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You can worship the ashes // Bonfire - Printable Version

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You can worship the ashes // Bonfire - Kold - 08-31-2022


Kold circled the log pile she made in the plaza center, impatience evident in how she paced around, occasionally stopping to stare at the sun as it slowly crawled to the setting horizon. Slowly, as shadows stretched and the sun set, she looked as though nearly about to burst with anticipation. She wasn't able to do this sort of stuff when Gael was Ardent, mainly because Aine didn't like fire. Confined by her adopted sister's fears and constricted by morals she made around them. What a great idea.

She sighed as she stared at the darkening sky, and decided that now was the time. NPC Pittians had already begun to circle around in curiosity, and only when she breathed fire onto the log pile did they realize. She wanted to have a bonfire. As the flames strengthened and grew brighter, she turned to the crowd. "If you're wanting to stick around, grab something soft to sit on and a snack, hang out with some friends."

As people decided on what they wanted to do, Kold slinked off to grab a pillow and a bone to knaw on. Then she went and settled by the fire, a gentle smile on her face for the first time in a while out in public.

Re: You can worship the ashes // Bonfire - Night of No Stars - 09-01-2022

Break down, only alone I will cry on out -

a fire was nice. it was a bit to hot for her, but still. she came over on her three legs. hobbling up and slowly sitting on the ground. she was not hungry, nor did she want to struggle in front of others to get a pillow to rest on. so, as she often did now a days, she took the earth as her only seat. resting there as she listened to others speaking. eyes on the flames that danced about her. she liked the way they moved.

licking the sky and casting shadows. they were as alive as the dark feline herself. it was wonderful, really. a faint purr left her frame as she finally felt peace. at least for now.


Re: You can worship the ashes // Bonfire - Night of No Stars - 09-01-2022

Outside the rabbit hole is a candy shop of poison -

the little dragon flitted across the lands towards the flames. like a moth to a candle. though, her intentions were not to admire it. she was hoping for drama. alas, the daughter of bai shi was not to get her wish. landing on the earth beside a random npc, she looked the others over. part of her found this odd, but would not voice such a feeling.

at least, for the moment as she noted the peace here. blinking, she would look to kold and offer a soft jerking motion of her head. a weird greeting, of sorts. ah, this seems nice. she fought back the sarcastic tone she wanted to have, and held a friendlier tone. trying to play nice for the moment.


Re: You can worship the ashes // Bonfire - Night of No Stars - 09-01-2022

The same thing you are -


this was something she knew and understood. flames killed or burned away evidence. she knew that fire could mean anything. so, she trotted along until she was close enough to see the others there. all gathered about a fire. watching the flames and talking. it looked like something one would enjoy if they could feel such a thing.

alas, she could not and she would not fake emotions. so, she stood a distance away., observing them all with those dead eyes. wondering what they were doing and why. did it matter? logic dictated this was purposeless. yet, they still did this thing.



Re: You can worship the ashes // Bonfire - Night of No Stars - 09-01-2022

Now I've told you this once before -

the little hamster man came over to join the group .moving to settle near the flames and letting his eyes find livingdead. he would set his staff behind him, for safety, and beckon her over with a paw. after all, what use was there in not joining the others? she would be much happier with them all.

well, if she felt happiness. that he doubted, but still. he could wish for such a thing.


Re: You can worship the ashes // Bonfire - Night of No Stars - 09-02-2022

My head is always spinning -

how had he messed up one simple thing? it was not that hard to do, yet he messed it all up and now he was stuck wondering if they thought him an idiot. the likely answer was yes. he knew it had to be the case. if anyone else had seen it, they would have mocked him for it. it was that simple.

-flash back-

night had gone to invite sakura to the bonfire. he wanted them to come, not that he would admit why. so he went to ask them and he choked. every word was wrong and he barely got the point across. hey sakura there is this thing.. umm.. a bonfire thing at the pitt.. you know my home? i mean of course you do... that was dumb, but i wanted.. i mean if you want to.. he choked and then fell silent. turning and slinky away in shame at his failure to speak like an adult.


that was why he sat there watching the flames with nervous eyes that screamed for help. would they bother coming? would they be mad at him? he hoped yes and no. he hoped they showed and the two of them could just talk and watch the fire burn. he just hoped.


Re: You can worship the ashes // Bonfire - Cobra - 09-02-2022

Was it all in my fantasy? -

fire was not her friend. so, she hung back from the crowd. not as bubbly as she would normally be. simply watching them with head tilted and eyes wide. she was fearful for them. yet, they all seemed fine. it was strange for the llama.


Re: You can worship the ashes // Bonfire - Olalla - 09-02-2022

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
The beast padded through the shadows of the ebbing sun, cloaked in the dusk's light as he stepped; carefully as he went. His demeanor was sickening, and his gaze was lifeless as his head was raised up, ears pinned forward upon his crownless cranium. Not by choice, though. No, if it were up to him, he'd have a crown as shiny as his teeth upon his head. But Olalla came here preaching equality, and despite that being so very long ago, he needed to keep his promise.

He was, for the most part, keeping his promise: of equality, of liberation, of a future brighter than his cr- than the dunes that sparkles in the distance. Olalla flicked an ear, a poor attempt at ridding his mind of these thoughts and began to mingle with the commoners.

The beast had moved out from the shadows of dusk and into the ring of Pittians that sat, poking and prodding at the fire. He had not yet gotten to know AlwaysDead, and in truth he assumed that she was like all felidae that stayed in The Pitt. Opinionated, impatient, arrogant, needy, with a sprinkle of selfishness. In truth, Olalla didn't want to get to know AlwaysDead, even if she was a part of The Pitt and a part of his people. He did not fancy cats.

LivingDead was a something out of a children's bedtime story to make them stay asleep or make them behave, always watching and always waiting. Ironically, she had kids of her own now. With Vale. Vale, of ALL creatures. It made Olalla think, LivingDead and Vale hadn't been too close. Perhaps it was a fling? Perhaps it was to get back at him, a secondhand burden even in Vale's absence? They were, by extension of Vale's blood, heirs in all but title.

Then there was Kold. Kold, in her twisted crown of thorns. In her self-loathing, in her beauty. Olalla flicked his gaze from the beast to the fire, and back again. Kold always had, in her volatile demeanor, something terrible about her. And yet.. The beast sat down before the fire and nodded his head in greeting. "AlwaysDead, LivingDead, Mr. Snuggles," Olalla said with a slight sniffle, disregarding both the Llama and the dragon. "Kold." His voice was heavy and hollow, low in tone and yet eager.

Re: You can worship the ashes // Bonfire - Kold - 09-02-2022


To put it simply, Kold was quite happy with how everyone was showing up. A glance to each of the attendees, making notes of who to talk to at some point before this was all over with. Her ebony eyes caught onto Night's nervous movements and she snorted. But aside from that, a fair amount of them had stuck to the sidelines. Oh, well. They were there, that's all that counted.

His presence was one the Marauder had learned to sense after a while. Ridiculously elegant and a subject of jealousy for the wolf-rottweiler. She shifted her weight and stopped chewing on the bone to look toward him for a second, stealing a glance before he approached. Stupidly good looking, even for someone who looked like an oversized rat with mange. The firelight framed him perfectly.

Though his appearance gave her heart a jump, his voice almost kickstarted it. Though her smile didn't waver, concern echoed in her mind. Hopefully she wasn't getting sick. "Olalla. Pleased to see you here." She chimed, using all her willpower not to wag her tail.

Re: You can worship the ashes // Bonfire - Night of No Stars - 09-04-2022

Outside the rabbit hole is a candy shop of poison -

if the meeting wasn't clue enough. the woman would have no doubts as kold locked eyes on olalla. her mouth twitched up slightly as she looked over kold. you like olalla, don't you? she asked bluntly as she looked at the ardent. smirking slightly at the thought. he was not her type, but he was interesting enough.
