Beasts of Beyond
DIAMONDS IN THE SKY ⚘ new growth - Printable Version

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DIAMONDS IN THE SKY ⚘ new growth - aesior - 09-07-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
as of recent, his pelt had been feeling itchy in the worst way. he couldn't figure it out, any matter of creams or topical lotions were of no aid to him. lifting his head from the dusty pillows he'd come to sleep upon on his porch, a light blanket covering his small frame. it was easier to move out in the open, where he wasn't in danger of knocking over his own belongings when his muscles spasmed and seized up. exhaling as he struggled to relax his body even with the difficult to aleve itching sensation rippling through his fur and skin. groaning to himself as he shifted under his blanket, drawing himself slowly to his paws.

as his blanket fell away, he was greeted by the startling sight of multi-toned opulent and opaque crystals budding from the fur upon his forearms and from his shoulders. he was nearly afraid to take in the appearance of the rest of his body, afraid to see the strange change. swallowing anxiously, he licked his lips, worry taking him. what was the cause for them to appear? was it a return of his powers? he could only think of the regalia he wore in his lion form, inspired perhaps, to try and make a ribcage of crystal rather than the bone one he wore. shaking his head faintly, he slowly looked back over his shoulder, breath catching at the sight of small growths of crystal running along his spine and some inching down where he surmised his ribs should be. swallowing, he sat back down, trying to come to terms with the growths. were they a good sign or a bad sign, would they hurt him? so-on so-forth, he worried.

aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef