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Starry had died before he could host a monthly ceremony, but Bastille had seen enough of them to understand how they operated. Never mind the fact that Starry had left entire piles of notes in his room for Bast to sort through. It wasn't like we was going to be moving into the control room any time soon -- it was clearly Starry's space, and he couldn't escape his ghost in there -- so for the time being, Bastille liked to treat it as a reference den, sitting in them when he needed to figure out what the hell to do and he was praying that Starry could offer him some guidance through the thousands of sheets of paper scattered about. Ironically, sometimes it felt like the Seraph was still there, helping guide him.

He stood in the center of the Circle for a moment, swallowing down the brief flare of distress as he searched for the words. He was finding it easier and easier to slip under that thin veil of apathy, however, and even if he hadn't pregamed the event (he'd felt just slightly too guilt for it), he wasn't on the brink of losing his shit. That was... good.

"We're going to do monthly ceremonies, so that people can get their new beads or rank beads, Dwarf Stars can become Fireballs publicly, Fireballs can get their pendants and become Observers, blah blah blah. Any new member who has retrieved their shard from the Starpool can give it to me now, and if you're an Observer, you'll get your pendant back tomorrow." A pause, and then he added, "Anyone who practices traditional names can receive their new rank names, too."

Ironically, Bastille was supposed to be getting his own Observer name. He still remembered Starry's confused look when he tried to explain the tradition, remembered wondering how it would be receiving his name from the Seraph and if it would mean anything to Starry, too, to give it to him. He had reflected on whether or not he would pick his own name or if he'd leave it up to Starry to speak to his soul and choose. In the end, it didn't matter -- because Starry was dead and Bastille was 11 months old, just shy of being an Observer when he became leader, and hell, what was the point in waiting a month to change names? He had no desire to carry the suffix of -star, but at the very least, he could drop the fucking apprentice name.

"Speaking of," he said after a moment, "I have to receive my pendant today, too. If you didn't realize my name was Bastillepaw and not just Bastille, great news: it's Bastilleprisoner as of today." He already had his pendant under his paw, had found it in Starry's room a few days ago and felt something break inside of him. As for how he chose his name? A passage from A Tale of Two Cities, one that had always reminded him of his mother, and he thought maybe that she had named him with the intention of referring to the prison in some way. After all, her warrior name should have been Frenchrevolution. After a beat, he slid the pendant -- a triskele set in a solid circle -- onto his necklace, along with his beads.

Re: WAS ON 3 PILLS, NOW HE ON 4 | JUNE CEREMONIES - Character Graveyard. - 05-31-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Monthly ceremonies? Sounded interesting. The white-serval had decided to walk over, listening to Bastilleprisoner speak. The young male had certainly come a long way and Luna was proud of him. She would offer a smile to the Seraph before asking.

"If anyone doesn't mind, I have a brief question for Xion. Would you be fine with if I become your mentor? Unless you object it, of course." She said, a smile on her maw.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: WAS ON 3 PILLS, NOW HE ON 4 | JUNE CEREMONIES - Suiteheart - 06-01-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]"It's a good name, kiddo," came the voice of Suiteheart as she stepped into the scene. She was now wearing her own pendant. She wasn't sure why it had taken her so long to begin wearing it. She supposed it was because of everything that had happened the moment work was completed on it. For one, Starrynight had died. Then, she had transformed back into a feline. There was that whole fiasco with Bastille, Hazel, and Margaery (the Latin Incident as she liked to call it). Suite had been running around in place of Radeken. Her wife announced her pregnancy. Maes died. Fuck, dude, that was just too much on the Cosmic General's heart. But, she supposed, she needed to begin wearing it sooner rather than later - and it was already beginning to be 'later.'

The pendant she wore was something she would grow to cherish greatly. It was circular in design. If once looked closely enough to see the details, one would notice the polar bear sitting just off center. On the right side of the pendant was a crescent-moon-shaped band of stars. She supposed she had chosen the bear for her mother bear title (and to symbolize her control over her primal side). The Stars had a few meanings. She had always loved them for one thing. In addition, she chose them as a call back to her old home. They also symbolized her new home in the Ascendants. Finally, each little star represented someone close to her heart.

Two beads sat on opposite sides of her pendant. Her Starstruck Guardian bead was smoky quarts. It was dark, standing out against her white fur. On the other side of her pendant hung an emerald bead. The deep green was a sign of her current rank as a Cosmic General.

But enough about her pendant. Her baby blue eyes fell from Bastilleprisoner to Lunafreya as she spoke her request. A mentorship? Interesting. Suiteheart had mentored two apprentices in her time. One had been an introverted piano player, and the other had been a weary boy with too much to carry on his shoulders. She had loved each of them fiercely, and she had been so proud to see them move on to become warriors in their own right.

For now, the white feline would remain quiet, wondering what little Xion would have to say about Luna's question.

Re: WAS ON 3 PILLS, NOW HE ON 4 | JUNE CEREMONIES - Roy Mustang - 06-03-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Currently, Roy's pendant was hiding away, in his room. Roy wasn't used to wearing jewelry, he often forgot it was sitting on his bedside. Generally when he remembered it, it was too late to go back and grab it. He certainly planned to wear it in the future, if anything happens to the flame alchemy arrays that are carved into his paw pads. If something were to happen to them, he'd just have to wear his pendant around, as it as well is his flame array. The male came padding in, not saying a word as he sat himself down, taking note of Bastillepaw's new name and the purpose of this ceremony.