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THE SUN GOES DOWN ⚘ bbq event and beach party - Printable Version

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THE SUN GOES DOWN ⚘ bbq event and beach party - aesior - 09-07-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
the summer's sun had been beating down on tanglewood so fiercely as of late, it often had the tom hiding from the sun's glare in the shade of over-arching trees and cooling his heated body in muddy shallows. such warmth had him craving for fruit juices and grilled meats, something that he would wonder if he was alone in. with the shape that his body was in, he knew that he would need aid, and so, he'd sent a few birds out with some hastily scrawled notes to some of the outlying groups in search of the helping hands he would need, and had so far, found thus within the coalition in the forms of byriath and plexus. plexus would bring teas and bandaids and well, byriath would help him with the physical labor part, he needed a bigger individual to help him out with that after all, with his buggered back. the plan was set into motion, and he just hoped that some would come to enjoy it.

huffing as he paused to catch his breath, looking around the beach that he'd found out in the neutral lands, his body screaming in protest at the major movement he'd done as of late. his body was too weak to shapeshift, leaving him enjoying the cool shade of the trees and bushes, breeze blowing through his fur and cooling the sweat that overwhelmed his form. panting softly, he would raise a paw to wipe sweat from his eyes as he gazed about, pain sparking through his form as he grit his teeth and pushed himself back up. The beach was soon assembled with aid from Byriath, a large pit and an old grate haphazardly made of metals covering a bunch of firewood within the pit, stripped sticks and metal pipes and things freed of the tanglewood junkyard laying beside it, ready for food to be put on them and grilled. there, in the shade, lay jugs and containers of juice, freshly made from natural fruits and vegetables, appropriate amounts of sugar added from his dwindling supply. it looked like he would need to find someone who grew sugarcane, or try it out himself, to restock it. off to the other side, also within shade, lay a few corpses of big prey animals, buffalo, goat, deer, and so-on, so-forth. these corpses would be pulled apart come time for grilling the meats.

looking down to the shore and the buckets he'd fished out of the junkyard some time earlier, he would smile at the sight, reminded of different times, a lifetime or so ago. brightly colored pavilions would be set up around the beach, to allow for shade and comfort if the sun got too hot. further down the beach, closer to the water, stood another pavilion, though this one held hollow chutes of bamboo, filled with a flammable and explosive mix of potassium nitrate, sulfur and charcoal, to make the things known as fireworks to those who had witnessed them before. practice made perfect, and he'd managed to purchase some from another passing merchant, making for hopefully, a fun evening.

for those more aquatically gifted or loving, the sea was near for games and all the more, with games of 'retrieve', 'hide and seek' as well as 'marco-polo' planned, at the least. the beach was perfect for other games, such as 'volleyball' with a ball of hides inflated with the help of npcs with the use of air and flame. for the adults attending, there laid aside a small bar of alcohols, raided from tanglewood's store, his own blends, and some from other merchants.

the tom watched the skies, for signs of his crows returning to him. each crow had been fitted with a letter that had been delivered to each group, or had been given to the typhoon's captain morrision to take and deliver to the groups around the beyond, small or big, officially recognized by each other or not. it was a time of communal celebration, with politics left behind, and hosted in the hopes of bringing some happiness to the folk of the place they called home, and a good time to cool off in good company.

aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef

Re: THE SUN GOES DOWN ⚘ bbq event and beach party - Byriath - 09-08-2022