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Official HP Try-Outs for the Typhoon - Printable Version

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Official HP Try-Outs for the Typhoon - wifewoof - 09-15-2022

Typhoon HP Try-Outs
Howdy, howdy, it's finally time to fill in the empty spots of the Typhoon's leadership! Each position will have a description of what they do, as well as how many spots are open. Without further ado, here's what we got.

? Quartermaster -- The second in command and the equivalent of a deputy. They enforce the laws and may hold raids and events as well as accept any alliance-based invitations or ideas from members of the clan. They assist and advise the Captain. Referred to as "Quartermaster Name."
[one slot]

? Soothsayer -- Assistant deputy / the head of the Necro Mambas and the division overseer for it. They are the top healers that focus on strengthening the group through medicine. They are allowed to hold medical events as well as accept any alliance-based invitations or smaller ideas from crewmates. They may also hold funerals as well as weddings. Referred to as "Soothsayer Name."

? Sage -- The apprentice of the Soothsayer. They are the healers in training that work alongside the Soothsayer and focus on strengthening the group through medicine. They are allowed to hold medical events as well as accept any alliance-based invitations or smaller ideas from members of the clan. They may offer help with funerals and weddings. Referred to as "Sage Name."
[slot two open]

? Officer -- Assistant deputy / the head of the Grim Rays and the division overseer for it. They are the top battle strategists and fighters, experienced with weaponry and war-planning. They can hold battle training events and accept invitations from alliances and small ideas from crewmates. They are generally the best blacksmiths, ensuring each crewmate has a means of protecting themselves. Referred to as ''Officer Name."
[one slot]

? Dealer -- Assistant deputy / The head of the Blackjack Rats and the division overseer for it. They are the top social event planners and the closest connections to the outside world. They are allowed to create events for the groups and the alliances, accepting invitations from alliances and small ideas from crewmates. They also are the finest spies. Referred to as "Dealer Name."

Semi-High Positions

? Reavers -- The highest role that one can achieve before deciding what their main division specialty will be to improve Typhoon as an assistant deputy. The reavers are known as members that have proven their worth many times and can be the general overseer of the lower ranks, creating mini-meetings to ensure that the lower ranks are doing their job. They may accept ally invitations for events and small ideas from crewmates and create raids/attacks.
[slot two open]

?Privateers -- A rank given to those that have managed to remain active from their regular position and have contributed enough to be considered an important part of the Typhoon. They are seen as the police/rescuers of the Typhoon. They may accept events but must seek acceptance from higher positions for raids.
[two slots]

The ranks are not first come, first serve! There will be careful consideration for the HP positions; the SHP positions will take activity and/or plot ideas into consideration.
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Character Description/Bio:[/b]
[b]Potential Plots/Ideas:[/b]


Re: Official HP Try-Outs for the Typhoon - Casphian - 09-19-2022

Username: Casphian
Character Name: Ube Sorbet Flóki
Character Description/Bio: Bio
Position: Quatermaster
Potential Plots/Ideas:
All of these can/would be thought out more this is just small snippets for now

- During the Calypso event Sorbet would hold a sandcastle building contest for anyone within the group including those not in divisions, the reward for the winner if possible would be a title if not would need to be the thought on
- After the Storm even holding a swimming training session would be good, typhooners need to know how to swim-
- Along with that setting up an evacuation plan for if anything goes wrong along with setting up different shelters for different weather events to help keep everyone safe to the best of the groups abilities
- Potentially hold a feast to welcome all the newcomers and also to celebrate all who have been promoted recently?

Re: Official HP Try-Outs for the Typhoon - Cobra - 09-29-2022

Username: Cobra
Character Name: Boots
Character Description/Bio: loyal. traditional. leader. honest. dignified. dedicated. kind. wrathful. inflexible. overly friendly.
Position: Dealer
Potential Plots/Ideas: i had the idea for some fishing style events, such as a fishing class, or a fish cookout.
i was also thinking of holding swimming classes, for reasons, and a storm escape class.


Username: Cobra
Character Name: Melpomene
Character Description/Bio: kind, friendly, loyal, hard working, cold, cruel, heartless
Position: Soothsayer
Potential Plots/Ideas: i think monthly check ups would be good. maybe teaching basic first aid.

Re: Official HP Try-Outs for the Typhoon - wifewoof - 10-09-2022

[member=1138]Finnick[/member] [member=23546]Sorbet.[/member] You can start Sorbet as Quartermaster & @Cobra you can start Boots as Dealer when you can <3

Both will be announced at October monthly meeting <333

Re: Official HP Try-Outs for the Typhoon - Orion - 12-31-2022

Might throw Alexandre up in here sometime. <3

Re: Official HP Try-Outs for the Typhoon - Alexandre - 01-04-2023

— alexandre f.m.r
Username: Orion
Character Name: Alexandre
Character Description/Bio: Biography link
Position: Soothsayer / Sage / Reaver
Potential Plots/Ideas: Smile Just... things. (aka I need to brainstorm, but mainly regarding specifics.)
Plots here:

Re: Official HP Try-Outs for the Typhoon - LOKI FLÓKI - 01-09-2023

Username: windowmemer
Character Name: Loki Flóki
Character Description/Bio:
Position: Sage
Potential Plots/Ideas: thinking!

Re: Official HP Try-Outs for the Typhoon - wifewoof - 01-13-2023

Re: Official HP Try-Outs for the Typhoon - LOKI FLÓKI - 01-13-2023


Re: Official HP Try-Outs for the Typhoon - axiom - 01-15-2023

Username: awry
Character name: Rosemary Roux
Character Description/Bio: clicky, tho it's a bit outdated
Position(s) you are interested in: Soothsayer or Sage, though she does better as not the head of the necromambas, as it's less stressful for her and allows her to focus on random healing-related side quests rather than the drudgery of healing while maintaining a bedside manner.
Potential plots/Ideas:
- Trade as a Necessity for Healing Supplies: Rosemary has a history of going to neutrals and allies for healing trade! She’s done this with Palm Glades, Frostblown, and Tanglewoods, including when Palm Glades wasn’t a boarded group. This is a great way to get other groups involved with the Typhoon, as well as give allied groups a way to interact with the Typhoon. This also adds a touch of realism, because not all herbal plants grow in every biome!
- Pro-Alliances: Despite acting like a hermit, Rosemary thinks the more allies the Typhoon has, the better off the pirates are. She would like to see Tanglewoods become an ally once again. However, she would also not be opposed to an alliance with the CotC—yup, she’s a weird one.
- Tarot Card Readings (and the Future): Rosemary does tarot card readings for the Typhoon’s members, though she could also be persuaded to do them for members of other groups! I alway thought it’d be hilarious if an enemy group captured her thinking she can legit see the future, but they ask for a Tarot Reading and she’s like “wtf really you should’ve just asked.”
Why would your character's position be beneficial for their group and what do you offer to the group as a whole?:
- Adviser with no interest in Leadership: Rosemary has never been interested in being promoted to quartermaster or, even worse, captain. This means she’s not interested in personal glory or trying to one-up other hps; she consistently puts her group first, though whether she’s correct in her judgement… well, she’s been wrong before.
- IC HP Experience: Rosemary Roux has been a healer in the Typhoon since Captain Pincher’s reign. During that time, she’s been an on-again off-again sage or soothsayer, depending on my own activity and interest. When as a soothsayer, Rosemary is always willing to trade for healing resources, to teach other characters healing, and (obviously) heal any pirate or their allies. Her approach to picking sages is simply to watch for interested individuals, give them resources to learn, and watch to see if they step up; I’ve learned this is one of the best ways to select healer hp characters without causing a weird “exclusive club” vibe in the healing team.