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how times change - Printable Version

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how times change - Night of No Stars - 08-22-2022

The same thing you are -

vale. ve was gone and she wondered about vem. vey left with no warning or word. livingdead didn't feel much about it. though she did want to chat with the strange creature she called 'friend'. yet, the things the remaining ardent spoke of made sense. vale betrayed them all by leaving. ve left them and the woman felt nothing, but she understood. she could see both sides. she held no ill will for vale or her home. ve did what ve needed to do. she would have done the same if she needed to.

the emotions the rest felt about it made no sense. not to her anyways. yawning, the cheetah rose from her bed of sleeping cubs to slink outside. stopping only when she was restinging upon sands. the sun just starting to rise. part of her wanted to find vale. ask vem why vey left before the cubs came. yet, she did not care enough to try. it was not something she felt she needed. she felt nothing for vale or the cubs. yet, she knew the cubs would ask questions before long.

she would cross that bridge one day.



Re: how times change - Chernabog - 08-28-2022

[Image: Gojira+5.gif]
Chernabog Charybis Greatwing-Eos-Astralis ;; Cherna (only if close) Dark Blue Western Dragon w/ Green Highlights Attack in Gold + Bold Panromantic Asexual, Formerly courted by Renlys - Pale Blood of The Pitt Speech in [color=#66cd00]Bold
God, how Chernabog liked the rat bastard that was Vale. Not in a romantic way, but in the way you'd love a friend, sharing mutual interests and likings, regular gossip. Ver sudden leave created a sharp want in Chernabog's ugly heart for company. Someone to hang out with, even if it was a furry thing like Livingdead. She was an interesting case, from what Chernabog knew, the cheetah felt nothing emotionally. In a way, Chernabog wanted to feel nothing about Vale's leave. But all she felt was hurt and anger. Foreign things.

[color=#66cd00]"A bit early for a new mother to be up, isn't it?" She rumbled as she drifted over the cheetah, landing nearby and turning to face her. The mother of Vale's children, things that weren't meant to be living. Though she would never say it, Chernabog felt a pang of fear. Would she stare at the kids, and see her friend's rotting face in them? Would it hurt? She snorted and shook her head. Thoughts for a later date.

"What's on your mind, fur thing?" She asked, dragging her talons along the sand.

[color=#66cd00]"Speech" [color=#336600]'Thoughts'

Re: how times change - Night of No Stars - 08-29-2022

The same thing you are -

the woman was greeted by a friend of vale, chernabog. ears slipping forward with mild interest, though those dead eyes remained blank. the woman was not to familiar with this one, but had seen her about. the slowly rotting cheetah let her head tilt as words intered her ears. dead eyes locked on the dragon before her.

best not to waste the day by sleeping in. the little ones are safe inside. she replied in that monotone voice as always. the fur thing comment made her blink in thought. vale. vey left without a word. i want to pick veir brain about why. she answered with a flick of her tail.


Re: how times change - Chernabog - 09-01-2022

[Image: Gojira+5.gif]
Chernabog Charybis Greatwing-Eos-Astralis ;; Cherna (only if close) Dark Blue Western Dragon w/ Green Highlights Attack in Gold + Bold Panromantic Asexual, Formerly courted by Renlys - Pale Blood of The Pitt Speech in [color=#66cd00]Bold
The beast hummed gently, fins shuddering as breath left her scowling maw. Even the mention of Vale sparked anger in her, and she let that hum turn into a growl. [color=#66cd00]"What is there to wonder about? That feathered, rotting rat apparently did that before, leaving Renlys and a lot of starving, desperate Pittians who immediately followed Olalla because he saw what they had become in Vale's absent leadership and wanted to urge them onward into a new age. Vem coming back was a poor choice on Vis end." She breathed deeply, placing a talon on her chest to still her furied breathing.

"Don't even get me started on Renlys." She seethed, other talon gripping the sand. "Vale Aston was never mentally sound. That much was evident. I've not a single clue on what you saw in vem." Chernabog tilted her head, "Or what Olalla, or Kold, saw in vem when vey strutted back in. I want to pick Olalla's brain on why'd he let a deadbeat leader co-ardent."

[color=#66cd00]"Speech" [color=#336600]'Thoughts'

Re: how times change - Night of No Stars - 09-01-2022

The same thing you are -

the beast before her seemed to show signs of anger. something the emotionless female had seen, but not felt. it was strange, to say the least. yet, she did not seem phased by the tone change of the larger reptilian esk being. there is a great deal of things to wonder about. where did vey go? why did vey choose to leave us, not once but twice now?

she paused in thought before shaking her head as if clearing her mind. these are the actions, not of a leader or friend, but of a coward and backstabber, yes? her eyes, dead as always, found the dragons face as she took in the words spoken. this was not the vale she met, but did she know vale like others did?

no. she hardly did and their kids being abandoned by vem was just part of the fall out of vale's mistakes and her lapse in judgement. the mention of another name made her ears flick. renlys? a small pause before she spoke more. this name brings you anger as well, no? i am sorry i know not this creature.

the question was fair and she looked chern over. nothing. i saw nothing in vem. i gained my one want in this world, to be undead. to be a zombie among the living. vale meant nothing to me, not that anyone does. she answered simply.
