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For the Love of a Pyre || Sabbath - Printable Version

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For the Love of a Pyre || Sabbath - Wrathmange - 09-02-2022

[glow=#212330,4,1000]If I had a heart I could love you...[/glow]
In the end, Time brings us all to our knees.

The cool, impersonal wind raked through Wrathmange's ash-and-white fur, whipping salty spray right up into her face with every clash of waves against rock.  She stood on the precipice of an idea, a simple notion leading to nothing - the gentle, weightless, unencumbered, embrace of absolutely nothing. The water below spoke to her in its long-forgotten language with a cadence that needed no interpretation; she understood its promises, she felt the power of its speech as it frothed and clamored up the cliff face to reach her. All the she-wolf had to do was reach back... One large paw lifted ever so slightly, and with a deep intake of that icy, prickling sea air, she began to step forth in time with the song of the sea. But, something made her hesitate. Another thought, ruining the alluring melody, breaking the tempo. This serves not The One or your fellow beasts, she could distantly hear herself think. And of course, she was right. The Divine One had given her this thought to remind her of what was true and right. By giving herself to the sea this way, she was not honoring anyone; she was giving into the self-serving pity she swore off so many months ago.

[glow=white,2,100]"Of course... Of course you are right."[/glow] The words were lost to the whisper of the wind and the roar of the sea. And with that, she retracted her paw, and took a couple steps backward for good measure, looking around a little dazed. She hadn't even realized she had closed her eyes. Just across the way she spotted an island reaching about as far as the shoreline itself. This land mass had been her original destination before the ocean had lured her over to the nearest overhanging cliff. The original intention... Mmmm, what was it? She shook her head and grunted softly. Surely she would remember soon enough, but for now, Mange made her way further inland a little to skirt the shore from a much safer distance. Though the warm dryness of the ground this day did not suit her too well, it was much better than the chilling wetness of the ocean.

[glow=white,2,100]"idle chatter"[/glow] | [member=3043]teef[/member] | She lookin at the main stomping grounds for the Typhoon across the way ahaha
[glow=#212330,4,1000]More, give me more, give me more.[/glow]

Re: For the Love of a Pyre || Teef?? - sabbath - 09-08-2022

[div style="background-image:url(; background-position: left; background-size: cover; max-width: 150px; height: 350px; border: 1px #FFFDD0 solid; padding-left: 100px;"]

The gentle warmth of the breeze coupled with the sun above, had Sabbath in a particularly good mood. Screeching as they dove and bobbed amongst the seagulls floating on warm air currents, playing with their fellow winged creatures aloft in the sea breeze. Tucking their wings and rolling, they cried out at the sight of someone on one of the cliffs, a cautious flap of their wings pulling them from their roll.

Beating their wings to stay afloat, they would fix their multi toned eyes on the strange she wolf, ready to swoop down if she took the fateful step off of the ledge. Fur bristling as they watched in anticipation, they bushed their feathers and soared up a bit more as she pulled herself from her reverie, debating that she was safe from a deadly plummet. Observing her from high up in the sky, they would curiously allow themself to head for land, away from the islands that they called home. Following after her path from above, their shadow falling long as they circled far above. Coming down closer, they would call out, "Well, 'm sure glad ya didn' make the leap. What're ya doin' out here?", they would call as they landed some distance away from Wrathmange, dark fur sparkling with iridesence common to dark colored birds, their orange, white and dark wings folding politely at their sides.

[align=center]credit @ teef

Re: For the Love of a Pyre || Sabbath - Wrathmange - 09-23-2022

[glow=#212330,4,1000]If I had a heart I could love you...[/glow]
Something moved, but the she-wolf was too lost in thought to pay it any mind until that very something alighted before her. A feline creature, with magnificent wings of iridescent black and a rich autumnal orange, touched by soft cloud white. Even their fur seemed to have the iridescent sheen of a bird's feather. She straightened up from her low prowl position. [glow=white,2,100]"Oh, so am I,"[/glow] the wolf mused back with a wry smile, though her tone had a touch of ambiguity. She probably reeked of vague despair and most certainly looked a little worse for wear, fur matted and body thin from malnutrition. Lately, she just couldn't bring herself to care so much. Fortunately, today was a better day. The sun was shining, and when she had awoken abruptly this morning, the air had been cool and refreshing. Now, though the sun had warmed the earth significantly since dawn, Wrathmange was out plodding across the shore in search of a new purpose and a new bit of decor for her new home. She had finally begun to settle in to this lonesome life; she wanted to make it as comfortable as possible. [glow=white,2,100]"I... Hmm. I was looking for some particularly interesting debris. Shells, feathers, the like. Not to come off strange in light of my previous statement, but your feathers are very beautiful. Have you dropped any that you can recall, lately?"[/glow] Mange almost wanted to kick herself. She was off her game, she could barely think and hadn't quite come back down from that cliff's edge if she was being perfectly honest with herself. The waves crashed and roared nearby, reminding her constantly of her decisions today, inviting her back.

[glow=white,2,100]"idle chatter"[/glow] | [member=23579]sabbath[/member] | Pre-Storm
[glow=#212330,4,1000]More, give me more, give me more.[/glow]