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slash your tires ;; joiner - Printable Version

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slash your tires ;; joiner - Cobra - 09-05-2022

I'm no hero and I'm not made of stone -


the sound of something heavy hitting the ground. it was hard to see in the darkness just what made such a sound. the night was perfect for his movements, and the beast only revealed himself when the moonlight hit his eyes. darkheart lived up to his name.


he honestly loved the night, with everything that was in him. though, he loved the shadows and the freedom the most. it was peaceful, free of prying eyes and nosey souls. it was the only time he did not feel pressured into being something he was never meant to be.


he could hear his mother now. 'be nicer to them. don't say such harsh things. show some compassion.' bah! his father had compassion and now he was a rug in some lions throne room. he was not going to lose his life because he showed mercy or sympathy. that was just pathetic. that was weakness and it cost his family everything.

i will never become my father.

the last words he uttered to his mother as her life faded. she knew her time was coming and she preached her little montra. 'be kind. be good. take care of others weaker than you.' things he just couldn't do.


he found himself slinking along a beach with his ears back. tail lashing behind him as he thought back to his mother and father. they deserved what they got for their weakness. he did not miss them. why would he? the brute stopped his stalking to look back the way he came. the tree line was far away from him now.

where was he?


Re: slash your tires ;; joiner - Scyllios - 09-05-2022

"Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land" tags ── Kindness was a virtue and a vice. It could keep you alive, and then also get you killed. This, Scyllios knew, was common knowledge to ver. It was the reason Scyllios always seemed to be cold and mysterious. Partly because ve was, but also mostly because if ve showed kindness, who knows what could happen.

The night was vis world, as night is often drawn to the ocean, for the moon shifts the tides. Vis pearly eyes highlighted by moonlight, ve halted vis steps. Stranger scents drifted in the wind, and a low, haunting growl left ver. This growl became a signature roar-bark of a maned wolf, and ve continued on until Darkheart's dark figure became clear on the shoreline. Another growl emanated from ver, and this time ve simply stared at the tiger. Giving him one unasked question, who are you?

Re: slash your tires ;; joiner - Cobra - 09-07-2022

I'm no hero and I'm not made of stone -

a growl made his head turn as it became the roar-bark in tone. the brute let his eyes flick over the stranger and he noted the fact this creature was solo. was that a good thing? he was not sure at the moment. ears flicking as he noted the unspoken qustion they both had.

who are you?

vey had a good reason to demand that, but he wanted to know this beast as well. darkheart. he stated as he turned to make sure he fully faced vem. taking a moment before speaking any further.

have i wandered onto someone's land? his voice was blunt and cold in nature. yet, it was not hostile.


Re: slash your tires ;; joiner - Scyllios - 09-11-2022

"Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land" tags ── Scyllios snorted as Darkheart responded, then asked if he had wandered onto someone's land. Ve tried to gently speak into his mind, a toneless voice, "Group. Typhoon own this Island." vis gaze stayed consistent and vis tail dragged across the sands, grains of sand coating it like some strange sugar.

Re: slash your tires ;; joiner - Cobra - 09-12-2022

I'm no hero and I'm not made of stone -

the typhoon. what a curious place he had found. perhaps this was the right location. the brute looked the strange beast over with those cold orbs. tail swishing behind him as he spoke once more. perhaps i could stick around. i could use a place to call home. he was lying through his teeth, but no one would know. he simply was on a mission to find him.


Re: slash your tires ;; joiner - SHERBET - 10-04-2022

Captain Sherbet didn't find himself suspicious, or even slightly hostile, unless for good reason. Yet as he ran across Scyllios and this...newcomer, he instantly felt on guard, "'Ello, stranger. Fancy meeting you, I'm the Captain of this place, and wonder what you're here for." His words neutral and eyes slightly narrowed, the male didn't quite like the aura the other gave off, it made his fur prickle ever so slightly.
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: slash your tires ;; joiner - Cobra - 10-17-2022