Beasts of Beyond
Please won't you hold me? It's all too much || Overstimulated - Printable Version

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Please won't you hold me? It's all too much || Overstimulated - Casphian - 09-07-2022

Saturn Nightshade
Wanderer of COTC
penned by Finnick
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I used to hear a simple song
that was until you came along- ꧂
TW for panic attack and overstimulated

    A couple months back a rather eventful day happened, one that would shed light on the snow leopard. That day they found out they could shapeshift, that day they were able to see again. They had awoken that morning after an eventful dream, their eyes blinking open and it took them a moment to realize that they weren't just seeing darkness but instead it was fully of color and shapes and things they had longed to see for years. Their gaze would drift towards their lover, a gasp slipping past their lips when they finally laid their eyes on Byriath. So many emotions filled the Xenosmilus, but the main one had been love and admiration for him.

As the time passed they steadily grew used to the seeing once more but they still had times where it would become too much and too overwhelming for the feline. That's where they found themself now, curled up in the corner of their home they share with Byriath. Soft whimpers slipped past their muzzle as their paws curled around their eyes, trying everything in their might to block out the light. Soon the sound of everything became too much and the steady slip into a breakdown filled with overstimulation turned into being thrown into it. Their breathing picked up as a panic attack slowly began to wash over them. They wanted to call out for Byr to come save them, for anyone to come save them but the only thing that came out was a sound of distress.

꧁ - Now in its place is something new
I hear it when I look at you
code by teef

Re: Please won't you hold me? It's all too much || Overstimulated - Byriath - 09-08-2022