Beasts of Beyond
please sir, can i have some more ;; visitor - Printable Version

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please sir, can i have some more ;; visitor - Night of No Stars - 09-01-2022

Now I've told you this once before -

tired. the little robed rodent was tired. he had travelled a long ways for such small legs. as such, was it any surprise that he was here, sitting on the boarder of tanglewood, trying to feel anything in his numb paws? probably not. he was a trooper and he refused to show his exhaustion. once he caught his breath, the tiny man would tap his staff on a pebble.

greetings! i am mister snuggles. i came a long way to visit with you all and request some seeds for my home. he called out, though as small as he was, he doubted anyone would hear him.


Re: please sir, can i have some more ;; visitor - aesior - 09-05-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
though small as this rodent was, there was a sense of curiosity in him, a curiosity he couldn't deny. what would bring him to their lands? squinting as he laid in the sun close to the border, paws stained with grasses and the pollen of multiple plants and flowers. beside him sat a basket, his findings decorating its wicker sides with their colorful blossoms, roots tangled in the weave in places. watching mr. snuggles through half closed eyes, a soft yawn escaping the tom as he laid there, letting his aching back rest, licking his lips as he stifled the urge to stretch out in the warm patch of sunlight he inhabited. coughing as he opened his mouth with the intent to speak, his gaze would darken with sourness at the reminder that he couldnt shift form without risking his back, leaving him stuck in his mute body.

struggling, he would pull a notebook from the basket, flipping it open as he flicked his tail side to side, ears flicking away bugs, he would scrawl into it in jerky movements, careful of setting alight the agony in his back. pushing it towards the rodent, it would read, 'seeds? what kind? group?'

aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef

Re: please sir, can i have some more ;; visitor - Night of No Stars - 09-05-2022

Now I've told you this once before -

the hamster was greeted by a stranger that seemed mute. head tilting, he would look at the offered note a moment before blinking those tiny orbs he called eyes. oh, any kind. olalla wants to grow more plants and crops and stuff. i'm from the pitt! he chirped excitedly as he looked right back at the feline that had asked.


Re: please sir, can i have some more ;; visitor - Atticus Roux - 09-05-2022

A robed rodent crossed Atticus' vision and he couldn't help but pause to contemplate what the actual fuck was happening. Usually that was his meal... but now it was clothed... and sentient. Like Pavlov's dog, the feline's mouth began to subtly salivate at the sight of the hamster. A perfect appetizer stood right in front of Aesior, but the mute just serviced them as normal. From a few feet away, he shifted uncomfortably in his spot and grew closer, watching the two carefully.

His sunflower colored gaze narrowed at Mr. Snuggle's answer. 'The Pitt?' As a former longtime Pittian, Atticus gave a strange look down at them and offered a snort. "You don't exactly look like their type," he taunted. A paw attempted to reach out to grab at edge of the hamster's cape and pull him upwards, coming face to face with the Roux. "And what makes you think we're a charity?" And, to be honest, Tanglewood was on rather good terms with The Pitt lately. Some spare seeds would not hurt anyone.

With a disappointed sigh, if successful in his previous action, he would set the hamster down lightly. "Is The Pitt having trouble lately?" came his honest question. He cared for the animals he left behind, despite their occasional downsides. As their ambassador, perhaps he could lend a paw.

Re: please sir, can i have some more ;; visitor - aesior - 09-06-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
So the Pitt, huh? That was interesting, that something so tiny would hail from such a hot clime. Ears swiveling as he heard Atticus' arrival and questions, slowly rolling to put weight on one side of his body to give the tabby his attention. Flicking his tail, he would curl it against his hind legs, observing the situation and thinking. Writing once again, stretching his claws after after finishing, 'We give seeds. Few don't hurt.', writing longer messages caused his tendons and nerves to hurt more than it was worth in honesty.

It brought him back to the thought of trying to communicate with others by thinking thoughts into their heads, which by all rights, felt a wrong thing to do unless they were consenting of course. He would listen to Atticus's words, tail unfurling and refurling, curious about the state of the other group. Things had been too silent as of late, and hopefully the silence meant good things not bad. Tanglewood wasn't prepared for the destruction a war would cause.

aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef

Re: please sir, can i have some more ;; visitor - Night of No Stars - 09-07-2022

Now I've told you this once before -

another face arrived and he let his eyes flick over to the stranger. moving his staff between his front paws as he studied the stranger. they seemed a bit less kind compaired to aesior. yet, snuggles did not care to much. the little male would offer a soft smirk as he looked at the much larger beast. having been pulled up by his cape, he was trying to remain calm.

looks can decieve, no? the reply was clearly a friendly one. he, after all, meant no harm for anyone involved. he is not one to want harm to befall anyone. not that he wouldn't fight if he had to, but he came here with peace in mind. so, he was going to keep peace unless they tried to eat him.

he was soon placed back down and he let his staff tap the earth once more. i do not think you are a charity. i can pay you for the seeds if you wish. he replied with tilted head. then, the question at the end made him shake his head. not hard times, no. more a desire to better care for the members of our group.

he paused as aesior wrote and his eyes lit up. thank you, sir. if there is ever something i may do in return for you, let me know. he offered with a respectful dip of his head.


Re: please sir, can i have some more ;; visitor - aesior - 09-07-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
he chuckled to himself at the rodent's answer and bravado, a small smile claiming his face. not so many things were truly that different between small and big individuals, aside from perhaps the amount of attitude one could give. he had to give it to the hamster, not being afraid of others was a big step. coughing faintly to clear his throat, the tom would sniffle, reaching out to write again, 'why not trade? us seeds, you something?', he would suggest, gaze flicking back to atticus. it was no surprise that the mute was a merchant of his own right, independent from the group of tanglewood but also able to function as a trader for the group.

shuddering as he yawned, bringing his basket to himself to peer into it, perhaps he could find something of use to the pitt there? would any of his herbs be seeding? sniffling again, he scrawled once more, 'what kind seeds?', if he was in a better shape and able to shift into a larger body, he'd be able to bring saplings to the desert if they so wished, but he doubted that they would be able to thrive in a hot clime with little water. perhaps he should go about seeing the desert group and seeing what he could do to help with his adequate green thumb.

aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef

Re: please sir, can i have some more ;; visitor - Night of No Stars - 09-08-2022

Now I've told you this once before -

the tiny male paused in thought and then nodded. he didn't have much on him, but he had his ways. i have this. he offered as he dropped wiggles free of his robe to drop his satchel. the thing flat on his back and the size of him. he would slip his robe back on before sliding it forward. he had some golden jewelry inside that he had found on his little trip.

it is not much, but it is what i brought along. as for seeds, just a mix of food and herb seeds if you can spare. he answered with a friendly tone. he was not to hard pressed for finding more. he was going to have to slip that back on under his robe later though. ah well.


Re: please sir, can i have some more ;; visitor - Atticus Roux - 09-08-2022

Looks could deceive, but very rarely. Vale was a shapeshifting, but ver's dark aura always played a part in their appearance. Even Atticus had a certain look to him. His usual expression, similar to now, remained grumpy and his body remained scar, telling a story of great trouble. A man with his experience often knew better. Even so, the little hamster seemed harmless to him. If they wanted to attack so badly, they would have already done so and taken the seeds for himself, he reasoned. So the feline remained relaxed. Their response was merely met with a subtle nod.

"I will offer my services as your ambassador and a former Pittian if I may then," he rumbled deeply. His affection for his former home showed briefly as he offered a dip of his head and tone changed. Before he could move forward though, Aesior insisted on a trade. Yellow eyes moved towards the other feline in interest, wondering why they did not just hand over seeds that an elemental wielder could spawn easily. Even so, neither of them possessed said power. He merely sighed. Whatever.

Turning back to the small rodent, he noticed the golden chains that splayed across the ground now and his gaze narrowed. A paw reached out to grab at one and lift it to his eyes, only to put it back down onto the ground moments later with a look of approval over towards Aesior. Atticus was not a connoisseur of jewelry. It was easy to impress him. "I think that would be a fair trade," came his meow.