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and the sky turned red // o - checkups - Printable Version

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and the sky turned red // o - checkups - radeken - 06-01-2018

Radeken had her set-up tidy and prepared, herbs out where she needed them, organized how she needed them. Candles were lit away from the herbs though the light wasn’t really needed. They were the ones she had stolen when she left. I should’ve just kept walking. Like planned. Except leaving meant boredom. There were plenty things worse than having a few louts upset with her, and one of the most egregious was boredom. So, they didn’t need to know what she had planned to do. That was her business, and now that she was back, so was this.

[color=black]Check-ups. Spread the word, come get fixed.” Radeken announced, voice filling the Grand Circle where she had herself stationed. She nudged at a bead of wet candle wax and it solidified on one dull nail before she drew her paw back again, standing to start pacing.

Re: and the sky turned red // o - checkups - Margaery - 06-01-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
[color=#b14767]"I'm pregnant," Was all the Starstruck Guardian would offer upon arrival, stormy eyes studying Radeken briefly. It seemed like their medic had quite the controversy surrounding her what with the deaths of both Starrynight and Maes. Margaery was a neutral figure in all of it, knowing with astute clarity that the injuries her clanmates had sustained had been fatal from the start. Saving them... it really hadn't been an option. Some of her other clanmates seemed a bit blind to that though... or maybe grief-stricken. Yes, it was definitely the latter and she supposed she couldn't really fault anyone for that.

Sitting down, the chocolate point would purse her lips in mild contemplation. Should she tell her of her children's little affinity to suck the life out of her? That would be a good idea. [color=#b14767]"And my children are all vampires who absolutely love to try and kill me. Do you have any remedy to that?" Margaery finally inquired. She sounded unfazed, unbothered, but there was no denying the hint of worry and doubt that laced her words.

Re: and the sky turned red // o - checkups - BASTILLEPAW - 06-01-2018

In fairness, Bastille was neither a vampire nor technically her biological child, but he also tended to want to kill her lately. The thought brought a sharp grin as he joined them, though the look in his eyes suggested that whatever he was thinking, it was bitter. Thank you, again, Pollie, for your delightful contributions to this shitshow, he thought pointedly, knowing damned well that there would be no response. His other souls tended to chime in with their own voices or thoughts, but never Pollie. He was a silent force, but arguably the most dangerous in terms of how easily he could override Bastille's thought processes.

"I don't have any issues," he supplied, dryly, never mind the fact that he'd spent the last 36 hours mildly buzzed at all times. Alcoholism wasn't exactly a medical problem, in his opinion, and besides -- he was built for this shit, thanks to Zaniel. If that asshole could literally drink every single day and die of something other than the booze, Bast had a feeling minor substance abuse wasn't going to kill him.

Re: and the sky turned red // o - checkups - radeken - 06-04-2018

[color=black]Hi Pregnant.” Radeken responded without thought. Pregnancy herbs... She finally looked up when Margaery elaborated on the nature of her brood. Oh? How fun. Radeken leaned forward and then rocked back. She hadn’t ever had to help with this sort of thing. Not knowing for certain was frustrating, but the newness was exciting. “[color=black]Right. Where do you, um, get your food right now? And does eating anything else hurt you?” Radeken knew of herbs that could help in the case of blood loss, but only if Margaery could ingest them without, say, dying. I mean, I assume she wouldn’t come to me if that was the case. Best to be sure, though.

Radeken gave Bastille a look. “[color=black]Oh, you’ve got issues.” Radeken clearly thought herself very clever for that. “[color=black]Nothing I’m equipped to help with, though. Not without thorough compensation.” She itched behind one ear with a hind paw. Shit, Radeken would try her metaphorical hand at therapy for the right price. Couldn’t be too hard, right? All you needed was patience, empathy, and the strong emotional desire to help. I can fake it. She grinned absently, stacking small, fuzzy leaves.

Re: and the sky turned red // o - checkups - Margaery - 06-04-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
[color=#b14767]"Well, therein lies the problem. I've never been able to consume much else but the blood of other felines due to this affliction. There was a short period of time that it miraculously cured itself, but shortly after I got situated here, it once more reared its ugly head," Margaery responded quietly, refusing to glance in the direction of Bastilleprisoner. His silence, his apathy, it was hurting her badly. She couldn't entertain him with that knowledge though, not when she knew that it probably wouldn't change much.

[color=#b14767]"Throughout the course of my life, my family has always strayed away from typical medicinal practices. My grandmother was once a... healer," Funny that she chose that word to describe her grandmother's allure to the dark arts, [color=#b14767]"And I suppose that that left a foul taste in their mouth. I'm willing to try whatever you think might work so long as it doesn't provide a threat to the leeches." Trying small samples of herbs wouldn't hold too much power to hurt her, she thought. She could drink all the alcohol in the world and her body be alright- maybe the same principle applied.

Re: and the sky turned red // o - checkups - radeken - 06-04-2018

[color=black]Well. So...Hm. I don’t know if it would work, but to avoid potentially harming you or the, ah, leeches, I could give the medicine to someone else and you could, y’know, have a sip of them, see if it transfers.” Radeken wondered how much medicated blood Margaery would have to drink for it to work. If it could at all. What was the worst that could happen?

[color=black]I mean, if you’re willing to give it a shot and you know someone else who is, that’s an option. Or I could just give it to you now and we’ll hope for the best. Dandelion to help with your blood - watch out, you’ll be pissing up a storm - , red raspberry leaves for circulation and baby cramps. Normal baby cramps, I don’t know if it’ll help with all the complications your brood comes with, but it’s a good herb to have when you’re expecting, regardless. And chamomile, just because it’s also nice to have, and should help you feel better without the side effects of other calming plants like, say, poppy.” She explained, gesturing to the stack she had ready to mash for easier consumption.

Re: and the sky turned red // o - checkups - ★ HAZEL - 06-04-2018

Hazel had never experienced a check-up before, and frankly, she was opposed. The scars that marked her body told a story she wasn’t ready to share; a story that, granted, was surfacing closer and closer with every mistake she made. Her past was bound to come out sooner or later, she knew, but Hazel wanted it to be on her own time. And she’d rather certain people a better mindset.

The feline took a seat near Margy, her golden gaze barely flickering to Bastille before focusing on Rad. Her tail curled up and over the bandana on her foreleg, hiding it from view. “I think I’m fine,” She supplied. Fine, as in experiencing a panic attack and putting herself in other situations similar to the one that had caused it. “Fine,” like she wasn’t currently feuding with the small family and its delicate bond. “Fine,” like she wasn’t constantly plagued with nightmares of Mother and experiencing irrational spikes in anger. Fine. She was...fine. Fine like the rest of them.
★ — hazel — "speech" — seven months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]

Re: and the sky turned red // o - checkups - BASTILLEPAW - 06-04-2018

Bast rolled his eyes at Rad's retort, and drawled in retaliation, "Oh, takes issues to know issues, Rad." He had... missed her, somewhat. At much as he missed any one, probably, and he realized it as he slipped right back into their "friendship" of sorts. He gave her a look at her reference towards compensation, well aware that she likely meant stealing his damn books, but he didn't mention what sort of treatment he knew she had. Instead, his attention was flickering to Margaery as she decided to carry on. He had little interest in her problems, and as he caught sight of Hazel's aura out of the corner of his eye, he decided it was time to get the fuck out of Dodge.

"See ya, Rad," he drawled, and then he was gone, flickering out of sight in a cheap teleportation to escape faster.