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talking about morals }} reintroduction - Printable Version

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talking about morals }} reintroduction - Alexandre - 09-05-2022

— alexandre f.m.r
A long time had passed. Many changes were in order for Alexandre, whether for the better or worst. Two years, was it? The time had started to become a blur. Red plastered the walls of his vision at every turn. The crimson color of lust and savagery had become a constant theme within his lifetime. Flesh, whether of the body or the carcass, had led him off the rails.

The issues stem from the beginning though. Born to a vampire and a wicked cannibal captain, Alexandre was raised by two loving mothers who could not see the consequences of their procreation. While they tried to raise a normal family, the child always felt left out. Something about him wasn't normal. For quite awhile, he was left in the dark about his condition and led to believe that he was just a feline. Nothing more. That, of course, was until the effects of vampirism began.

First, it was the environment. The sounds, smells, and sights around him began to overflow his senses. Hypersensitive to the world around him, the boy collapsed under his own weight. Newfound super senses overwhelmed Alexandre easily. Pain. Mental anguish. He needed an escape. With wings wide and a destination in mind, the feline set off to the crystal caverns to sit in silence. Thankfully, with time, he adjusted.

Then the cravings started. Alexandre, tall and lanky, had never had issues with meals previously, but had started to feel consistently hungry. In order to get the nutrients he needed and to push aside the traumatic feeling meat gave him, the young child attempted to go vegan. At this point, he was visibly thin. Even anorexic. His attempts were futile though, endlessly expelling the contents of his stomach no matter how hard he tried... yet he kept trying.

As the child of the leader, the child was an easy target for capture. An intruder had snuck past the temple and took ahold of the boy, despite the pleas and cries for help. Back to the Coalition of the Condemned they went. Sojourn, his capturer, threw him into a cavern cell upon arrival and left him there to fend for himself in the meantime. Soon enough, she arrived. Her presence loomed over him as she dangled the flesh of another feline before his eyes. Alexandre denied her advanced, but her forceful grip cracked his jaws open and shoved the meat down his throat, holding his mouth shut and forcing him to swallow. A feeling of disgust came first, but pleasure caused that emotion to fade as the remains slid down his throat. In an effort to attain more, he snapped at her and partially degloved the paw that fed him. His actions only came with consequences though. Sojourn slashed back at him, mocking him for his moxy and calling him a monster. The satisfaction he felt soon faded as she continued to taunt his lack of normalcy.

Not long after, the boy was left to rot in his cave. His body started to lose weight into a deadly territory. There was one thing that could save him though. Sojourn's kill was left behind, haunting Alexandre nearby. The domestic feline's corpse was beginning to decompose as he reluctantly hid away in the shadows of the cave, ignoring the urges that came to him. The boy tempted death with open arms. As his ribs started to show through and eyes bulged out of his skinny facial features, he started to feel nauseated and slumped to the floor. Alexandre had let himself. Emotionally, he was ready to go... but his body had other plans. As he started to slowly fade away, the urges he had been shoving down deeply had started to grow. With time, they became unable to be controlled. No matter how hard he begged with himself not to go on, he eventually lurched forward and latched onto the feline's corpse. A singular bite was not enough for him. An overwhelming feeling of strange delight came over him and he continued to indulge until the cat's entire chest cavity had been emptied.

In time, he realized his actions. Alexandre curled up in the depths of the feline's chest and sobbed. Defeat overwhelmed him. Thankfully, his parents came to rescue him after some time passed, but the trauma had already settled in. The two led him home andreturned. Upon arriving, he found what he assumed to be his replacement. A new, adopted sibling by the name of Vayne appeared before his eyes. Had he really been gone that long? Jealousy stirred within Alexandre's mind. Disdain started to form for his parents, especially after 'abandoning' him for so long in the Coalition of the Condemned. Little did they know, they were trying their best. His mentality had only assumed the worst.

As feelings stirred inside, the boy began to grow. It was not long before he was a spry emerging adult, figuring out his purpose in life. With horns sprouted and his mind beginning to accept his fate, Alexandre grew vulnerable. Sojourn, knowing the feline would have healed by now, meandered into the The Typhoon. Using her possession, she attempted to possess the cat under the guise of 'freedom' and filled his mind doubts. Unfortunately, the Coalitioner's endeavors were successful.

Sojourn guided Alexandre's body to the captain's ship, The Anchored Tempest. From there, he confidently sauntered into his mother's quarters. He demanded her attention, and despite her loving remarks, Sojourn led him tempted him forward with claws unsheathed. Jaws clamped down on his mother's throat and lapped up blood greedily without any visible regret. Even as the temporarily paired souls ran off, Sojourn tauntingly snapped his jaws at her. Then he disappeared once again.

The feline reappeared shortly after. Sojourn's wanted one last joyride and attacked Goldenpaw, only to dissipate after being tossed aside roughly by the apprentice. Alexandre was free.

The damage had been done though. Cards had been dealt to him and passed around the table known as his family. Familiar, pleasant faces started to grow sour when they looked at him, no matter what he did. Alexandre realized there was no going back, but any attempt to a solve relationship a good one, right? Wrong. Roxanne and Diya had left without a word, heading out on an adventure to paradise without anyone else. His siblings stopped talking to him. Others just ignored his presence. Nothing was normal, but had it ever been?

[OOC: New additions to his history begin below. Permission given to powerplay Rosemary by Axiom.]

Alexandre began to lose weight again, a persistent issue throughout his lifetime every time he relapsed. The healer at the time, Rosemary noticed his trouble and took him in. The feline was dangerously thin as the medic inspected his well being. At first, she tried to feed him normally. He vehemently denied any issues with what was presented to him, but managed to grow nauseous at any greens provided and barely filled by the meat. Suspicion crept in. The other pressed him for information, finally discovering his vampiric inheritance from his parents. Even so, Alexandre insisted on trying to continue other options. With a head shake of disapproval, she took him under her wing and showed him moral ways to manage his urges.

As they gained mutual respect and trust for one another, Rosemary opened herself up to the opportunity of letting Alexandre feed off her momentarily to get the nutrients he needed. In turn, he could eat whatever he wanted alongside that to curb his feelings. Though hesitant, the young adult eventually agreed. Every now and then, he fed on her. Often after she drank caffeinated tea, giving him a much needed boost throughout the day. After getting used to the option under the comfort of Rosemary, she pushed him to go after non-sentient animals in an attempt to replace the 'normal' food he was enjoying on the side.

Quite a few months passed before Rosemary found some suitable candidates besides herself for Alexandre to supplement blood off of. In one particular case, a pirate had come to Rosemary explaining inflammation within their joints after introducing a higher amount of iron into their diet. The case came to a halt until she did flipped through the pages of previous medic' notes. 'Hereditary hemochromatosis: the tendency of the body to absorb an influx of iron after eating.' The symptoms lined up, but the cure was a surprise. 'Blood can be donated to lower the iron concentration within the body.' Two birds could be killed with one stone. The patient could feel relief and Alex could feed.

The pirate took some time to think about the offer, eventually caving when the pain grew to be unbearable. Alexandre, feeling he finally had a purpose, started to feed off of them. Over time, they both benefitted from their mutual relationship.For about a year, the two met daily twice a day in silence and did whatever was needed.  Alexandre found himself growing close to Rosemary's patient. Their bond, although strictly for eachother's benefit, felt satisfying. Maybe too satisfying.

The pleasure of having control over someone and satisfying their needs was overwhelming to Alexandre. For the first time in his life, he had someone who appreciated him for who he was. Eventually, in a moment of weakness, he found himself taking too much. Too much jurisdiction. Too much delight. Too much blood. Rosemary's patient had passed.

All hope was lost. He had killed what had kept him afloat for the longest time... and for what? His own pleasure? Tsk, tsk. A mistake had been made. Alexandre, in clear distress, abandoned Rosemary's temple and wandered into the woods, leaving the body for the medic to find.

He needed to do something. Anything. Claws dug at the ground in frustration and the boy let out a scream of desperation. After being stable for so long, he had finally relapsed due to his own greed.

Thankfully for him, a looming figure had heard his cry from afar and wandered close, watching with great interest. A incubus of high ranking watched with great interest, seeing an opportunity as the feline paced back and forth. Emerging from the underbrush, the demon exposed themselves. Alexandre stepped back in dismay, but the other had a daring proposition for him. He wanted the pleasure of feeling wanted and the demon could provide that in time, filling the void that the other now had. Desperate, but weary, the feline questioned them. The exchange was simple enough. Embrace one another for the other's benefit, just as he had done before. Nothing more.

Alexandre seeing no harm, agreed. The other was handsome and beautiful and their time spent together was pleasurable. Unintentionally though, the possession caused by Sojourn left a hole in his soul. Part of the incubus' power seeped into Alexandre's soul, turning him into an unintentional incubus as their relationship grew and granting him the power to mentally manipulate others. The demon eventually noticed this change during their time after Alexandre's own mind invaded theirs consensually. The demon had to swallow their own pride and confess his mistake, only to be met with a surprising reaction. A smirk met the vampiric incubus' maw, greed and a sense of power inflating his ego. It appeared Alexandre did not mind.

Now realizing the consequences, the incubus had to train the newfound demon on their tasks. They worked together for quite awhile, before amicably parting to work on their own and meeting up occasionally. As Alexandre developed their own style, he felt himself embracing femininity over time and questioning his own gender, although confident on his sexuality. Due to the power lurking within, this manifested physically. Shapeshifting came to light. This allowed him to service his own needs and others as needed. In this time, Alexandre started to embrace the concept of being non-binary.

Any pronouns were allowed for them, especially depending on the situation. Whether it be she/her, xe/xem, he/him, they/them, or more, Alexandre took it in stride. They enjoyed being a master of themselves and being able to identify with all parts of the spectrum. With that said, his main form accessorized in addition to his previous necklace provided by his long-gone mother. The feline was finally feeling like themselves.

[OOC: Actual RP below.]

Now remained what was before them. The usual winged white and brown tabbed, but full grown. Jewelry lining their figure and piercings signifying their many endeavors. In comparison to how they were previously, the approaching animals could see they carried himself different as they casually strolled in the tide. The water's edge licked at their paws gently. Even so, white caps lined the waves edges in the distance and the ocean raged. To Alexandre, this was typical weather for The Typhoon around this time and found enjoyment in watching the environment change, just as they did.

Claws came to a stop instantaneously. Their paw reeled back quickly. The feline's eyes turned down towards the sand below and orange hues landed on an object floating away below. An orange turriform shell brushed against the bottom of their paw, poking them with the pointed edge. Pricked crimson blood drip down into blue waters. It wasn't much, but enough for Alexandre to freeze and stare down at the tide in frustration.

While they was careful about their appearance, a simple prick in their paw wouldn't be any issue. They lowered their paw into the salty water and gave it a shake below, cleaning the wound with a sharp sting. They winced. A sigh exited them and Alexandre merely shook their head in disappointment. Rather than staring ahead, maybe he finally needed to live in the moment for once.

Re: talking about morals }} reintroduction - Scyllios - 09-05-2022

"Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land" tags ── The maned wolf was not as sociable as others, predominantly because of their nature of being mute and speaking broken english in the minds of others. In vis own sense of mentality, ve was not normal at all. Ve knew this, yes, but it still hurt whenever ve wanted to talk to a person or join a social gathering, only to go silent and unable to mentally speak. It was what urged the sea being to walk along the coast more often that naught. It was by this, and fate alone, that ve spotted Alexandre on the beach. And, curious as ve was, Scyllios continued toward them.

With a deep breath, ve attempted to gently step into Alex's mind, 'Salve..! Er- hello." Ve hastily corrected vis words, and ve looked toward Alex's paws with pearly eyes.