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Hearts beating fast, colors and promises || Byriath - Printable Version

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Hearts beating fast, colors and promises || Byriath - Casphian - 09-07-2022

Saturn Nightshade
Wanderer of CPTC
penned by Finnick
[div style="height: 100px; width: 100px; background:url(; background-position: center; background-size: cover; border-radius: 15px; border: solid 1px #3D82AB; padding-top: 50px; padding-left; 0px;"]space
I used to hear a simple song
that was until you came along- ꧂
    The signs were all there, yet they couldn't quite seem to believe it. Saturn sat in the middle of their home, thoughts running wild as they completely blocked out the world. It couldn't be real could it? They couldn't truly be pregnant could they? Well they have been in this new form of theirs lately so it wouldn't be surprising if so. The husbands already had adoptive kids together so they wouldn't be worried about Byriath rejecting them...right? Why was Saturn so anxious to tell him? He shouldn't be so nervous to tell Byriath but for some reason they were. Maybe it was because this would be their first litter?

Saturn drew in a shaky breath, ears pinning back as they tried to calm their nerves. But it wasn't helping, nothing was working to calm them down. Where was Byriath? When would he be home? Saturn wanted to tell him sooner rather than later but the act of waiting was causing the feline to grow impatient.

꧁ - Now in its place is something new
I hear it when I look at you
code by teef

Re: Hearts beating fast, colors and promises || Byriath - Byriath - 09-08-2022

Re: Hearts beating fast, colors and promises || Byriath - Casphian - 09-11-2022

Saturn Nightshade
Wanderer of COTC
penned by Finnick
[div style="height: 100px; width: 100px; background:url(; background-position: center; background-size: cover; border-radius: 15px; border: solid 1px #3D82AB; padding-top: 50px; padding-left; 0px;"]space
I used to hear a simple song
that was until you came along- ꧂
    Saturn snapped out of their daze when they heard Byriath's voice ring out across their home. They stood up from where they sat, turning to head off towards their husband, their own ring jingling as they padded through the home. As they drew closer to their husband they finally greeted him, albeit softly but it was at least something. "Sorry I'm here, I was just in the other room," they mused. They moved to attempt to nuzzle under his chin with a soft purr.

꧁ - Now in its place is something new
I hear it when I look at you
code by teef