Beasts of Beyond
Today, I will wear my white button down - Printable Version

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Today, I will wear my white button down - Seven - 08-20-2022

[div style="margin-top: 4px; margin-left: 9px; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 36px; text-transform: lowercase; text-align: left; line-height: 22px;"]DREAM OF YOU
A weary sigh left her, staring blindly at the bedroom that she used for patients. It was empty, though she was sure it would not be for long. News had quickly spread about Ares' breakdown, and Seven couldn't help but let a dry sob leave her mouth at the thought. The poor girl. Seven had heard of what had happened two years ago, but she truly could not fault the girl. She had little control over when the event would happen.

Feeling her way outside, she stopped halfway through the front door. It made little difference whether to sit outside or inside for her, considering she couldn't see anything. Even after all the years, she couldn't get used to not seeing the world around her, the sunlight filtering through leaves and falling onto the swamp's floor, the children running by her home playing. She could only see white outlines of the tanglers she knew.

Shaking herself, she continued through the door and used her tail to close it behind her. Then she felt her way toward the bundle of pillows and blankets she had made for a seat on her porch. And she sat down, eyes wide and staring out into the town, yet always unseeing. Occasionally she would blink, but other than that, she watched the outlines of Tanglers move to and fro.
SEVEN — Ref — played by Dio!

Re: Today, I will wear my white button down - aesior - 09-05-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
the troubles that had been plaguing his mind, had been overcome by the situation with ares. there were many things that he wished he could have done differently, words he could have said, so, so many things. ragged was the breath he took as he forced his screaming muscles to work with him, stretching them before they could stiffen any further. swallowing as he shuffled through camp, ears angling in seven's direction as he heard the tigress come out from her home. turning his head in her direction, observing her for a while as he struggled to keep his body in a relaxed state.

exhaling through his nose, the tom would approach slowly, stretching out his form as he approached the stairs and waved his tail as he stepped out of the stretch. he wouldn't be able to speak with her or write anything for her to read, she was blind and he was mute; what an ironic pair of people. keeping himself standing, resting his side against the stairs, simply finding comfort in her presence, for what it was worth.

aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef

Re: Today, I will wear my white button down - Seven - 09-05-2022

[div style="margin-top: 4px; margin-left: 9px; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 36px; text-transform: lowercase; text-align: left; line-height: 22px;"]DREAM OF YOU
The pink-red outline of Aesior made Seven snort, shifting her paws to look at him. "You should be healing, in bed." she rumbled, stern yet humorous. Yes, he should be resting in a bed, and yet he was out and about. Perhaps Ares was on his mind, considering his injured aura and the word that he took the brunt of the attack.

She stood, but stayed in her spot of pillows and blankets. "How are your injuries, anyway?"
SEVEN — Ref — played by Dio!

Re: Today, I will wear my white button down - aesior - 09-06-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
The sound of her voice startled him for a second, the tom twisting his head over his shoulder to gaze at her in veiled surprise. Blinking, he would give a gentle exhale, moving side to side slowly on his paws, a sign of discomfort. Rest was hard to achieve, knowing that Ares was out there and that he couldn't go to her, that he couldn't find her and tell her somehow that it was alright. He wanted to find his adopted daughter so desperately that he couldn't rest, it drove him crazy. Tentatively he tried to reach out to Seven's mind gently and touch it with a soft "Ares. Very sore.", he didn't want to startle the tigress with his attempt, though he knew no other way than to try and share his words to her. Perhaps it would be more simple with images and the barest of emotions and feelings? How would he be able to interact with her?

aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef

Re: Today, I will wear my white button down - Seven - 09-16-2022

There was a slight notion of discomfort in the presence of another in her mind, though it was not as bad considering who it was. A low hum left her, and she sat back down. [b]"Sit with me." she inquired, settling down into a laying position with her forepaws crossed over one another. "Apparently Ares had done something like that before. At least, that's what I've heard."

She was sure that, with enough time, Ares would come back. Perhaps not stay, but come back. Seven was eager to show that she held no ill will to that girl.