that coursed through his every neural passage, the tom changed from tom-cat to cheetah, the very body his spine had been injured in. Shaking as he caught his breath, willing strength through his body, feeling the reassuring weight of his crow companion landing on his shoulder, steadying himself with it's presence. Gritting his teeth, he straightened his body up, well aware of the tightness that was his throat, scratchy and rough, breathing evening as he took the steps necessary to walk into the middle of the town where there was little flora. Stretching his limbs, he leapt upon the old marble blob that had once been the town's statue, opening his jaws and calling out to the silent houses, "TANGLEWOOD! ASSEMBLE IN THE TOWN SQUARE FOR A MEETING!", his unfamiliar voice echoed out, his fur rising at the eerie echo. Hopefully they recognized his scent and crow.

Watching the curious faces opening doors and stepping out, he would slide down to the foot and base of the statue. When enough expectant individuals had gathered, and his voice wasn't going to tremble, he would breath in, gaze searching for that spirit. Swallowing, he turned his head to those gathered, "You might not recognize me in this body, but I am Aesior. And I'm taking over as Luminary for Corrupttimelines. I gave him time to return, but he has departed to search for someone important to him, and has asked me to look after you all. I hope you'll accept me as your new Luminary.", he took a brief pause, coughing erupting from him before he recovered enough breath to speak, his voice changing from rough and almost alien, to a smoother tone, his throat getting used to the action and it's requirements, once again.

Letting those below speak amongst themselves, he covered his muzzle with his paw as another few coughs escaped him, clearing his throat and beginning again, "With my leadership, a lot will be changing around here. The first thing I wish to address is the continued efforts to repair the buildings around town. Following the burning down of Merlin's  old home, it has come to my attention that we need to work on fire-proofing the town, and we need to take down the houses that are too damaged to continue standing. Come spring, we will be rebuilding those homes, and with the aid of those with earth elementals, the new houses will be constructed. The wood from the old buildings will be used as firewood to get us through the winter as it encroaches upon us. As for the new buildings, we will be expanding North, leading to new dangers, new opportunities, and new land.", gazing around the town, he took the chance to point out some of the most decrepit of structures, "With our Northern expansion, we will be cutting down trees in the area of The Farm, and in the North. We will be adding lumber as an item that we have to trade, while we use the lumber we need to rebuild in the spring. The ground will not accept new lumber this late in the year, and I do not wish to see houses collapsing on denizens because of permafrost and stupidity. Those of you whose homes are necessary to be destroyed, I ask that you seek shelter with your groupmates, or with myself. As soon as the proper weather comes in the spring, we will be erecting new homes for you.", he let his gaze fall on a few worried faces, giving them a warm and comforting smile. Nobody wanted to see landmarks of the territory taken down, but for the safety of all involved, it was a necessary sacrifice.

Clearing his throat, he would begin again, "In the cleared land closest to The Farm, we will be constructing a greenhouse for vegetables and such, as well as an orchard and a new silo. We will see if it is desired by the mass, but I am considering the addition of a Watch-tower to that region, so that we may see any fires or encroaching enemies. I will leave that to you to discuss. As for the territory in general, we will be locating the signage that we navigate by, and we will be repairing or replacing them as seen fit, as well as marking our new territories. I want patrols to go about that. Atticus, I want you to do this, and I want you to start exploring Northwards, take a patrol with you.", he would give out the first order, ears swiveling for sounds of disagreement from any gathered.

"Onto another matter. The Farm hasn't been touched, and it's come harvest time. I have already set up the necessary means to trade foods and such, but next year, we must begin growing our own. This year, we have the few crops left to seed by those before us, and a field of corn. It is now autumn, and the perfect time to start holding some events for ourselves and the groups that we wish to ally with. While we are at harvest, I would like to see a maze being made in the corn, we should be able to have some fun. I will personally start this project, but I want to see everyone pitching in to harvest what we can find about our territory. As for the rest of the Farm, Mercury, I want you to go about repairing the fences and livestock shelters, take those you wish with you. When the fields have been harvested, we will be burning the fields. We need to clear out the overgrowth and every other unpleasant plant that has made it's home in our fields. This will be a monitored burn. In other news, we will be preparing for a Farmers Market. If you know of any merchants or individuals looking to sell or trade their wares, please direct them to me or our territory. I will be looking to hire craftsfolk during this time as well, and for new faces to train for ... certain roles. We will be putting some of our livestock up for sale, so keep in mind to look for potential buyers. What we want in return for this is food goods such as salt, sugar, dried tack, and potentially arms. Depending on how well received this is, I will be looking at introducing a caravan to circulate through the lands." he broke to cough, ears flattening at the taste on his tongue.

Gods help him, would he be able to get through this? He was only partly caught up on the things he wished to discuss. Struggling to swallow for a moment, he began again, "I am seeking those who are lithe and quick to action. Please meet with me after this meeting, I have a few things I would like to speak with you about. Another few things to bring up. I am looking to introduce a new title to the titles we currently have, and with it a new kind of career. This title series would be those of Master Craftsmen, Craftsmen and Apprentice Craftsmen. Their tags will be designated as glass, iron, and nickel, with three scores for Master, two for Craftsmen and one for Apprentice. Approach me to get yours if you would like to bear this title and the job associated with it; this is for those who have skill and talent with crafts, medicines, trades, espionage, and mercantile skills. You will also be asked to search for apprentices to teach your skills and talents to, and if my plan to speak to other leaders goes well, you may be able to seek out apprentices from other groups. There will also be a building created for those to work their craft in, or store the finished product. It will be called The Craft Hall. Feel free to build your own work stations in there, or outside of. That building will be the main teaching and storage building."

"I will be officially revoking the tradition of Pranking. We have seen little use of it, and of course, those of you who wish to keep this tradition, may feel free to continue pranking but it will no longer be a tradition that we hold. I would instead like to replace this tradition with another that may see little use, admittedly. I will be approaching groups that we wish to ally ourselves with, or are neutral with. The proposition I give you is that of raid-training. Tanglewood has a lot of territory to use to our advantages, but should we step into another territory, it would be wise to understand fighting styles of the groups that call those lands home, and how they use them. Therefore, I wish to hold both raid-training within our own group, as well as with another group. This will allow us to improve our battle styles, our defenses, and our battle tactics. This will be accompanied by a game similar to capture the flag."

"And finally, I wish to let you all know that I am looking to make use of our Ambassadors. We will need new Ambassadors to The Typhoon and to The Pitt. Merlin may continue to function in her role of Ambassador to the Coalition of The Condemned, but should she wish, she may step down. Please speak to me about wanting to apply for these roles. Until then, I will assign myself to The Pitt. I will be visiting each group within the week to discuss our positions of alliance, and I ask you all - what are your thoughts on alliances with what group? Mh. I am looking to promote individuals who are active amongst the community, and with that, [member=17923]Seven[/member] I would like to ask if you would like to step up to the position of Shadow Reaper. I have faith that you would do well in the role, but you may retain your medic status regardless. I would be happy to have a trusted friend at my side. As for the matter of the expansion and exploration, I will hold another meeting soon to discuss this in further details. Feel free to start your own patrols of the area in the meantime, but be careful. We don't know what's out there just yet. That will be all. Feel free to approach me with any questions you may have.", he finally finished, face twisting at the pain in his throat. He was going to pay for this. Standing up from his place at the bottom of the statue, he made to move among his new people, in search of Seven to ask for some honey at the least.

aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef


After a while, Seven couldn't help but wonder about the silence of Tanglewood. The unannounced absence of Corrupttimelines put her on edge, and eventually she was wondering who was going to step up. And it was no surprise that she would be one of the first to arrive at Aesior's call. A satchel was hung around her neck, full of medicinal things and a small jar of honey. It proved to be quite useful whenever someone ran to her on account of a sore throat.

The announcement of his rise to leadership was a welcome one - even if Cory had trusted Seven to lead, she would surely struggle with the blindness, and that was already hard enough as it was. And Aesior could shapeshift into a speaking form, while she couldn't shapeshift into a seeing form. And as the cheetah continued on, went among the changes he wanted to do, Seven couldn't help but sit up a little straighter. He was certainly a working man.

And when she was asked to step up in the ranks, her mouth was left slightly agape. His second in command. Quickly she nodded, though. [b]"I would love to. And with that, I'll be looking out for those interested in the Medical field. It would do well to have another medic." She stood, looking around with glazed eyes. "And if anyone has need of shelter, my home is your home."


- tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

she had tuned out after luminary rose and luminary fell. she just attended the meetings to listen to empty promises before they either left, died, or became distrustful. aesior however, was different. she trusted he could actually pull everything he said through. seven was announced as shadow reaper, she didn't care. the new shadow reaper announced she would be glad to teach people who were interested about medicine, and kiara padded over with a small smile. "congratulations seven! do you mind teaching me a little bit about medicine? it would be useful to know some basic healing in case shit hits the fan, from one reaper to another."


merlin e. gwynne
long-time member of tanglewood
"the unicorn knight"
penned by teef
[div style="height: 100px; width: 100px; background:url(; background-position: center; background-size: cover; border-radius: 15px; border: solid 1px #8E2323; padding-top: 50px; padding-left; 0px;"]space
actions || "speech" || thoughts
    It had come as little surprise to the lioness that there was another change in leadership. It seemed that there was no cement leadership save for perhaps the Coalition. Leaders rose and fell every day it seemed, at least to her. Cory's disappearance resonated with something inside of her, though she couldn't nail it. Though, she had faith that Aesior would stick around for longer than the other Luminaries ... she hoped. Like how she wished that she knew what happened to Elsweyr.

Blinking as her own name was mentioned, she dipped her head, "I will keep my place as Ambassador to The Coalition, Luminary.", she responded back, studying the way that he moved and spoke. The cheetah body had been a surprise but she couldn't blame him, it would be impossible to communicate with his regular body. Nodding in congratulations to Seven, she rose to her paws with a stretch, enjoying the early morning sun soaking into her dark tresses of fur. Perhaps she could get to work on tearing down some buildings? Her own wounds were much more healed, a few spots still sparse on fur that was slowly growing over the burns and around the scar tissue of skin that hadn't made it against the heat of her burning home.
code by teef


The call came from a familiar voice, but he did not expect a their face when he arrived. Atticus furrowed his browline. A new leader? Corruptedtimelines did not last quite that long, but Atticus was not necessarily impartial. In fact, he was rather neutral. He wasn't around for their leadership that often and stuck to his own devices in that time, alluring to the past and hiding in his home. The time was healing. Maybe this new leadership could push his journey in life further, rather than inhibiting it. After all, Aesior seemed like a level-headed guy.

As he listened, his ears pinned back. Atticus couldn't help but feel hesitant by expansion though. The Coalition of the Condemned wanted to expand too, although in another's territory, and was met with blowback. Maybe this was for the better though. With a sigh, he hoped that Aesior would be careful with his northern expansion and lead with his head, rather than his claws. The feline internally prayed his predictions were true. Unfortunately for him, the task was directly assigned to Atticus. He bit down sharply on his tongue. 'Fuck,' his thoughts snarled. Oh, the irony.

Without any protest, the feline called back out to the leader. "Will do," he declared. "And, if I may, I'd like to be The Pitt's ambassador and visit on my way up north." Seeing some old faces would not hurt. At least he thought so.

Northern patrol request thread!