Beasts of Beyond
one step at a time | ear piercing | I can make it - Printable Version

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one step at a time | ear piercing | I can make it - SHERBET - 09-07-2022

NEW TAB: sherbet - male - feline - tags - typhoon
Sherbet was willing to admit, this wasn't the greatest idea when it was just becoming dark and things were more dangerous. But, he was determine, and already committed, and he bothered the current stand-in for command to let him do it at sunset instead of sunrise, so he can't turn back now. Paws already aching from wandering shore, Sherbet had the map clinched tight in his spare satchel, eyes sharp as he began his search.


Muddy paws stopped, a few claws broken from digging, two out of three charms in his little satchel holding the map. Disbelief crossed his face, fear swimming in his green orbs: the last charm was across the channel to another island. Skittering back from the sea spray he welcomed hours ago, the night sky didn't do much to illuminate where the water was. His body trembled, whiskered quivering as he slowly got back into motion. Then, with a burst of speed, sprinted back as quietly as he could to where he kept his boats, the ones finished and unfinished, the ones he's too scared to use due to fear of the water. Sherbet quickly pushed one into the water, his heart racing and his body shaking like a leaf.

The ocean was gently rocking, once he floated further out, his body quaking as it slowly approached the island he needed to get the last charm. After what felt like agonizing hours, in reality was maybe less than an hour, the boat touched the other beach. Springing, and falling due to his fear response, he scrambled up and looked at the map once again. Eyes glinting, Sherbet raced off, claws aching and hurting, his body draining of energy. Finally, finally, he found the last one.

Now it's time for the last part.


Sherbet, in all his life, never thought he'd be hiking back to his house with the emerald of the Blackjack Rats in his satchel, rather never thought he'd be two pawsteps from falling into a volcano. He never thought he'd do the ceremony, he never really felt, feels, connected with the Typhoon like he did with the Palm Glades, but this...this he decided was his step to making the Typhoon feel like home.

Pausing, the ice cream cat let out a groan of exhaustion, and changed course to the piercing parlor. He still needed to get his ears done.


Stumbling, it was a little past sunrise, and his ears puffy and inflamed. Two black gauges (normal sized) were now set in his ears, as well as the standard golden hoop for the Typhoon in his right ear, the emerald mineral charm glinting in the sunlight.

All he wanted to do was go home and take a nice hot bath to soothe his aching paws, broken claws, and sleep off the bone deep tiredness from being over the water.

Re: one step at a time | ear piercing | I can make it - Casphian - 09-07-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
You picked me like a flower, didn't expect the thorns! -- Ice Cream cat. Crewmate of the Typhoon.
Sorbet was unaware of his brothers escapades, happily asleep as the other ice cream cat set off early that morning on an adventure that seemed well beyond his understanding. As the soft rays of light finally filtered into his home and onto his eyes, awaking the feline, he would sit up with a stretch and a yawn. An ear flicked as he sleepily looked around, taking a moment to blink away the last little bit of sleep. Eventually he would push himself up onto his paws and set to work getting ready for the day.

Once he was ready Sorbet stepped out of his home, lazily looking around the area and taking in who was awake and who was still asleep. It wouldn't take long for him to spot the familiar color of his brother and the tom would take off towards the other. As Sorbet drew closer, his light colored orbs would zero in on the new piercings. A disgruntled sigh slipped past his muzzle, his dripping tail lashing behind him a bit as he finally stopped close to his brother. "Sherbet what is that in your ears?" he asked, an air of disappointment seeming to surround the younger of the two.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #C3B1E1. -- You say that I'm too frigid, didn't know what you were in for!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: one step at a time | ear piercing | I can make it - SHERBET - 09-07-2022

NEW TAB: sherbet - male - feline - tags - typhoon
Slumping against his large brother, Sherbet heaved a huge sigh, "I may have, at the spur of the moment and at the incorrect time, did the Division Ceremony." His words held a tinge of pride despite the exhaustion, "I...don't really feel very connected here, so I thought doing the traditions here would help." The rainbow sherbet tabby lightly pawed his ear, and winced, "So, I got the golden hoop required for the Division charm, and I asked the shop to add what they thought would look best, which apparently, was these gauges."

Sherbet was basically snuggled into his brother's large frame, and drippy fluff, as he murmured, "It's a step in accepting the Glades is gone, and I can move on."

Re: one step at a time | ear piercing | I can make it - Casphian - 09-07-2022

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
You picked me like a flower, didn't expect the thorns! -- Ice Cream cat. Crewmate of the Typhoon.
Sorbet felt his brother's weigh lean on him and he automatically adjusted his stance to account for it. He rest his cheek on Sherbet's head, humming softly as he listened to the other speak. "I do no know your pain of loosing the Glades but I do understand not feeling connected to this place," he hummed. Even though Sorbet had been here for some time now and had grown used to the people and their ways he still had time where he felt like an outcast. "I hope that this has helped you to feel more at peace here Sherbet, you deserve to be able to call this place your home."

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #C3B1E1. -- You say that I'm too frigid, didn't know what you were in for!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: one step at a time | ear piercing | I can make it - Cobra - 09-08-2022

Until you kissed my lips and you saved me -

boots always wanted to get an earring, but was a bit to timid to try for it. that and his parents would roll in their graves. it was just a fact of his life. he worried thy would be upset with him, despite being gone. yet, as he came across the siblings, boots felt his ears perk and eyes go wide.


the males breath hitched as he watched sherbet a moment before blinking rapidly. he could not just stand there like an idiot. though it was far to late for that. that smile returns to his face as he dips his head slightly in greeting.


that looks good on you sherbet. he offered ith a swish of his tail. he missed their conversation, but that was fine. he was still thrilled with how this looked on sherbet.


Re: one step at a time | ear piercing | I can make it - NO SIGNIFICANT HARASSMENT - 09-09-2022