Beasts of Beyond
the roots in my heart | joiner | call out for you - Printable Version

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the roots in my heart | joiner | call out for you - wifewoof - 09-05-2022


A strange green weasel skittered around the Enclave borders, unsure how mortals dealt with one joining these..."groups" and how they treated them. His tail flicked as flower petals gently drifted from his pelt, only scant few flowers bloomed on his pelt as of now. He silently mourned as he waited for any creature to show, his powers still not have come back in full yet. Rearing up on his hind legs, the old god quietly began messing with the autumn leaves that grew from behind his ears, carefully doing upkeep and removing enough to look presentable. He turned his long neck to glare at the scant flowers across his back, hoping that he still was able to make a good impression.

Scoffing to himself, Kojin Sakigami was the old God of Nature and Healing, he could handle not having his usual blooming coat and blooming steps (he thinks). With a pout, the weasel laid down, and waited. He waited centuries, and then years for his body to age, to be here, to experience the wonderful world of life.

He can wait a little bit longer.

Kojin speaking ▪︎ tags ▪︎ Extra Character Speaking

Re: the roots in my heart | joiner | call out for you - OKAMI RUSSO - 09-20-2022

the female had been on a small walk, a smile on her maw, enjoying the wind on her face. this was something she liked doing, especially alone in the mornings. however today seemed different, somehow. it wasn't just wind that she could smell, there was something else. something older, something more ancient. she tracked the scent until she came upon a weasel she had never seen before. she shrugged. could act as food. [color=black]"i'm okami. you are in enclave territory. is there anything i can help you with?"

before she could strike, however, she studied the other closer. small petals lay around his feet, leaves were... decorated? in his hair. this, she concluded, was no ordinary weasel.

"rivers run red" —-- okami / enclave / 20 moons . / pin board