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[Monthly News : September 1//Harvest] Harbor a Mauling - Printable Version

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[Monthly News : September 1//Harvest] Harbor a Mauling - Olalla - 09-01-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
Olalla marched forward, his face strained, approaching the elevated bed of now mossy, soft wooden boards. Today marked the start of the lengthy month of the September Harvest, and he knew that the coops would lose many birds and eggs to Nile sacrifices when they could be used for something - anything - better. Olalla huffed as he sat on his haunches, trying to come up with anything to say, his mind drawing blanks on a page of non-optional lines that needed to be filled.

You've finally done it, you old bastard.

The beast growled to himself before lifting his head to bellow his beckoning; an announcement was required, and judging by the faster appearances, the residents of The Pitt were aware of this as well. This time Vale's name would be mentioned- one. Last. Time. His gaze floated around the faces of The Pitt, pausing on Kold and Boy for a moment before continuing on with a small huff. Perhaps with this September Harvest, Olalla would give water to the plants that needed it most. Needed him most.

"As you know," he hesitated, nervously licking his black lips. " Today marks the first day of the September harvest. It's my first Harvest as Ardent, and I'm honored to be a part of it. "Olalla regarded Chernabog which appeared like an elegantly volatile sore thumb. "There have been reports of a massive white buffalo wandering the meadows west of here. Chernabog, I'm entrusting you with the Bull's preparations since Bai Shi will be busy and Renlys is... " the beast trailed off but expected Cherna to understand his mutterings. "With the exception of Renlys, you're the only one with powerful wings capable of carrying that weight. Aegon and NightofNoStars will follow you. Bai Shi, you will be in charge of collecting food for the Harvest, such as fish, boar or pig, clams, berries, whatever you think is best. You may take anyone to help." He nodded before looking toward the other face. "Ramona, I'm entrusting you with decorations. Flowers, or painted ornaments and what not. I'll be available to help with whatever is needed."

Olalla shifted a bit, shaking flies off of his face. "Last month Blackjack offered to lead the construction of the aviary, and he's been workin' steady ever since. Blackjack is allowed to request anyone to help with construction, including myself.  I don't want to hear any bullshit from anyone about "oh but its so hot," or "I don't want to," if Blackjack asks, just do it." The beast huffed, flicking an ear. "The sooner we get it done, the sooner we don't have to worry about it and the sooner we don't have to worry about it, the sooner we can work on getting clean, drinkable water into this town."

"Aside from that," he grumbled as his gaze shifted back over to the general crowd. "Im glad to announce that the bird coops are finished, and we will move on to the cow pins, and with it - cows." Olalla shifted his weight again, grumbling to himself as he shook away the flies that attacked his face. "We will be expanding east, so once Chernabog and her team get back with this white buffalo and the sacrifice is made, Damion will lead an exploration patrol out there followed by Beezle, LivingDead and ImperialHymms. Anything out there is free game, if you need to raid then raid, if you need to kill then kill. But all supplies are to be brought back with you along with a map of the area, understood?"

The beast nodded his head toward the lot. "Kold, with the influx of newcomers, I'd like you and a small team to start construction of a Welcome Center that doubles as a Homeless Shelter. You may leave Boy with whomever you see fit when you are working, but I don't want to see him out there overexerting himself." Olalla snorted. "Not in this heat." It felt odd to him to say this, but live would go on. "Mr. Snuggles, I will need you to travel to Tanglewood and request various seeds. Jormungand and I will be building garden beds upon your return."

Olalla furrowed his brows, growling as he stood up. "Vale Aston is hereby exiled from The Pitt! If you catch wind of them or if you see them on the territory, inform me or one of the Councilmen and we will handle the situation as we see fit. If you think this is unjust, you may make a complaint and drop it off there-" The beast motioned out toward the dunes of nothingness.

Re: [Monthly News : September 1//Harvest] Harbor a Mauling - Night of No Stars - 09-01-2022

Break down, only alone I will cry on out -

the three legged woman came limping up. she had done her blooding, survived a lost limb, and was still thriving with one missing leg. she was not giving up now. so, despite the odds stacking against her, she came to sit herself with the others. eyes on olalla and head tilting slightly in thought. each word hanging in the air about her as she took in her first meeting.

the silent woman watched as different events were spoken of. a harvest was mentioned. this was new to her as well, but she was eager to be a part of it. one leg missing or not, she had her uses. she simply refused to be seen as less for her handicap. alas, she was not chosen to help with the buffalo. that was annoying, but her small size was of little use, really.

that did not mean she was not jealous of chernabog, aegon, and night of no stars. in fact, she most defiantly was. she was very bitter about being left out of a hunt that fun. if she had all her legs, she could have helped. she used to be fast enough to distract or trip up some lame buffalo. missing left leg struck her out of the running this time.

perhaps bai shi will ask for her help? she could gather food easily. she would simply have to wait to see if the other would ask her. she hoped they did, as she was not useless. though, based on her leg situation, she would be left behind again. it was such a shame, really. her eyes sought out the dragon in silence.

then again, maybe she would be better with decorations? alas, she was not one for design. her idea of decor was bones and pelts. she was, for lack of a better word, not the girly type. the idea of being asked to help build was fun. maybe blackjack would need her? she sought the jaguar out and watched him a moment.

the cow pins made her head turn and she perked up. that would be new. she had not handled birds or cows, really. she was left out of another patrol, but this time she was expecting such a thing. the mention of boy being left with someone, or helping build made her eyes find kold. who would she ask to handle such things?

not her, she figured, but she never could be sure. the hamster thing was sent off to a clan for seeds and she was surprised. then again, the little rodent was not useless. rumor was, he killed a cat. so, she trusted the choice. it was the exile of vale that made her eyes snap back to olalla. she was here to witness an exile, and it was insane to her.

that seemed to be all, so she waited to see if anyone would need her for anything.


Re: [Monthly News : September 1//Harvest] Harbor a Mauling - Chernabog - 09-01-2022

[Image: Gojira+5.gif]
Chernabog Charybis Greatwing-Eos-Astralis ;; Cherna (only if close) Dark Blue Western Dragon w/ Green Highlights Attack in Gold + Bold Panromantic Asexual, Formerly courted by Renlys - Pale Blood of The Pitt Speech in [color=#66cd00]Bold
The black beast snorted, scratching away excess shed on her neck around the scarring as she swooped in from above, landing toward the back as always as Olalla began his announcements. September Harvest... shit, did Gael have one? She hardly remembered the tiny fox or his daughter. Either way, as Olalla looked her way her head lifted. A white buffalo.

Scowling features became a snarling frown at Renlys' name, but she stopped as she realized it. It seemed that his disappearance was a blessing - she would be able to contribute. Still... would have been nice to have a flying partner once again. As he moved on to Bai Shi's tasks, she looked to Aegon and Night, a cocky snort leaving her. [color=#66cd00]"I don't want to see either of you falling behind." She grinned and turned back to Olalla as he continued.

Though she droned out on some of it, Vale's name made her stand a little straighter. As if she was hoping the rat had come back. But no. The news would hurt, but only for a moment. Banished from The Pitt. A joyful groan left her, pleased. And then she raised her talon before speaking. "Do you want us to kill the Buffalo immediately or just capture it?"

[color=#66cd00]"Speech" [color=#336600]'Thoughts'

Re: [Monthly News : September 1//Harvest] Harbor a Mauling - Kold - 09-01-2022


September Harvest. Man, it had been so long since the first one she was ever in. Olalla's call was met with actual, genuine curiosity instead of jealousy and bitterness now, and she trotted in with Boy in tow. Neutral expression hid a sense of... something as Olalla paused on her and Boy. It made her heart flutter gently. And she hoped that the heat wasn't getting to her yet. But as he started on the tasks for the harvest, she couldn't help but stare for a moment until Boy nudged her paw, and she looked down at his concerned expression. "I'm fine." She hushed at him, and he nodded and looked back to Olalla as she started to glance around the gathered lot.

The fuzzy feeling returned as he spoke to her. A gentle smile betrayed her, and she nodded. Would be fun to get to building. "Sounds like a plan." And her mind worked on who she would leave Boy with. Bai Shi was gathering herbs and snacks, Blackjack was working on the aviaries, Ramona was working on decorations. And the Exile of Vale Aston made Kold's smile turn into a wide grin. Finally.

"Boy, who'd you want to help- oh." She spoke, then stopped as she noticed his proud two tails dancing away toward someone in the crowd she couldn't quite recognize. But she trusted his judgement and he knew that if someone tried to hurt him, they'd answer to Kold.

Re: [Monthly News : September 1//Harvest] Harbor a Mauling - SirDio - 09-01-2022

[div style="margin-top: 4px; margin-left: 9px; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 36px; text-transform: lowercase; text-align: left; line-height: 22px;"]that fate had
finally found me!
Right after Olalla had pretty much pulled the meeting to a close, Boy stood up and strutted off without warning his mother. Grey eyes locked onto Bai Shi, but his thin paws were leading him to another domestic cat. Boy was a social butterfly in and out, and seeing Always Dead all alone made him a little sad. Stopping next to her, he attempted to shove her toward Bai Shi's direction. He would then look up at her with wide, curious eyes.
Boy Di Angelo — tags — played by DIO

Re: [Monthly News : September 1//Harvest] Harbor a Mauling - Night of No Stars - 09-01-2022

Outside the rabbit hole is a candy shop of poison -

the tiny flitting form would land on a small stone. the rabbit sized dragon would let her eyes flick over the gathered. so many seemed eager to help. waiting their turn to shine. she, was not like them. she wanted one thing. to pester her father. so, she would watch for him and then force herself in to help him. simple as that.

he had no choice. she was here and he would have to accept this fact. plain and simple. her attention was caught by kold and boy. until a smile crossed kolds lips and she noted something odd. the way her gaze lingered on olalla. curious thing.


Re: [Monthly News : September 1//Harvest] Harbor a Mauling - Night of No Stars - 09-01-2022

The same thing you are -

a meeting? the tired woman moved forward silently. settling near kold and watching the ardent. she was to go on a patrol and do what now? did they expect her to be of use? she could fight and kill. she could raid and steal. but she was not sure her views were good. she had no feelings towards killing, stealing, or the like. others may have emotions and feelings about things.

it was a weird thing to be asked to do. yet, she would do so. simply because her going was logical. she could kill and raid freely. she would be free to do what she pleased as long as she brought back her prizes. these were acceptable terms. the emotionless woman almost missed the mention of vale being exiled. her head tilting as she looked the ardent over blankly.

i see. this all seems logical to me. i see no reason to disagree. she mused emotionless monotone voice slipping through a set of lips that never changed form. she then looked to chernabog silently. this one liked vale. as such, she wondered what they felt. if they felt anything at all.


Re: [Monthly News : September 1//Harvest] Harbor a Mauling - Night of No Stars - 09-01-2022

Now I've told you this once before -

small paws scampering. that was the sound that brought mr. snuggles up to the others. the little beast would climb his way up onto the nearest npc's head and settle in. taking his staff from his maw with his left paw. eyes on olalla until he was spoken too. a task for him? what a time to be alive.

on it! he chirped as he grabbed his staff once more in maw. scrambling off the npc and darting away through the many sets of paws. he had a trip to make, and that would take some time to do. so, off he was in a hurry to please olalla.


Re: [Monthly News : September 1//Harvest] Harbor a Mauling - Night of No Stars - 09-01-2022

My head is always spinning -

part of him wanted to ignore the call. part of him wanted to go back to his dreams of time spent with sakura. they held his mind more often than not. alas, he knew better than to skip such a thing. thus, he came crawling in like the rest. stopping near the others and sitting. eyes on olalla, but mind miles away.

he almost missed his name and mention of helping catch a buffalo. the words of chernabog making him turn his eyes upon her. a smirk pulling his lips. i won't fall behind. he replies with a sharp nod. he would show them all what he could do.


Re: [Monthly News : September 1//Harvest] Harbor a Mauling - Cobra - 09-02-2022

Was it all in my fantasy? -

a meeting was new. so, she came over and stood at the back. not wanting to block anyones view of the front. there she stood, head tilted and eyes on the ardent. simply listening and when he was done, she would offer her words. may i be of help with the plants? she inquired with that friendly voice of hers.
