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[Image: Cads1fI.png]
Well, Cain had the decency to give Axel a proper mourning period, at least. As soon as he'd decided that it was enough, however, it was on to phase two: retaliation. Something in his blood hummed at the promise of chaos and blood shed, and the Commander stood on the brink overlooking their little kingdom with an easy, lopsided grin. He knew these streets well enough, and had already run through his plans for days. "Alright, everybody, time to play a fun game of Capture the Flag. Take whatever you can, burn the rest, and rescue some of those kiddos," he drawled, tossing a brief glance over his shoulder to his little gang of rebels.

They certainly weren't as refined as the royals, most of them having grown up on the outer fringes of society, but they were dirty fighters and more than capable of tearing shit apart. Cain had faith in them. Raising his voice as he turned back towards the city, he yelled, "Ohh, Freddie, I'm home! Did you miss me?" He grinned, and electricity crackled through the air in anticipation for the shitshow.
[Image: Yc7IJWv.png]

Re: COURTESY CALL | CAPTURE THE FLAG / RAID - Amren - 05-31-2018

[color=#414a4c]✴ ✴ ✴
[b][color=#414a4c]"So we can burn things, boy? Perfect."

A smirk came to life upon the tiny woman's face, the air around her buzzing with an unnatural heat. All fire and rage, Amren thought it was only fitting that she once more could access the ability to wield flames as easily as she breathed. In fact, it was almost convenient. Cain wanted fire and here she was. Her very skin seemed to grow warmer and warmer by the second, anticipation radiating off of her form as she stalked closer to her commander. Smoky silver eyes were lined with something dangerous, sparkling and dancing as the first flames ignited in her palms. Yes, this raw power... she missed it.

[color=#414a4c]"At your leave, boy," She said, emitting a particularly wicked laugh. She had been waiting to release her fury on someone or something. These poor royals... they didn't know what was about to hit them.

Re: COURTESY CALL | CAPTURE THE FLAG / RAID - Thomas - 05-31-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Battlefields of all types were a second home to Thomas. While he presented himself as a kindly former prince whose main purpose was to do no wrong, the vast majority of him enjoyed the thrill of the fight. The lionhearted man enjoyed charging into battle, destroying enemies, and hoisting the colors of his kingdom high as a sign of victory once the dust had cleared. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced. It was one of the few things that truly made him feel alive.

"Hm. Lightning and fire. How fitting for our bunch. May we blindside them," Thomas spoke as he pulled his sword from its scabbard. It fit easily into his hand, and he tossed it around a few times as if to get an estimate of its weight. He had opted to leaving his family's sword at home - this time. Even so, he had practiced with this one and was well versed with it.

His dark eyes scanned the scene in front of him, and he wondered if anyone would dare show up to fend them off. This so-called kingdom they were facing paled in comparison to his former realm. Thomas was almost disgusted. [color=#987A65][b]"I do hope nothing is off limits in this little raid, Cain. That would be incredibly unfortunate."

Re: COURTESY CALL | CAPTURE THE FLAG / RAID - Orion - 06-01-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"]THE FEAR OF FALLING APART
Words burst through the air, causing Frederick's eyes to raise from his paper and onto the skies. Not even a second later, one of his admirals burst through the doors of his quarters in a huff, screaming inaudible words. In seconds, he was aligned with the gates and had advisers on all of his sides staring down at what was about to happen. The sovereign's jaws clenched together at the sight of this one. Not only did he look cocky, but he was. Perhaps this was an improvement after the last two or three failures they had to deal with. He lived for a thrill.

Sheath at his side and a glare made of daggers, the hazel eyed sovereign begun to speak. ”I’m flattered you know my name,” he offered. Frederick didn’t bother to ask for his. Putting a name to this scoundrel’s face would be a waste of his time after he delivered them to their grave. Instead, he moved ahead with the conversation... and literally. Step by step, he approached slowly in Cain’s direction with an inquisitive look and one hand on his sword’s handle in case. ”I’m sure you’re here to negotiate peace.” His eyes peered left and right. Sarcasm was practically rolling off his tongue by this point. As if peace was an option anymore, but if it was, oh hell, he’d give in. They were too far gone for that.

Stopping, he let out a sigh. ”Your band of buffoons says otherwise,” he muttered lowly with a sneer. Frederick’s hand tightened around his handle, getting ready to pull from his sheath. ”I don’t think you know what you’re getting into, traitor.” His other hand waved backwards, calling for whomever showed up to back off. If there were to make any sign of aggression without being prompted, their head may also be on the chopping block. ”Ill give you a chance to leave before things go south.” Though, he doubted they would leave.

Re: COURTESY CALL | CAPTURE THE FLAG / RAID - mordecai - 06-01-2018

Oh, how fun.

Mordecai made a show of looking furious. Of looking like this was more of a horrible thing to him than it was. He had a dead wife to pretend to be mourning, after all. And here he was faced with those he pretended to blame. He had come as soon as he could after both preparing himself for a fight and for this act. It had taken a moment.

Mordecai lingered behind Frederick like a storm cloud, grip closed around the hilt of his weapon as his leader spoke and Mordecai allowed his gaze to skin over the small grouo that had assembled to wreak havoc. He tapped one fingernail against the hilt. It was a shame his otherwise barren and frankly tedious schedule was being disrupted like this, end sarcasm, but he supposed that if this was how it was to be, then so be it. But he waited, because Frederick was humoring them for whatever reason, and Mordecai knew to behave.


[Image: Cads1fI.png]
"Of course you can burn things," Cain remarked with that shark-like grin, his steady stare sliding over the gathering Griffingaters with sharp, analytical flickers. He knew damned well how they operated, how they fought -- he hadn't wasted his time as a boy, training with their soldiers, and beyond that? He'd fought these assholes for long enough during the rebellion. Cain knew their tactics like the back of his hand, and his mouth ticked upwards in amusement as he felt Thomas settling into position. It would interesting to see his little prince fight against the royal bastards, and he drawled, "Nothing is off limits to you, Tommy boy."

Ah -- there was what he was waiting for. Freddie's ego was too big to simply ignore them, even if the man was unlikely to actually participate in the bulk of the fighting himself. Kings may be cowardly, but their pride was always something that Cain could count on. "Hey, Freddie," he said, voice smooth and even as he smiled lopsidedly, though there was a cold edge to it as he continued, "Nice of you to show your face. Get bored of letting your lackeys die on the front lines for you?"

His sea-green stare slid over the royal who appeared moments later, a brief analysis, before it was back on the Crown. The lightning crackled excitedly in the air around him as he grinned, his pulse beating stronger, and said, "Oh, come now. Don't you think enslaving your own people might make you more a traitor than me?" He waved his hand dismissively, as if brushing off the question, and added, "Never the less, we're not really here to chit-chat with you, anyway." Cain jerked his head with another grin, giving his people the go ahead with relish.

Oh, yeah. He could go for some chaotic energy just then. He raised both arms in a welcoming gesture to Frederick, that coy smile still in place. Even as the Blackfallen fell forward to wreck havoc, it seemed clear Cain was waiting for the King.
[Image: Yc7IJWv.png]

Re: COURTESY CALL | CAPTURE THE FLAG / RAID - Orion - 06-04-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"]THE FEAR OF FALLING APART
A scowl breached his expressionless face. His eyes narrowed preemptively, ready to slash into the newest fuckface leader of the Blackfallen. Those men on the frontlines had died with honor. They knew their fight was worth fighting for, even if they were going to die at the hands of some insignificant pyromaniac traitor like Amren was. "I'm more excited to watch your men die at the hands of mine," he countered back strongly.

As he listened further, his muscles tensed. Frederick was obviously trying to avoid eye contact with the lightning that encircled Cain, in hopes that his sword would do enough damage. Still, he knew he was at a disadvantage. Griffingate, compared to the Blackfallen, had little to no ability wielders. "Enough," came his demanding bark. "I gave you a chance to go and let your men live another day, but if you say so." The sovereign drew his blade slowly, only to raise it to the sky. It was a signal for his men to go... but only Mordecai and a few other NPCs had shown their faces in battle compared to Blackfall's buffoonery. Clearly, they were outnumbered. Even his general, Bianca, was not within the area. Obviously, they had more to discuss at their next meeting.

Though, without another thought, he rushed into the crowd towards Cain with his sword by his side and eyes wide. If he could grow close, he would aim to swipe at Cain's feet to knock him off guard and then swipe upwards in hopes to catch part of his body as he fell. If Frederick could not grow extremely close, he would front Cain with the edge of his sword and aim to slash at his chest.

Re: COURTESY CALL | CAPTURE THE FLAG / RAID - Character Graveyard. - 06-04-2018

OUR LOVE IS SIX FEET UNDER ✧ Sola — Citizen — Blackfall
//oof don't mind Sola, she won't be in Griffingate for much longer anyway

Sola was a quiet soul. She didn't talk to anyone else in Griffingate. Instead- the young girl was normally in the small spot that she called home, a hidden room in the ground near the outskirts of Griffingate's capital. The people of Griffingate would often look down at her as she walked the streets, silently shunning her from afar.

Confused by the sound of fighting, the girl had approached, her gaze narrowed. She would then hide herself behind a tree and frown as the fighting continued.
© madi

Re: COURTESY CALL | CAPTURE THE FLAG / RAID - Amren - 06-05-2018

[div style="text-align:justify;width:60%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]
[align=center][color=#414a4c]✴ ✴ ✴
Cain's leave was all it took for the embers that Amren had been entertaining in her palms to ignite into flames. She would scan the enemy boredly, looking for any semblance of a suitable opponent before her attention was piqued by Frederick. That wicked grin did not falter even as he lunged for her leader and, without missing a beat, she sped forward and attempted to intercept or at least distract him while also trying to burn him with the fire she generated. [b][color=#414a4c]"Cain's mine you devilish boy. Don't you dare even think about putting a hand on him or I will burn you with the very flames of the hell I came from," she would hiss if successful, dancing backwards on light feet as if anticipating a swing from that pretty sword of his.

How she'd like to add it to her collection of shiny objects.

How she'd like to stain it with its owner's blood.

A cold, uncaring laugh dripped from her red-painted lips then, her silver eyes gleaming with a sort of chaotic blood-lust that she had suppressed for so long now. She had at least been mindful of her fellow Blackfallen in the docks, keeping her abilities and her tempers to herself. Here... well, she had free reign to do whatever she pleased and she intended to. [color=#414a4c]"Now... what shall go up in flames first?"

Re: COURTESY CALL | CAPTURE THE FLAG / RAID - Thomas - 06-05-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]For a brief moment, Thomas' attention was stolen from Cain and Frederick as Sola approached. She looked helpless and alone, and the lionhearted young man knew that this was the type of individual Cain had spoken of when he said they needed to rescue others. He made a move to go after the girl - to rescue her - when he heard Frederick moving from his rank amongst his people.

Forever the knight, the protector, Thomas moved instinctively towards Cain. Amren had beat him, however, yet he moved with her. As she stepped back, Thomas moved forward, ready for whatever would come. "For a king, I thought you might be more skilled," the former prince spat at the Griffingate monarch. "I do hope you put up a decent fight, Your Highness."

Thomas raised his sword once more in attack. "Cain, Amren, there is a girl hiding behind a tree a few yards away. We might ought to bring her home with us - so she can know what it is like to be apart of something great." [u]With those words said, Thomas stepped forward, bringing his weapon around in an attempt to cut into Frederick's right side.