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MIA + apology - Printable Version

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MIA + apology - nefarius - 06-02-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color: black; padding: 20px"]Hello.

Unfortunately I have yet to roleplay on this site, and I doubt that time is near - my muse is dry and I'm going through some tough things that prevent me from taking up an interest in things I once dabbled in. As a result, my activity has not been the greatest, and due to that I have been withdrawn from the community lately. I would like to abruptly apologize on behalf of myself briefly, to address that I know this isn't an excuse but my depression/anxiety has worsened as of late and I am quite the bubble of toxicity. I am not usually like this. I apologize if I made anyone upset during this time. It was not my intention.

I will not be returning to the Discord any time soon because of this; I do not work well in groups, especially more mature settings, where I cannot express certain qualities of mine that have no place there. If you would like to contact me, feel free to send me a message on here - my username changes often and is rarely ever consistent.

This is not an official leave, but more of a hiatus notice that should've been posted a long, long time ago.

Re: MIA + apology - spacexual - 06-02-2018

sorry to hear things aren't going well, nef. if you ever need someone to talk to, my pms are always open (on here + on discord) and i hope things do get better soon. there's absolutely no pressure to being on here and posting, though! real life is much more important than any ol' website. it can be hard to deal with depression + anxiety spikes, so i understand the need of a break. do whatever you feel is necessary + healthy to get better. i wish you the best and again, hope things get better soon!

Re: MIA + apology - Orion - 06-02-2018

Hey dude,

I'm all with Space on this one. Things along the road will get better and there is no pressure of being here if you are not comfortable. It's your life. Focus on the outside and then come back to us when you're in a better place. As always, I can talk to you through Discord and feel free to hmu here also. I was wondering what was happening with your activity anyways, so I'm glad you supplied a reason for your leave.

You mean a ton to me, dude. ILY and I'll be texting you.