Beasts of Beyond
life in the fast lane ;; abyssjaw - Printable Version

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life in the fast lane ;; abyssjaw - Cobra - 08-10-2022

Be us against the world -

she snapped today. it was to crowded and she had brought prey back for the queens. she loved the idea of kits all her own one day. yet, she had no chance and no mate. so, she likes visiting the nursery. yet, she lost it today when she left said area. a larger tom knocked her off her paws as she was leaving camp.

her reaction was harsh, but still. he got a well placed slap of her paw and was now hissing at her. the molly hissed back and then turned to leave. her point made, she hoped. alas, she felt the heavy tom landing on her back and yowled in anger. squirming until she realized she was to small to escape.

get off me mouse-brain! you walked into me and knocked me over, so of course you deserved a slap! i didn't even use claws. her voice was like ice as she spat the words. the tom was not using claws but he stood on her and she felt squished.

part of her just hoped no one important, like abyssjaw, witnessed this.


Re: life in the fast lane ;; abyssjaw - abyssjaw - 08-10-2022

It was crowded. It was always so crowded. AbyssJaw gnashed his teeth at other cats when they came too close to him, his claws flexing into the dirt. He was a large cat, he thought that perhaps the others would move out of his way, but it seemed they liked to get stepped on. He had seen VixenFrost's tail amongst the crowd and was trying to reach her, at least wanting to be close to a familiar cat would make him feel a bit better about being surrounded by strangers.

Even his fur didn't smell like him anymore. It smelled like everyone else. It made his skin prickle and his fur ruffle.

He could hear a yowl in the direction that Vixen had disappeared off to, her tail was no longer visible in the swarm of different coats and furs, but he could see a rather large tom standing on something wiggling and squirming. Ever the investigator, AbyssJaw wandered closer before slowing to a stop, tilting his head at the situation. His whiskers twitched in amusement, before he realized that the other large tom was not giving up. This wasn't playful.

Without hesitation, AbyssJaw's claws dug into the ground, spurring him onward as he lunged into the large cat, knocking him off Vixen and into the crowd. He flattened his ears as he landed, spinning to face the large tom. He lunched forward again, large, unsheathed paw smacking the other large tom directly on top of the head and hissing.

[div style="font-size: 22px; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 3px 2px 1px black;"]HIGH HOPES
tom - soon to-be shadowclan - attack in RED

Re: life in the fast lane ;; abyssjaw - Cobra - 08-18-2022

Be us against the world -

the sudden lack of pressure and vixen was free. she had no idea what had happened and her ears flicked forward. head swiveling in time to see abyssjaw smack the tom on the head. fur raised, she stalked over to stand beside abyssjaw and lowered herself into a crouch. a low hiss leaving the molly as she watched the tom.

the now outnumbered tom backed away, spitting threats as he turned to vainish into the crowd. the thin furred female would let the barely noticable raised fur fall on her spine and sighed. gaze shifting to abyssjaw and a playful look entered her eyes. tail curling up behind her in amusement.

thanks for that, abyssjaw. i really owe you one. she would attempt to lightly brush her tail on his flank. my hero. she adds with an amused purr escaping her. a much friendlier show. considering she was normally not to friendly.

abyss just brought that side out in her. she did not know why.
