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FORSAKEN ME :: hpr pittian litter :: jaguon hybrids - Printable Version

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FORSAKEN ME :: hpr pittian litter :: jaguon hybrids - psy - 08-27-2022

Truth be told, not much had ever existed between Blackjack and Clove. The two had discovered an interest in one another and spent an evening together, but beyond a mere fling, they hadn't quite envisioned a true relationship with anyone at the time, much less with each other. Some time after their one-night stand, Clove discovered that they were pregnant and informed Blackjack, who agreed to protect the children and assist Clove with raising them in the Pitt. Though the two weren't involved prior to the litter, the newfound burden of parenthood on their shoulders may bring them closer than they have imagined.

Blackjack also saw an opportunity with the arrival of a new litter. Not only would these new bloods help the Pitt flourish, he also sees a future for them as bounty hunters much like himself, though this is a path that is uncertain for the children as of now.

The parents, though not previously keen on having children, are still nonetheless set on keeping the cubs safe and protected and will do whatever it takes to provide for them.
These kids will be jaguar-lion (jaguon) hybrids as a result of their jaguon parent and jaguar father. Genetics won't be very strict, but it is preferred that the cubs take after their parents in some way. The cubs can also take on their parents' mutations, such as Clove's heterochromia and mane mutation and Blackjack's reptile tongue and horns.

Clove is a nonbinary jaguar-lion hybrid. They stand tall and strong, bearing a dark red pelt that lightens to a paler color on their limbs and on their muzzle. They have a dark nose and heterochromatic red-orange eyes, and their pelt is adorned with pale markings. A lighter red mutated mane rests upon their head and snakes down on their back to their twin tails. [ref]

Blackjack Venturo is a male North American jaguar. He is a muscular beast with an obsidian-black pelt and slightly lighter gray jaguar spotting. An even lighter gray (though still fairly dark) trails up his chest and onto his chin. He seems to come from a mutated lineage, sporting dark brown-gray ram's horns and a reptilian tongue. He bears gold eyes and a dark nose. [ref]
> Blackjack also has electricity elementals that can be passed down if you'd like.
Clove is a G1 character and related to no families as of now. They are a member of the Pitt.

Blackjack is a G1 character and related to the Venturo family. He has no relations as of yet. He is the Councilman of Relations (HP) of the Pitt.
1. Please be active with the cubs! If you feel like you have no muse for them or you just aren't able to be active, feel free to contact myself (psy) or Finnick/WeepingConstellation and we can rehome them as needed.
2. The cubs will take on the Venturo surname.
3. The starting age is 5 months, and the cubs will start off in the Pitt. They will be encouraged to stay with their parents there but ultimately they are free to go anywhere as they age.
4. We prefer names that aren't depressing or allude to abuse as both parents will care for the children. Since Blackjack is of Latino descent, names with a Spanish origin are encouraged but not required.
5. Reserved slots will be saved for one week before they will be reopened.
6. The children will be encouraged by their father Blackjack to join the bounty hunting/assassination trade and he will be more than willing to teach them his ways; this is, however, not required at all if you have other plans for your cub.
There will be THREE slots open and they will be first come first serve. The form is free-for-all as long as the basics are given and a few ideas for plots if you'd like.

Angelo — male — Dio
Valentina — female — Cobra
name — gender — roleplayer

Re: FORSAKEN ME :: hpr pittian litter :: jaguon hybrids - SirDio - 08-28-2022

Finger gunsssss

Name: Angelo Venturo
Gender: Male
Appearance: Angelo takes after his mother in size and his father is muscle definition, with the front half of his body looking more like Blackjack and his back half looking more like Clove. Dark Grey pelt fades into a deep pale reddish color toward his haunches and tail, with light orange on his hind paws and tail tip. Light markings are faded into his fur, and a gold shimmer can be seen on his fur at certain light angles.

He hosts a black, thin mane around his neck and a light pink ruff toward his haunches that travels halfway down his tail. His black mane is dusted in gold on the top, and stays a solid deep Grey at the bottom. His eyes share Clove's Heterochromia, his left eye is bronze-gold while his right eye is orange. He also shares Blackjack's ram horns and reptile tongue, both of which are grey-black in color.
Personality: as the bigger of the three, Angelo quickly takes on the Protective Brother role, wanting to keep his siblings safe and make his parents proud. As a result of his father's training, he becomes more vicious in his methods of protecting his family. Nonetheless, if he warms up to someone he softens up around them. A big lovable and yet intimidating lad.

Possible Plots: I don't have much, BUT I do want him to eventually develop electrical element and perhaps the way he discovers that is via protecting one of his siblings.

Re: FORSAKEN ME :: hpr pittian litter :: jaguon hybrids - Cobra - 08-29-2022

Name: Valentina Venturo

Gender: Female

Appearance: She is on the smaller side of the spectrum. She sports a rather unique look from all perspectives. Her back is black in color, but half way down her frame she turns red like her mother. Her spots are a soft grey in color. Her nose is grey as well. She has her fathers eyes, gold and lovely, but flecks of red and orange swim in their depths. She has twin tails, like her mother, but has her fathers reptile tongue.

Personality: Val is always questioning things around her. She always asks things as they hit her brain. This can be annoying, but that is just her. She is always wondering about the things around her. This has a bad side as she always seems to overthink things. Coming up with hundreds of different outcomes to every singlel thing she does. She is loving and humble by nature. Never bragging or boasting and always giving her family gifts and a shoulder to lean on.

She can be bitter and snappy when she feels left out, but she tries hard to hide this fact. Her temper can be short, but she tries to walk away when pushed to anger. She has little patients for ideocracy. She is always worried that she will slip up and hurt someone she cares about feelings. She is very helpful and kind with kids. She tends to spend her time watching others kids when she can. She is restless though, and tends to wander from time to time.

Possible Plots: She will likely explore and get lost a lot, sometimes in the Pitt lands and sometimes outside. She wants to know each biome like the back of her paw and it helps her restless nature.

Re: FORSAKEN ME :: hpr pittian litter :: jaguon hybrids - psy - 08-31-2022

accepted both! can't wait to see them!