Beasts of Beyond
Ube Sorbet Floki bio - Printable Version

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Ube Sorbet Floki bio - Casphian - 09-07-2022

Ube Sorbet Flóki
◦━ Ube Sorbet Flóki
◦━ future names // past names
◦━ Sorbet + Ice cream brother

◦━ 3 years 5 months + Typhoon

◦━ Female // Trans masc // He/him
◦━ Demisexual // Homoromantic + Demiromantic
◦━ 1/2 of shipname

◦━ Typhoon
◦━ Therapist
◦━ Crewmate
◦━ loyal to his people not the group

◦━ voiceclaim
◦━ faceclaim
Sorbet grew up with his brother Sherbet, the two being born two minutes apart(Sherbet being the "older brother"). He had a relatively normal childhood and as he got older felt the itch to go exploring so once he was older enough he left home for a few years to explore the world and find out what was out there.

TW: mentions of death and abuse

Once Sorbet was on his own he had a roughly couple of months at first, struggling to figure out how to find food and how to survive on his own. During this time he met another cat, Vikas, and the two quickly grew close. Sorbet fell madly in love with him, following Vikas around like a lost little puppy. After months of knowing each other the two eventually decided to enter a relationship and everything was all fine and lovely at first but slowly things began to change between the two. As the months passed, Vikas became more and more cruel towards Sorbet, things becoming quickly toxic and abusive between the two. Nearly two years into the relationship Sorbet found out he was pregnant with Vikas's kits and things seemed to flourish between the two but the second the kits were born everything crumbled once more. The winter that year was harsh and the food was scarce, it was during once particularly harsh night that the cold had grown to be too much for the kits. Sorbet ended up loosing his litter, Vikas having been no where in sight during this time. Sorbet, being absolutely terrified of the punishment he would face, fled during the night and raced off towards the Typhoon. There he would shove down every bit of fear that he felt, locking away his inner demons that followed him and instead focusing on reuniting with his brother.

has the character made any big accomplishments or recieved any awards? if these are in-character accomplishments, they could be relevant to the personality or plots related to the character. fot ic/ooc promotions, list threads and a small description of the thread. this can be used as an important thread tracker for the character as well, including any guides or explanations of the character. this should be a place where important life events are explained and potential plots listed. etc
◦━ [url=http://"HERE"]thread one[/url] - quick description here
◦━ thread two - quick description here
◦━ thread three - quick description here

He regrets ever meeting Vikas and regrets ever bringing a litter into the world. He keeps what happened during that time a secret, refusing to tell anyone what happened. He has only told Sherbet a little of what happened, mostly just tidbits of his relationship with Vikas. He keeps the litter a secret that he hopes to never have to tell anyone.
Sorbet is an intelligent feline, he strives on strategy and organization. He loves to set up events to boost moral in his people. He keeps a level head when it comes to anything stressful, always taking everything head on and never carelessly rushing into anything. He always looks at both sides of a story before making his decision on something, always weighing the pros and cons as well.

Sorbet has a tendency to come off standoffish and cold towards anyone, especially those who are new. He doesn't trust anyone except for his brother, refusing to hand out such a fragile thing once more. He also loves to jokingly flirt with anyone who will give him a bit of attention, which quickly gives him the title playboy but it doesn't seem to bother him. He bottles up all of his negative emotions, refusing to let anything show until eventually it explodes on him and he is left dealing with a breakdown. Sorbet also deals with said breakdowns alone but usually anyone can tell it's coming since he tends to lash out more.

Sorbet loves the scent and feeling of the rain. He loves to be able to just curl up outside and let the rain pour down onto him, usually ending up falling asleep during this. He enjoys the cold, finding the act of curling up next to a fire to warm himself being one of his favorite things to do. Most of the time he is found reading something or sewing, a strange thing for him to enjoy but that has never bothered him. He dislikes getting too hot, his thick fur making it easy for him to overheat during the summers. He also hates being startled and snuck up on, he ends up being mad for hours at anyone who does it to him. He often makes fun of his brother for hating sand but let's be honest, he secretly dislikes it too but can he truly help it seeing as he is an ice cream cat and all. He also enjoys being mischievous, usually pranking his brother and the people of the Typhoon, loving the feeling of being carefree and childish.
He dreams to one day be rid of his demons, to one day be able to fall in love again and start a family of his own but to him this dream seems impossible to reach. So instead he focuses all his attention on the goal of helping the Typhoon and seeing the group flourish once more and he hopes to one day be able to do that.
PARENTS & GUARDIAN FIGURES - this is the area to describe the relationship with certain figures (erase this once done)
◦━ mother (close? distant?) life status
◦━ father (close? distant?) life status
◦━ guardians? (close? distant?) life status
◦━ foster parents? life status

SIBLINGS - same as parents
◦━ younger siblings
◦━ name + gender + life status + closeness (on site? group?)
◦━ older siblings
◦━ Sherbert Flóki + male + alive + very close (on site?- yes  group?- Typhoon)

◦━ name + gender + life status + closeness
◦━ name + gender + life status + closeness

◦━ past mentor? - name (status + closeness)
◦━ current mentor? - name (status + closeness)
◦━ past apprentices? - name, name, name
◦━ current apprentices? - name, name, name

◦━ past partners? - Vikas(reason for separation? Abuse + Fiancé)
◦━ current partners - name (type of partnership)
◦━ crushes - name (status + group)

FRIENDS & ENEMIES - are they best friends, close friends, acquaintances, are they passive enemies, aggressive enemies, mortal enemies? why are they enemies?
◦━ Scyllios - not really close as of now
◦━ name - closeness

◦━ name - closeness - reason for animosity
◦━ name - closeness - reason for animosity
◦━ Species - Animal
◦━ race or breed - Ice cream cat - Maine Coon

◦━ height + weight - Average height and weight for a Maine Coon
◦━ general build/description of musculature - Has a more muscular build due to his species, legs are a bit more on the shorter side.

◦━ hair or pelt color + length - Different shades of purple + Long and curly/wavy  + drippy
◦━ eye color - Light purplish pink
◦━ accessories - None
◦━ scars - None
◦━ tattoos or marks - Multiple markings

◦━ powers - answer (proficiency)
◦━ bodies - answer [ref]
◦━ health of bodies - answer (body)
template credit @ teef