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Something to renew hope // private, Venus - Printable Version

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Something to renew hope // private, Venus - jacob w.c. - 03-18-2018

Jacob was glad to be away from the city, even if he was now apart from most of his family. It wan't like he'd been able to see most of them when he was there, anyway. Jersey was the only real family he saw on a regular basis. Sure, his babbo had visited on occasion, when he could and when it was safe to do so, but Jacob had constantly had to look over his shoulder and worry about whether or not people knew who he was. With all his scars and bandages, he knew it wasn't hard for anyone to identify him anymore. He'd always assumed the fire was lit to kill him but he questioned that now. If that'd been the case, why hadn't they finished the job? There were so many of them and he wasn't any good at fighting. He wasn't sure why anything happened but he hadn't told his babbo about any of it. He was sure the man was aware that Jacob had moved away from his Pa (actually, he knew Vito was aware of that given the letters they'd communicated with) but he hadn't wanted him to worry about all the pain and scars and burns. No, it was better for him to take responsibility for his own life and move before he was told he had to. So, that was how he and Jersey now found themselves in Snowbound. These thoughts all ran through his mind as he paced the border, his eyes scanning the snow and ice for any sign of greenery. He'd brought plenty of herbs with him but they wouldn't last forever.

Re: Something to renew hope // private, Venus - venus - 03-19-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]Life as a "Rookie" was a life in which had sent Venus into a state of culture shock, the silvery Turkish Angora finding that adjusting to said life would evidently take some time getting the hang of. Somethings that Venus was not taking to terribly quickly had to be the obedience shown to the leader (Beck could bite Venus' ass before they were going to "obey leader's word" or whatever), sharing supplies among the community and the borders. Borders were something new and foreign, as there had been no borders in the city, and from lack of experience - or concern - Venus had no idea that they had even left Tanglewood's one and had neared the borders of another group. One that Venus did not know had existed.

Rough undergrowth and disgusting stenches had eventually turned to softer snow and foreign scents, Venus' long furred paw soaking in the snow and sending shivers down their spine. Odd sensations caused the feline to look up, their sapphire hues scanned across the horizon with ardent curiosity satiated when they happened upon the form of another. A young boy, maybe just older than themselves. How curious. "Hello there!" Calling out in their best dressed faux amiability, Venus offered the boy a bright smile to soften their appearance to the lengths of it's extremes. Best to not get attacked on foreign soil. "I'm terribly sorry but could you tell me where I am? I think I'm lost; there isn't a lot of snow where I live," Gaze scanning over Jacob's countenance, Venus hoped that the boy was not aggressive. But he wasn't exactly the most threatening type Venus had ever seen either. "which leads me to believe I'm lost." Light-hearted humour dancing over the Turkish Angora's tongue, blue hues scanning over the snow covered plains surrounding the pair as if to prove their point.

(slightly rushed rip sorry)