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fire and brimstone | reintroduction - Printable Version

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fire and brimstone | reintroduction - Dazir - 09-06-2022

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: times new roman;"]WHAT THEY GONNA SAY, TOO FAR?—
Large opaque paws moved in a militant manner across the soggy soil. Ripping muscle tensing to drag a young boar she caught snuffling around in the swamp. With a curt sigh she released her prize, allowing it to thud heavily upon the ground. Tendrils of smoke wafted from the corners of her partially opened maw as bright blue eyes cut back down to the semi roasted pig. Had she not been able to use her powers the struggle to catch the boar would have lasted longer. Taking a seat she leaned upon her hip, lifting a hind leg to scratch at the heavy iron collar still fastened tightly around her neck. The broken chain still making it's familiar jingle whenever her paw managed to knock against it. Placing her foot back down, she righted herself before looking around with a low huff.

Re: fire and brimstone | reintroduction - aesior - 09-07-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
the scent of roasting meat drew the tom's attention from where he snoozed in a patch of sunlight, gray flank falling and rising in a disturbed pattern, the peaceful sleep that he should've had, shattered by the dark form of a creature in his dreams. whiskers trembling as he lifted his head, the scent awakening him alongside the soft jingle of metal links, ears swiveling around as the domestic tom searched for the source of the sound and scent. ears focused on the new face he didn't recognize, sleep-blurred eyes soon following until he blinked the sleep away. laying there as he rolled onto his side with an exhale of pain, the mute would watch her with fuzzy curiosity tickling at his mind until he managed to convince himself he didn't know the scent that the female wore.

struggling to get to his paws, in part due to sleep and majorly to the wreckage of his back, pain sparking sharply through his frame. wincing as he finally got up, slowly limping down the stairs of his home, approaching the smoking manticore, his ears swiveling and tail slowly flicking side to side. he kept his head lowered to show that he wasn't a threat, though this encounter could only remind him of the recent incident with ares. shaking his head to clear those thoughts, he shuddered faintly, coming to a stop near her. hopefully, the other was intelligent and could well, read. 'hello. who you? i aesior.', it hurt to write proper sentences, his tendons protesting against the unnatural position for his paw. warm yellow blossoms of daffodil would emerge from the moss and grass that grew upon his shoulders, their full heads facing dazir, a motion of questioning in them. he used flower language and written language to get his words across, searching for someone who knew the sign language that he required most times that few understood. most of it relied on natural body language, but some of it didn't.

// daffodils - questioning-curious //

aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef

Re: fire and brimstone | reintroduction - Dazir - 09-08-2022

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: times new roman;"]WHAT THEY GONNA SAY, TOO FAR?—
Tendrils of smoke billowed from her nostrils, akin to a bull snorting before a charge. The soft patter of paws upon wood had caught her attention and it did not take her long to locate the individual. Dazir watched the tom descend his staircase, head lowered with a sense of peace and humbleness. It was a stance she witnessed often during her time in the ring. Bodies pressed low to the ground in visual surrender, eyes wide with fear. If her combatants had a choice she would have let them run. But those were not the rules of the pit and so only one could be left standing. Glowing eyes cut softly to the left as she chased away the memory before darting back to Aesior. By now he was...well, she did not understand what he was doing. The former gladiator felt her brows crease together, examining the strange marks left behind by his claws. She did not have a proper education within the pit. There were no thoughts about a combatant's future outside the realm of whether they would survive the next fight or not.

Dazir then tipped her gaze in the direction of the yellow watching with vivid curiosity as the sprang up from the marshy soil only to pan her way. Mesmerized, the manticore lowered herself a tad to whiff at the daffodils. What she lacked in proper communication she made up for in perception. Aesior's humble stance coupled the "questioning" look of the flowers alerted her to the curiosity the tom had of her in particular. Thick chords of muscle rippled as Dazir sat up again, the plated segments of her ebony tail curled, glistening in the low lighting to conceal the venomous stingers at the end. Dazir. The child rumbled in a low tone. Tentatively she gestured toward the tom with a small nod, wordlessly asking for his name.


Re: fire and brimstone | reintroduction - Seven - 09-08-2022

[div style="margin-top: 4px; margin-left: 9px; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 36px; text-transform: lowercase; text-align: left; line-height: 22px;"]DREAM OF YOU
"You don't seem like much of a talker, dear." The tiger rumbled gently, stopping next to Dazir and blindly looking at her. Falling silent, the reaper simply examined the outline she saw, and upon finding no injuries, askewed her gaze to the side. "His name is Aesior, and he should be back up those stairs and resting." she chuffed, narrowing her eyes at where she saw Aesior's outline.
SEVEN — Ref — played by Dio!

Re: fire and brimstone | reintroduction - Dazir - 09-10-2022

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: times new roman;"]WHAT THEY GONNA SAY, TOO FAR?—
Dazir's attention panned over to where a new face appeared. She did not recognize this female either, but as she spoke the manticore responded with a low huff. She could not speak very many words, but she was learning as the days went by. Turning to look back in the direction of the one named Aesior she wondered if he would listen to what the older feline was proposing or not. Either way, not being one to truely stick around within the company of others, Dazir rose to her paws. The ground sizzled, her paws leaving behind charred marks as she walked of with her prized pig in tow. She would leave them to it, to speak amongst one another.

Re: fire and brimstone | reintroduction - aesior - 09-19-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
chuckling softly at her own response to him, the mute would offer dazir a warm smile. she didn't have the intent of harm, it didn't show in the child's eyes or in her body language, not in the way it did with those who wanted to do harm to another. Dazir. what a pretty name. curling his tail in a lighthearted manner, he raised his paw to his throat, touching the three ugly scars that crossed his neck. said wounds really should have killed him, but he wasn't anything if not stubborn. blinking, he would slowly attempt to reach out to her mind with one word and the image of himself, "Aesior." before withdrawing. if nothing happened, there was little to be lost. ears swiveling as he caught Seven's scent and her voice, he offered a cheeky grin, knowing his groupmate couldn't see but still grinning regardless. swept over by a cough, he would turn his head in the direction of his home, nodding in her direction. perhaps she'd see the movement of his outline. tarragon was the next to sprout from the tom's coat of greens, watching Dazir as she walked off with her prey.

the way the youth moved about the camp signaled to him that she had some knowledge of the layout. eyes glittering with some interest, he licked his lips, committing her name to memory. perhaps past records could uncover more of the manticore, or he could find some old soul that knew her. shaking his head faintly, he looked back to his home, aggrieved by the notion of listening to Seven's sage advice, but knowing he should. inhaling, he looked after Dazir again, whiskers twitching as the gray tom debated chasing after her and greeting her, mute as he was. blinking, exhaling and getting to his paws, he flicked his tail at Seven, almost as if asking her opinion on the matter. he wanted to welcome her properly, but he knew that was a far shot of a thing for him to do in the condition he was in.

aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef