Beasts of Beyond
lo hecho esta hecho - barb's tags - Printable Version

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lo hecho esta hecho - barb's tags - Barbedwire - 06-01-2018

Brief Bio

Barb grew up living more or less the hard-knock life-- she and her colony had to struggle to survive. Barb was always dirty, battered, and half-starved. She got the name Barbedwire in her youth, when she ran afoul of some rusted old wire. The end of her tail still looks a little mangled.

Still, despite all of this hardship, Barb remained committed to a strict moral code-- if not quite a conventional one. When her colony voted to do something Barb absolutely could not abide, she called that the last straw and left. She lost track of how much time she spent wandering, scrounging for food and completely alone.

What Barb mostly wants in life is a sense of community--friends to rely on, and a place to call home.

  • old, grizzled, nasty-ass teeth
  • lots of scars--missing ear, mangled tail, fur missing in patches from her sides
  • huge yellow eyes
  • mangy
  • four years old

  • likes to get rowdy
  • everyone's mom, whether they like it or not
  • tough love
  • loves to hunt
  • cusses like a sailor