Beasts of Beyond
ADOPT A PACK OF WOLVES? - Printable Version

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ADOPT A PACK OF WOLVES? - tristitia - 05-31-2018

Long ago, there was a land called the Beyond, there were many wolves. Some had lived many lives, some had gotten this one life to enjoy, but they all had a diverse culture. This culture was based off of the Celtic one. However, the Beyond has dissipated, leaving these wolves to fend for themselves, while retaining their culture. Now, they go to new homes, confused, but willing to teach others about their lands.
Though the culture is based off of Celtic culture, they do not have gods, but rather they have spirits that help them to the afterlife, in a sort of StarClan manner. They also usually know Scots and Irish Gaelic, as a language called Old Wolf is based on the two languages. They also know Old Wolf. These wolves tend to follow somewhat a pack hierarchy, but a sort of different one. Their hierarchy can be found here.

These wolves are also generally superstitious, meaning that they believe in voodoo and witchcraft, and spirits tinkering in the world. They also have a quite prejudiced belief that those born with physical deformities (called a malcadh)(e.g. twisted paw, missing an ear. blind, no tail, but also stuff like premature birth) are cursed. Therefore, they leave those wolves to die but believe it is up to the spirits to decide if they shall live. There is even a rule that a wolf may not interfere with the pup being left there, either harming or helping it. If they return, find another wolf, they are considered the lowest of the low.

They also do rituals, such as a dance of fire, and other items.
Usually, these wolves have a name that begins with "Mac," which means son (E.g. of anglicized versions, MacNamara,can mean "sons of the sea" or "sons of the dog of the sea." MacHeath, though the meaning is unknown). They also usually have names from the Irish or Scottish backgrounds, or at least their original name. An exception to this is that your character got adopted or is not part of a group.
They usually have green or yellow eyes, but I am willing to bend this one.
In the original series, these wolves were not mythical, but yours can be! You can give it wings, gills, etc. You can also give them different colorings, such as blue, red, etc. NOTE: These mutations are not considered to be reason to become a malcadh.
NOTE: There will only be four malcadhs! I can make an exception, such as if a character is older, but malcadhs are rare, and I would like to keep this trait. The malcadhs will also be in the different groups.
The Ascendants:
The Typhoon:
Tanglewood: Taken by [member=861]zahra.[/member]

(these are unlimited!)

Wolves of the Beyond wiki
If you need help, feel free to message me on discord at wintertidewolf#9823