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of gods and men ;; joiner - Printable Version

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of gods and men ;; joiner - Cobra - 09-09-2022

And I am the devil that you forgot -

thoomp-thoomp. thoomp-thoomp. thoomp-thoomp.

the sound of his own heart woke him from his slumber on the ocean floor. dark green eyes snapping open as a low growl sends bubbles to the surface far above. his eyes took some time to focus in the dim light around him. once they did he would notice something. the world around him was much different than before he went to sleep.

the fact that the reef had grown in around him. even upon his on body as if he was never alive. how long had he been asleep? such an important question, but one he spent little time investigating. his focus on the screaming hunger he felt in his belly. the beast watched fish darting away as the bubbles rose under them.

to small.

the male was starving and he knew he needed to move. the coral cracking and crumbling around him. he needed to be free of his ocean tomb. twenty foot body unfurling slowly as he moved to the surface like a snake. gliding through the water with grace and power. he needed air first, then he could hunt for something more suitable. something larger and more filling.

he was not used to these strange creatures in the slightest. where were the giant reptiles and sharks? his normal food sources that brought him pleasure to rip appart? he wished he understood how long he had been out. resting on that cold sandy floor after that duel to the death. it would seem he won at the very least.


his mind screamed as the hunger set in. one last motion of his serpant like frame and he was there. his nostrels poked out of the waves and he exhailed. mist blowing into the sky before he inhailed and dove back under the water. body propelling through the waves for the food his mind called out for. then he heard the sound of something familiar, but not at the same time.

it was the sounds of dolphins nearby the male caused a slight pause. he let his body sink to the sands under him. he waited for them to appear and then he lurched after them. maw nashing until the blood filled the ocean around him. squeaking and clicking. slick bodies darting this way and that in a panic. by the time the water cleared, he was swimming away with the now dead dolphin in maw.

the serpant like dragon moved until he was in shallow water. his body slowly sank to the sands, but his ten foot tall self stuck out above the waves still. dropping the dolphin onto the surface of the water, he would begin his meal. he would feast on his prize until there was nothing left to show the dolphin had ever been there. he was full and he was pleased. now to solve his next problem.

what woke him?

this troubled him, but he did not have much to go on. outside a strange smell of rot on the winds. that smell brought him into motion once more. the male swished through the water once more until he had entered the river. swimming just below the waters surface as he moved towards some unknown destination.

from time to time, his head would raise above the wave to scent the air. body moving through the rive until he was surrounded by the scent. he swam in a tight circle, coiling his frame on the river bed. head raising back up to break the surface again. eyes seeking something, but alas he found..


eyes narrowed, he would lower his head back under the water. not knowing that someone, or something, had already seen him there.


Re: of gods and men ;; joiner - Chernabog - 09-09-2022

Jaws snapped around as she hunted along the river bed, finding very little except for small crocodiles and rodents that weren't quite filling for such a beast. This caused an agitated groan to leave her, and claws scored the sands in frustration. Both hunger and grief wracked her body now; finding it hard to accept that Renlys was just about gone. Hatred seethed in her, sounded with a low hiss as she sniffed around.

That's when she saw it. Him? It. Probably it. Just a glimpse of something reptilian in the river. Another dragon? Could her heart take it? A low rumble left her and she had no hesitation as she moved forward. The rumble became a low, annoyed growl. Show yourself. Lunge at me, I dare you. She thought as she hovered over the water, arrow-tipped tongue flicking out before sliding back into her mouth.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: of gods and men ;; joiner - Cobra - 09-09-2022

And I am the devil that you forgot -

shadows above him, far to large to be a bird, but not the right shape for one of the old flying reptiles. this was a dragon, much like himself and it must know why the smell is here, taunting him. this dragon was not like him, as it flew on wings and he had no such power. that alone was enough to send anger swelling in him.

the ocean beasts of old were gone, but this flying lizard was still here from all those ages ago? he felt bitter about such a thing. jealous, even. the growl was a challenge and vio never backed down from one. why would he back down from something so blatent?

he lunged up, with no intent on biting, but mostly splashing and causing a scare. he simply wanted this beast to leave his space. hes little spot in the river where he was planning to rest.


Re: of gods and men ;; joiner - Chernabog - 09-13-2022

There it went. Chernabog reeled back with fervor, a snarl on her face as the serpent lunged. Her body, heavy with muscle and steel-like bones reared upward, powerful forelegs lifting up. Her wings planted themselves into the ground for balance and she roared. That terrible scream akin to a broken cello.

One of her talons raised upward, and for a second she flexes it into a fist, then relaxes to allow the second thumb freedom. Then she attempted to slap Vio hard enough to send him to the ground. "FOOL!" She seethed, fins fluttering.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: of gods and men ;; joiner - Cobra - 09-13-2022

And I am the devil that you forgot -

this dragon did not flinch, but rather stood its ground. a strong slap sent him sideways and onto the dry land. all twenty feet of him landing hard on the earth bafore he coiled his body up tightly. eyes locked on this dragon, which he could now tell was female. perhaps that lunge was not his best idea without studying the flying beast.

then again, he did learn that she was no coward like the many he startled away before. you are not like the many before you. you show no fear of the unknown. his voice was deep and gravely from lack of use. though, it was clearly a tone of respect as he looked the other over.

raising his head up and letting his body sift into a tense ready to strike coiled s shape. the brute let his head tilt down a bit as he looked on. i am viopteoises. is this your river? before my slumber, the winged dragons dwelled high in the mountain caves.

he spoke as if he was both surprised and curious.


Re: of gods and men ;; joiner - Chernabog - 09-13-2022

Well. That wasn't expected. Her eyes followed Vio as he fell, and she thought he would try and attack again. But he spoke. As she lowered her body she examined her talon. Did she really have that kind of power behind that slap? Her lips lifted in a snarling grin as she looked back at him. Chernabog straightened herself up a bit, looking a little elegant for how she was just acting. "After living for millions of years, the Unknown doesn't scare me." Her size, her stature, her attitude itself, it all played into how she acted to things she did not know. And that usually was just fighting it or testing it's strength.

His tone made her grin even more genuine. Which made her face ever so slightly scarier. "This river belongs to The Pitt. I help defend the group from trespassers such as yourself." She flicked a talon toward him. "I am Chernabog. I used to live in caves and mountains, millions of years ago. But the world has changed."
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: of gods and men ;; joiner - Cobra - 09-14-2022

And I am the devil that you forgot -

the beast let his eyes glance back to the water a few feet away. he had never been out on land this long before now. the words she spoke brought his gaze back to her in time to see the elegant way the woman held her head. she lived millions of years like him? did he sleep that long and she was awake all that time?

that was curious, really. i see. the ancient beast kept his eyes on her as he hummed in thought. though the sound was more of a rumble in nature. the woman spoke and vio felt his tail swish. uncoiling his body slightly. he had a lot to learn if what she said was true.

the pitt. things must have changed. i slumbered far to long, it seems. the fact he slept through many changes was frustrating. there is a lot i must learn. i am not used to places being owned by more than a pair.

he left out the mated pair line. he did not want to offend her, for now. i would like to stay, if that is allowed. perhaps i could learn from you.


Re: of gods and men ;; joiner - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 09-18-2022

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

he would watch, head tilted softly to the side, a smile on his lips. how he had missed this, the violence, the bloodshed, the fury. he could taste it in the air. it was beautiful. his tailtip twitched, chernabog seemed to me handling the situation well. notifying the trespasser of the territory he was on.

the male coughed softly to alert both of them of his presence. once he had made himself known, he stood and padded over to the beasts, ignoring their size advantage over him and listening to the newcomer state he wish to join. "i am jormungand. as for your wish to join, you'll need to wait for one of our ardents."