Beasts of Beyond
How could you do this? How could you lie to me? || Kold - Printable Version

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How could you do this? How could you lie to me? || Kold - Casphian - 09-12-2022

He couldn't believe she was here. God it still felt so surreal that Kold was actually here. Part of Icarus still didn't want to believe that his own sister had been in this group all along and now they were finally reunited. He wonders if maybe this is all just some dream and any second now he is going to wake up and have to face reality all over again.

He lifted a paw up from where he was sat, the appendage moving to rake a claw across his other paw. Yea no that hurt, he was definitely not dreaming right now. With a soft sigh Icarus move to lay down, front paws crossing and his head lowering to rest on them. It felt so weird being in a group now, especially without his papa here but he supposed he would get used to it eventually.

Re: How could you do this? How could you lie to me? || Kold - Kold - 09-12-2022

To say that she couldn't contain her joy at being reunited with her brother was a huge understatement. With the sparks of fire that resonated from her fur, it was easy to say she was about to burst. The canine finally found out that at least someone from her birth family was alive. And it seemed Boy was ecstatic for an Uncle. Good. It was like she could actually be in a family again.

The wolf skull that acted as her shoulder shield bounced as she moved, the flimsy metal that created the armor needed a lot of maintenance. Perhaps Imperialhymns could assist with that. Black eyes spotted her brother and she quickened her pace. "Icarus!" She barked, stopping next to him. "How's group life treating you, not too many people messing with you?"
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Marauder of The Pitt - 3 year, 8 months
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: How could you do this? How could you lie to me? || Kold - Casphian - 09-12-2022

Icarus had been lost in deep thought when Kold came bounding up. He hadn't heard her approach and was easily startled with a jolt of his body when she spoke up rather loudly. His gaze flicked up towards her, head lifting as he slowly pushed himself up to sit. "It's alright," he mused softly. "It's a lot to take in, I'm not used to living in a group, especially not one this big," he hummed. "It was just me and papa for so long that I never got the chance to find out what it was like to live with other's. But papa went missing some time ago and so I finally decided to leave our home in search of him and hopefully somewhere to stay," he hummed as he looked over to Kold. "You haven't seen papa have you?"

Re: How could you do this? How could you lie to me? || Kold - Kold - 09-12-2022

Kold sat down next to him as Icarus spoke, smiling like a kid on Christmas. But the smile dropped as he mentioned their father. So it was just him and their dad for a while...? Trying not to look at her shoulder armor she shrugged. "Only once. He was stopping by... didn't stay long though." And that wasn't the complete truth, but half lies didn't hurt as bad. "That was... a good... maybe two years or so ago. I can't remember." Her eyes fell to the ground below her, voice shaking slightly. Her wings covered her shoulders subconsciously.
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Marauder of The Pitt - 3 year, 8 months
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: How could you do this? How could you lie to me? || Kold - Casphian - 09-12-2022

Icarus tilted his head, his tail curling around his body and resting on his paws. "Did he say where he was going?" he asked excitedly. "Maybe if we hurry we can catch up to him and find him again!" he said, bouncing up onto his paws. He padded away a bit before turning around and facing Kold once more, tail wagging excitedly. "C'mon sister we gotta go! We gotta find papa so we can be a family again!" he said.

Re: How could you do this? How could you lie to me? || Kold - Kold - 09-12-2022

The corners of her lips pulled into a fierce frown, anguish gripping her heart as she listened to Icarus. Her breath was shaky for a moment, but as he urged her to stand up and try to find their father, she stood. And the armor of a wolf skull and metal sheets fell from their spot, collapsing to the ground with a sickening rattle. She steeled herself. "We could search this entire island and not find him. He's gone." Kold spoke with a steady voice, gaze shifting to the wolf skull. His wolf skull.

With one final breath, she dared to look into Icarus' eyes. "He's dead, Icarus."
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Marauder of The Pitt - 3 year, 8 months
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: How could you do this? How could you lie to me? || Kold - Casphian - 09-12-2022

His tail stopped wagging. His tail dropped, curling between his legs as Kold spoke. His ears flattened against his head which lowered as he began to speak. "What..?" he asked, voice silent as he spoke. Icarus couldn't believe it, no he refused to believe it. "H-How do you know that he's gone?" the question came out shaky. His orbs flicked towards the skull that had fallen towards the ground, the eyes seeming to stare deep into his soul almost as if they were calling out to him.

His heart pounded against his chest, paws stepping back a bit. He shook his head, refusing to believe that his papa was gone. No he couldn't be, it couldn't be true. "You're wrong Kold! He can't be dead, I refuse to believe that he is gone!"

Re: How could you do this? How could you lie to me? || Kold - Kold - 09-12-2022

She couldn't take it anymore. With a rattled breath, she took the skull and batted it toward Icarus. "That's his skull. That's how I know he's gone. How I know he's dead." For a second she hesitated. But slowly she collected her thoughts, knowing this wasn't going to end well and deciding to start digging her grave.

"There's a ritual The Pitt has. The Blooding. You live out in the wastes for seven days and hunt down something big. Use it's skull or a flat bone to make armor once you get back." She did not fear death. She survived that. The wrath of her brother? That was a different story.
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Marauder of The Pitt - 3 year, 8 months
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: How could you do this? How could you lie to me? || Kold - Casphian - 09-12-2022

Icarus stumbled away from the skull when it was slid towards him. He stared down at it as Kold spoke, telling him about the so called ritual. He didn't speak for several long minutes, his head lowered and hair covering his eyes from the other. "You killed our father...?" he asked, the words soft and devoid of emotion.

Finally his head lifted, silver strands falling away as he moved. Anger and pain filled orbs stared Kold down, tears pricking the corner of his eyes before falling down his cheeks and curling under his muzzle. His lips curled back in a snarl before he even spoke. "You killed him and for what? Some sick a twisted ceremony that this stupid group has?" he snarled out, each word drew him closer and closer to Kold. "You killed the only person we had left on this god forsaken planet all so you could fit in somewhere?!"

Re: How could you do this? How could you lie to me? || Kold - Kold - 09-12-2022

Even though she knew what was going to happen, she couldn't help but shrink back in mild fear as he fell silent. Soft words, angry eyes, and then snarls. Though the insult to her group made her involuntarily snarl. "He was the reason I started living here. You didn't have to deal with being dropped off at the edge of a sandy hell with nothing more than a mournful howl. You didn't have to deal with a panther telling you that your father left you to die. I spent almost two years here all because he wanted to drop me here as a child." Her voice didn't raise in volume, consistently steady.

"I was lucky to had been adopted by the leader and his daughter. I probably wouldn't had been around long if it weren't for them."
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Marauder of The Pitt - 3 year, 8 months
[sup]© tikki[/sup]