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LIKE THE DEEPEST SEA ? September Meeting [O] - Printable Version

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LIKE THE DEEPEST SEA ? September Meeting [O] - jerisidie - 08-31-2022

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THE WAVES WILL BREAK! -- hellhound. regent.
tldr::// promotions to rowan and lucifer with an eye on sakura for a future promo, oath taker and oath breaker events will be held soon, looking for a prophet, winter is arriving soon and harvest must be done alongside preparation, call for increased patrols, advocates to other unofficial groups are needed, jer will be visiting the pitt regarding trade, and keep your eyes out for an autumn themed scavenger hunt with the ooc prize of art drawn by teef (too site poor to offer gems im sorry ;-Wink //

The chill of winter snaked through the air, a crispness to it he couldn't refuse, a nip that wore through the furs he wore draped over his short coat. A low rumble escaped him, shaking himself as he observed the life carrying on within Blackmont March, his ears swiveking around as he stood beneath the trees. Looking up to the skies above, admiring the turning foliage of rich amber, gold, and bronze, an appreciative grin on the Regent's face as he relaxed for the time being.

Stirring after enough time had passed, the hellhound pulled himself back to the brisk reality of the world, watching folks repair their own homes, the children playing in the streets, and the older generations convening to tell stories. It brought a sense of warmth to his heart, the relatively aged Regent shaking his pelt as he exhaled, adjusting his path to take him from under the trees and to climb towards The Wall. As he walked, the Regent would call out to the residents, "Meeting in the Mess Hall, everyone!", he would lead the way, seeking out the warmer confines of the Hall.

Pushing the doors open, he would enter and settle himself upon a pipe of old furs, tail settling on the furs alongside him as he sat, watching over the curious faces turning from food or entering on his trail. Clearing his throat, the Regent would cast his gaze around the Hall, noting the old states of the banners in their motheaten glory hanging from the ceiling. It caused him to wonder, just how much about the territory they called home, truly needed a change.

When enough of his people had gathered, he would launch into a speech, a bowl of paints at his side, "Welcome, all. Today I bring to your attention the matters if promotions, as well as the traditions of The Oath-Taker's Path and The Oath-Breaker's Covenant. Would [member=23512]Rowan.[/member] and Lucifer step forward? I would like to promote the both of you to the ranks of Paladin, will you accept?", he spoke with an aire of pride, continuing on after their responses, "Sakura. I will be keeping my eye on you, so as to be my next Paladin the next time we need a meeting. Keep up the good work. It is the time of year that causes our group the most grief, and the deadliest time for us. Winter approaches and we are still without a Prophet. I will be keeping my eyes out for someone to take that rank. Those of you who acdepted the new ranks, step forward to receive your Painting."

Coughing, he would survey those gathered with another glance, beginning once again, "As winter approaches, we are forced to take an early harvest of the few crops we have managed this year, and to begin to hunt down the fattest prey within our lands. I expect to see more border patrols, as at this time of year, the scavengers will begin to starve and raid our borders. We have already had too many attacks upon our borders, with injuries to Sebastian and Kabegami. Border patrols and hunting patrols must be amped up. For those of you who are not going on those patrols, I ask that you help out around camp and begin to help with the repairs to structures needing it."

Taking a brief break, he would let them mull over his words, "I will once again call for advocates to our fellow neighbors in the smaller groups. I will personally be visiting The Pitt shortly, before the first snows, to get an answer to our trade inquiries. If this goes well, this will be our first group that recognizes trade with us. Feel free to come with me. With that, I warn you that the first snowfall may come at any time and with little warning, though most of us already know how volatile this land and its weather are. The summer has been fair, but I beseech you, be prepared for a bad snowstorm in the first weeks of snowfall."

Exhaling, he would smile as he looked to those gathered below, "And one last announcement. We will be having an autumn scavenger hunt, before the first snows come. Please keep your eyes out for it!", he would bark with a short tail wag to his words. Pulling the bowls of paint before himself, he would gesture to those he named, "And a warm welcome to those of you that have arrived in the interim."

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #606A83. -- EVERY CHAIN ON ME !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: LIKE THE DEEPEST SEA ? September Meeting [O] - Casphian - 09-07-2022

⌨ Command Prompt
Rowan Lingré [The Frostguard — Canine/Hellhound — tags]
© psy. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Rowan> At his mother's call Rowan looked up from where he laid, curled up under a tree with a book nestle between his paws. The smaller hellhound pushed himself up from where  he laid, nestling his book back into the pouch on his side and began to make his way towards the mess hall. As he drew closer he could hear the bustle of the group, all seeming to be curious about the meeting. Finally he stepped inside, shaking the cold from his pelt as he moved. He would settle down close to Jerisidie, but not close enough to come off as disrespectful. He listened as the other began the meeting, head snapping up when his name was called out and he was promoted. Pride swelled like a wildfire in his chest, the fur along said chest puffing out a bit as he happily accepted his new role. The rest of the meeting went on, Rowan half paying attention to it until the mention of visiting other groups was brought up. As Jer's words died down, he decided to speak up then to offer his assistance. "I can go out to one of the smaller groups," he offered, knowing he would also use it as an excuse to explore the areas around their home and see what things he could learn and bring back to the rest of them.


Re: LIKE THE DEEPEST SEA ? September Meeting [O] - Cobra - 10-19-2022