Beasts of Beyond
Dream a little dream of me;; Open - Printable Version

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Dream a little dream of me;; Open - ARGUS - 05-31-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] Argus remembers her badgers. Surprisingly, it was a joke she made with her clan mates a long time ago, that she'd adopt a family of badgers. It was pure irony and good nature spite that she had found a family of them and adopted them. In a clan full of hawk companions she had three savage little monsters following her around. She hadn't much thought of them then. Not much, but then again good memories were always easier to forget, or easily muted with the knowledge that everyone in those memories was dead or lost to time.

So when she made her rounds that morning, patrolling the borders, it was with great delight that she stumbled upon the two familiar forms of her old companions and not someone else. Because- taking note of their forms they probably would've attacked anyone else on sight. Which is to say- they did attack her on sight, but it was less trying to fend off a predator/subduing prey and more a few playful and threatening bites and aimed claw swipes. She expected them to be mad though, she did technically abandon them.

She was just glad they were back.

She took in their forms then, Kit was a runt when she had her first. Smaller than the kits of badgers should be, not stood bigger than her brother. She was the more distant of the two but twice the more affectionate when she warmed up to someone. Now had three large claw marks over the spine of her back that had scarred. Eyes a stale grey that was uncommon. She had a hawk feather piercing on her cropper ear, something argus had done to the both of them when they were little to keep others from trying to scare them off.

Kathulu was probably the first born with how pampered he was as a kid. He was especially savage compared to his sister, more aggressive. He didn't seem to have any major injuries or past ones that argus noticed, but he looked generally more ruffled than his sibling. He had a nicked ear where his piercing was though, and she assumed he ripped it off or something got to it that he was fighting.

She smiled at them both, and made a beeline for barracuda bay, her little family trailing behind her. Before she had only really given them red meat from doe or white meat from other birds that she could catch. But she was interested in seeing them try and eat fish. If nothing else watch their expressions as she ate some herself. She always had a better mood after eating red meat- sating her own spiritual hunger as well as the physical kind.

Re: Dream a little dream of me;; Open - The Tombs - 06-03-2018

[div style="width: 45%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]Iosef had little intentions on founding his own family or going through the meticulous process of adoption—discovering what a child needed and desired, their traits, their capabilities. He never had children of his own in his former life and didn't have any in this life due to his being occupied with establishing himself in this vast world. That wasn't to say that he disliked children. On the contrary, he was quite fond of them, and he found solace in their youthful, amusing manners. The Typhoon wasn't the greatest place to start a family, he would admit, but there have already been many occasions in his extensive existence where children were turned into monsters for his bidding. Not that he was directly involved in such training. No, he got his paws dirty in other ways. Regardless, why would it be different here? So long as they learned to make use of themselves when they were older, he was fine with however his crewmates raised their children.

The Siberian tiger abruptly thrust his massive cranium into the water, his paws sinking into the light sand beneath him as he did so. Quickly his perilous jaws locked onto the slippery, frantic form of a fish that made its oh-so-desperate attempt to swim away from the hulking beast that hungrily loomed over the shimmering water. The crewmate drew his head up from the sea sharply, grasping tightly onto the fish as his sharpened teeth sank into its glittering silver flesh with ease. Unable to evade its demise, the resistance of his little prey eventually faded away, and he rose to his paws, content with the kill he had secured. He himself wasn't exactly aching for his next meal, but perhaps another comrade would make use of his catch. It was a decent-sized fish, after all, but nothing a fleshy hunting machine as himself couldn't put down with little effort.

As the Siberian tiger sulked off to return to the heart of Barracuda Bay, his icy blue hues detected movement in the distance, and he turned to see...hmm, a familiar figure. Argus, was it? He recalled her presence from the Typhoon's foundation, but the creatures beside her were completely alien to him. They were clearly badgers, but he was unsure if they were entirely feral. They seemed to speak little, yet they trailed after the winged wolf as if she were their maternal figure. And perhaps that was the case. "Argus." Iosef greeted the canine with a dip of his head, his voice somewhat muffled due to him still holding his shimmering catch in his maw. Gently he set the fish down, little drops of water trickling from his dog tags due to their being submerged in the sea in the midst of the hunt. "I see you've made some friends," he remarked with a slight sniff, his blue gaze shifting to the badgers that followed her trail.
[glow=#0097a3,2,300]LOSERS WEEPERS[/glow] —