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Let's go to the garden, you'll find something waiting || Xenosmilus cubs - Printable Version

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Let's go to the garden, you'll find something waiting || Xenosmilus cubs - Casphian - 09-07-2022

[shadow=black,right]Saturn Nightshade[/shadow] xx [shadow=black,right]Byriath Nightshade[/shadow]
Saturn is a Wanderer of COTC. Saturn is a very doting and motherly individual. Always doing their best to take care of others and will also happily smack someone for not taking care of themselves. They also come off as very naive and childlike, choosing to ignore the bad in the world and instead look at every that is good and happy. Yet this doesn't stop them from being serious when they need to be and will quickly protect those that they care about.

Byriath is a Guru of COTC. Byriath is a commited and loyal creature who tends to come off as cruel and unkind to those around him. But anyone who knows the man truly has seen his somewhat softer side. He is protective of others but has also been known to be cruel and violent towards others, especially those who anger him and threaten his family.
[shadow=black,right]STORY[/shadow] Buckle up this is a long one
Saturn and Byriath met roughly two or so years ago when Saturn joined the COTC. It didn't take long for the two to develop feelings for each other but they constantly danced around each other until they finally decided to settle down and enter a relationship. During this time they adopted their first child Angelembrace(no longer on site, played by Tori) and Solsken. It wasn't long into their relationship that a fight broke out between the COTC and another group, during this fight Saturn would be badly injured and in the end would die from their injuries. This left Byriath an absolute wreck until a few days or so later Saturn would return in a new body. After some time the couple decided to leave the group and go to the Neutral Grounds and live a few years alone in their own little cabin away from the rest of the word. After some time they finally returned back to the COTC where they would return to Solsken and would adopt Zuriela. In this time Saturn would also propose to Byriath, and the two eventually got married. Now it is time for the two to settle down once more and expand their little family with their own cubs.

[shadow=black,right]PLOT(S)[/shadow] No known plots at this time but feel free to throw some at us and we can look into them! If we decide any we will inform anyone who claims a kiddo!

[shadow=black,right]GENETICS[/shadow] Byriath is a
Xenosmilus male with robust silhouette. Dark grey fur, almost black, with neon purple markings on his back and face. Face is heavily scarred, and eyes are a violent glowing purple. Horns are black with glowing purple ridges on them. Tusks jut out from his lower jaw as his saber fangs jut from his upper, creating a deadly vice. Blood is a deep purple with red undertones, tears and saliva are natural in coloration. While Saturn is a shapeshifting, winged snow leopard. They're Xenosmilus form is a darker purplish grey base with a teal mane and markings. They also have cloudy markings that resemble a moodring sorta along their back and on their mane, with purple cloud like markings on their legs. They also have a set of claw marked scars across their face that carries over on every form they take but only their snow leopard form is blind. The cubs will be Xenosmilus and will be Demigods since Byriath is a God and Saturn a mortal.
Saturn Ref x Byriath Ref
- You can do as you please with the cubs appearance but please make sure they still look as if they are an offspring of saturn and byr
- The cubs will be 3 months of age when you can post
- We ask that they stay inside the COTC until they are a year old and after that they can go wherever they please
- Saturn and Byr will both be happy and good parents so they will have a good relationship with their cubs unless you would like to plot something out then feel free to message one of us
- They are more than welcome to have any powers you want
- Please be active with the cub, if you decide you can no longer play the cub or if you are inactive with them for more than
- Slots will be first come first serve!
- Small mythic will be needed for the cub ^^
Theseus — gender — COTC — Dio
Odysseus — Female — COTC — Finnick
Nesraa  — Female — COTC — Cobra
character — gender — group — roleplayer
character — gender — group — roleplayer

Re: Let's go to the garden, you'll find something waiting || Xenosmilus cubs - Cobra - 09-13-2022

GENERAL why is it so hard to see? (why?)
caspian nesraa nightshade | casp, nessy
mtf | she/her
3 months | ages monthly
coalition of the condemned | member
→ no name meaning

IMPORTANT NOTES if i cut myself, i would bleed (kill me)
tobi | tobi
→ lover of poems

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE i'm just like you, you're like me
xenosmilus | born a xenosmilus
100% | no injures
nessy is a beautiful mess of color. having been born snow white, and mistaken for albino. they slowly started to change colors with age. their body remained white, marred with faded black blotches that seem to be squiggles. a jet black face that leads into a mint mane. teal uneven socks on their feet and a mint tail make up the final details.

PERSONALITY imperfect and human, are we?
entp | chaotic good
hufflepuff | libra
no disorders | the world is magic
nessy speaks in rhymes and riddles. making them hard to understand most of the time. most would thing that was bad enough, but when confronted or threatened, they will start singing. they won't stop singing until left alone or their family comes to aid them. they are extremely clumsy. tripping over their own paws, all the time. they will refuse to run, as they always trip or stop to fast and topple.

they are a sweet heart to a fault. giving gifts, helping others, and trying to make friends all over the place. creativity is how they thrive. always making art, writing poems, and finding new outlooks. they see the world through rose tinted glasses.
→ sweetheart / creative / cryptic / singer / clumsy

RELATIONS show and tell
byriath .x. saturn | siblings are tbd
bisexual biromantic | single
no friends | no enemies
no acquaintances | no disliked people
→ easy to befriend
→ easy to start a relationship with

INTERACTION i'm on display for all you fuckers to see
physically easy | mentally easy
will fight | might kill
no self defense knowledge | no weapon preference
no powers | attacks in #568068
→ mention [member=23522]Nesraa[/member] or [member=23336]Cobra[/member]

Re: Let's go to the garden, you'll find something waiting || Xenosmilus cubs - Casphian - 09-13-2022

placeholder for odysseus bio

Re: Let's go to the garden, you'll find something waiting || Xenosmilus cubs - SirDio - 09-13-2022

Placeholder for Theseus

Re: Let's go to the garden, you'll find something waiting || Xenosmilus cubs - THESEUS NIGHTSHADE - 09-15-2022

Basic Structure I'll yassify it in my personal storage thread

Name: Theseus Nightshade
Gender: Male
Age: 3 months, ages monthly
Rank of Group: Wanderer of COTC

Appearance: Theseus is a Xenosmilus like the rest of his family. As a cub his markings are hardly there; he looks to be a solid grey xenosmilus with a periwinkle mane, with the color traveling down to his inner thighs. His facial markings have not fully grown in; his glowing markings appear broken and dotted, and are blue between his eyes and purple under them. Two tiny nubs sprout from his skull, these will become horns as he ages. As he gets older, his faded blue and purple markings will start to show, as will his glowing lines that circle around his lower legs. His eyes are a light blue and share that vibrant, violent glow of his father's. As he ages, the front part of his mane will grow over, covering half his face.

Personality: Theseus is a very introverted boy, often keeping to books and tinkers and toys over people, though his family is the exception. He overthinks and overanalyzes everything he sees, and will ramble about what he finds interesting. He's very factual and punctual with his words, often leading to others who don't fully know him to call him harsh or cold. As he ages, he will outgrow this introverted persona and become more of an ambivert. He's a touchy-feely boy and loves to cuddle. He will remain anxious despite this.

Powers: Currently, he has a mental bond with his sibling Nesraa. As he ages he will inherit Shapeshifting and Mental Communication, as well as earth manipulation.