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STONE COLD KILLER / o, dual-joiners - Printable Version

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STONE COLD KILLER / o, dual-joiners - Character Graveyard. - 05-31-2018

It was mid-afternoon when the female had approached The Typhoon's territory, unsure if Wade had followed her or not. He was quite the loudmouth, so she was somewhat surprised to not hear his voice. Icy blue-eyes would search the area around her, a small frown on her maw.

Narrowing her eyes, the she-wolf would take a seat at the border before she called out- upon hearing the footsteps of an NPC nearby. "Hello? Is anyone there?"

/Please wait for [member=939]Wade Wilson[/member] to post first! Ty! <3
tags :: updated 5/31:

Re: STONE COLD KILLER / o, dual-joiners - Wade Wilson - 06-01-2018

actions "speech"
Wade counted his lucky stars right, having chosen not to wear his usual red suit now shoved in the pack slung over his shoulders. This place was hot, but pleasantly hot. It was good weather for a pina colada, sunny, right by the seaside-- hell it almost felt like they were taking a vacation and he would forever welcome such a treat. But of course they weren't here to live it up in Jamaica, rather join a crew of sorts. Wade never saw himself as the Jack Sparrow type but damnit he was going to have fun with this.

The heavily scarred furless male wasn't far behind, having paused in his mindless jabbering of how boring this post was starting to get to lose himself in his thoughts of Margaritaville. He shook himself back to the present as Vanessa spoke. Stopping beside the female, he glanced her way. "Pretty sure someone'll come in a moment here. Next post maybe." he commented casually, squinting up at the large looming wall that served as a "grand entrance" to the Typhoon's lands.
[glow=black,2,300]HERE TO KICK NAMES AND TAKE ASS[/glow]

Re: STONE COLD KILLER / o, dual-joiners - ARGUS - 06-01-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] The typhoon was a wonderful mix of everything really. The only thing this place didn't really get was snow- and that, made it the perfect place for the wolf to settle down. Argus hated snow almost as much as she hated traitors. Well, here was hoping that neither of the two would be. It would be... disappointing, but at least there would be something exciting to do finally.

She spotted the pair rather quickly, the entrance to their little corner of paradise only had one entrance and exit from it if you were going by land and thankfully meant less intruders if they kept watch of it. Argus was a bit out of sorts from what she could hear of them. The hairless one being a bit... Well he reminded her of Forthwall actually. Except the other one was more convinced he was being controlled by a bigger force than them and he was far more easy going on something similar.

She approached, the large wolf standing a head taller than the black wolf stranger. No real smile on her expression but no hostilities either. " What'cha two need?" Really considering a few of her crewmates it was a warm welcome. And she at least tried not to be outwardly hostile to everyone she met until she had a reason.

Re: STONE COLD KILLER / o, dual-joiners - Owlie - 06-01-2018

Oh, he might as well seem to be “part of the team” pitching into the group. Krataa greatly preferred everyone to stay out of his business, but isolationism was dangerous. He jumped from his perch and onto the wall, tittering on the top and inspecting the two joiners with sulfuric eyes.
Wow. Someone more wrinkled than me.
Honestly any animal without fur or feathers was ugly. He’d seen Anakin’s ugly mug more times than he wanted to.
He laid down.
”I assume you’re here to join.”

Re: STONE COLD KILLER / o, dual-joiners - Character Graveyard. - 06-01-2018

Turning her head to look at Wade, Vanessa would simply shake her head. It was hard for him to stay serious, even in the worst of times. Blue-eyes would focus on the heavily-scarred male for a few seconds, before Argus showed up. The black she-wolf would glance upward and answer. "We're here to join, if you're alright with it."

The female would turn her gaze to Krataa, finding herself staring into his odd-sulfuric eyes. Strange. But Vanessa would keep her opinions to herself. "Yes. We're here to join."
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Re: STONE COLD KILLER / o, dual-joiners - Wade Wilson - 06-01-2018

actions "speech"
Hey was he really that gross looking? Just kinda seriously fucked up, not too bad. He liked to think he was still pretty good looking at least. Casting glances to the woman and the old man, he nodded alongside Nessa's words. "This is Vanessa and I'm Wade. You guys got any good alcohol to share? I, for one, am parched." he hummed, darting his gaze and looking at nothing and everything all at once. Wade wasn't the type to stay still for long either. His paws itched to keep moving, to see what this place had in store for them. It was like waiting in line for a roller coaster, agonizing and exciting and nerve wracking.
[glow=black,2,300]HERE TO KICK NAMES AND TAKE ASS[/glow]

Re: STONE COLD KILLER / o, dual-joiners - coldblue - 06-01-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 10pt;"][color=black]Ah yes, the Typhoon truly is the perfect place. But Coldblue's reasons for thinking so vary greatly from Argus. Here, Blue is like a prince. His father is the Captain so he very rarely gets into any sort of trouble even if he deserves it. And it if not often that he is required to be helpful in any way, shape, or form. The only people he cares about here are Goldie, Roman, and himself. Especially Roman. Unfortunately, the young male does not know where his adopted sibling has been recently. Blue does not show it, but Roman's absence is beginning to worry him. Family is far more important to the hedonistic youth than he is willing to admit.

Slender limbs propel the handsome young male forward in a casual stroll. There is an arrogant tilt to his head as glacial blue eyes for which he earned his name sweep over the gathered creatures. Huh. A pretty she-wolf and an ugly bald guy. "What the hell happened to you?" Blue questions curiously. He's kind of a brat, but, clearly, he knows it and doesn't care. Besides, it's a genuine question. The kid is willing to bet that everyone else is thinking it, he was just ballsy enough to ask. In spite of the boy's rather rude method of questioning, he dons a charms smile and dips his head politely in a welcoming bow, of sorts. Somewhat teasing and over the top, but he seems to enjoy it. "My name is Coldblue Roux. It's a pleasure to meet you, Vanessa and Wade."

For a moment, his attention flickers over to Krataa. Something about the cloaked wildcat gives the boy a bad feeling. It could be just because the guy is ugly and creepy, but something tells Coldblue that there's more to the predator than what meets the eye. Oh well. If it turns out Krataa is some genocidal mass-murderer, it's his dad's problem, not Blue's. "Of course we do," says the youth in response to Wade's question. "We are not uncivilized." A child like him should possess no knowledge of alcohol, but Blue tends to do whatever the hell he wants and no one can stop him. That includes getting into vices early. "I hope you like rum. If not, we have other selections but I will judge you for it." A lopsided smirk tugs at the corners of his lips.

Re: STONE COLD KILLER / o, dual-joiners - PINCHER - 06-01-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher didn't believe that the Typhoon was the perfect paradise that it appeared to be. And he enjoyed that it did not hold the perfect heavenly aura the island eminated from a distance. When one got closer to the island, they would notice the darkness that was contained by the lush jungle as well as the intimidating scarlet gold mixed glow eminating from the top of the active volcano. Every place had nicks and chips of weakness and while many tried not to show them, Pincher knew that his crewmates were comfortable with showing that side of them. It was filthy and dark, their sinister devious ways manifesting in multiple forms that could be simple pranking to mass murder sprees. It was really up to whoever was in the Typhoon to express their chaotic intentions upon the world they inhabited.

Pincher hummed softly an old tune that he had forgotten the lyrics of, eyes concentrated forward as he was searching for a decent palm tree that had a coconut. Most did but the ones he had looked before at were not ready and he desired the delicious water now. He was nearby when he heard the commotion, the broad-shouldered charcoal colored canine's attention becoming distracted by the voices that mingled together in a conversation. He glanced briefly at the corner of his crystal blue eye, thin tar black pupils focused on the strangers that were near the railroad gate. The captain had to admit that it was certainly the finest advantage that the Typhoon had. The only way one usually could reach the island was walking down the long strip of land that connected it to the main territories of the other clans unless one wanted to take a delicious swim in shark-infested waters outside the coral reef. He briefly turned back to the palm tree he was inspecting, using a spark of hot white electricity to cut the stem of the coconut, taking a step back to watch gravity do its magic.

After watching the fruit fall from it's spot, Pincher quickly cracked it open and lapped up the water before sinking his shark-like teeth into a piece of coconut before beginning to head towards the others. His vibrant light blue eyes flickered briely to Coldblue as his son responded, the similar arctic colored eyes the carbon copy of him. While many parents would find it joyful that their children had inherited their eye color or fur color, Pincher only felt dread. It reminded him of how his father, his uncle, and his great-grandfather all carried those cursed snake-like blue eyes, always a reminder of what the Roux family was similar to. Snakes. However, a look of faint amusement laced his sharp facial features when Blue bluntly questioned the hairless male that was standing beside the female wolf that called herself Vanessa. She was certainly attractive but Pincher's romantic views had changed ever since meeting Jacob. "Like my son said, we have shit from all across the world back at the tavern. If you'd like, you and Vanessa could go take a few drinks, just don't go overboard with it, the last thing I need is newbies messing up the place. Welcome to the Typhoon, name's Pincher Roux and I'm the Captain." He stated, offering a light sly smirk to lace his muzzle while giving a slight nod of his onyx tinted head. He wondered if these two would be familiar faces after a while.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: STONE COLD KILLER / o, dual-joiners - Character Graveyard. - 06-01-2018

Vanessa would rest her icy blue-gaze on Coldblue as the young male approached. Children were always a joy to see, even if they were spoiled brats, well that's what the she-wolf thought. Vanessa would ignore the young male's question on why Wade had no fur, leaving him to answer on his own. Upon hearing Wade ask if The Typhoon had any alcohol, Nessa responded with a roll of her eyes and she joked. "Of course, you ask where the alcohol is."

Noticing another onyx-colored canine, she would look in his direction. The boss of this place. It wasn't a surprise, because large groups always needed someone to lead them so things didn't get out of hand. "Nice to meet you, Pincher." The charcoal female said.
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Re: STONE COLD KILLER / o, dual-joiners - Owlie - 06-03-2018

The leopard promptly rose and stretched, beginning to make his way down slowly. His paws finally reached the earth, and his feeble form approached, getting a better look at the two joiners. He didn’t really like being on the ground. His height did not help him- what are you doing? You don’t need to be tall to be intimidating! Krataa sucked in a deep breath, stretching again and straightening himself up.

“Venessa, you look much more lovely upclose. Forgive my old eyes.” Said pupils then turned to Wade. His eyes glowed with a sense of raw power, as the looked the hairless buffoon up and down.
“I’ve seen worse.” Honestly, it was the only compliment he could muster, even his Apprentice looked better.

[b]”If you two could kindly follow us this way, we’ll lead you back to the camp.