Beasts of Beyond
and up she rises // o - return + new body - Printable Version

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and up she rises // o - return + new body - georgie - 05-31-2018

Georgie was there. As she was prone to doing, where she was once nowhere to be seen, she was suddenly there again, holding herself in her jaws and humming some shanty that had rubbed off on her.

It was not the Georgie known to the Typhoon that stood swaying on the sand, though that creature held her body in an unforgiving grip. The serval, dead, had suffered wounds that gaped wet and pathetic, tearing canyons into tawny fur and sinewy muscle. The beast that was Georgie now shook her former body like a dog would shake a toy.

[color=white]Tie him to the mast and then you flog him,” her voice was deeper now and she liked that. A clouded leopard now, with more muscle and might than she had once possessed. Georgie really, truly adored the body she had taken. She exercised the ownership of a bigger set of teeth on her former husk, rending and snapping, pulling free a chunk of her old self and chewing.

It was only after swallowing that she remembered herself.

[color=white]Hello! It’s me! I’m home!

Re: and up she rises // o - return + new body - tristitia - 05-31-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Striker tags
Sekai had not met this... Georgie. Though, apparently she would now, despite her distaste for the outside world. And she wasn't quite sure what kind od body.... this beast had taken. She had a deeper voice, which almost sounded like a guy's to her, and that song... was just creepy! Eugh! Save that for the bedroom, below deck, not out in the open near children. Though the lioness was already not happy about this, she had to introduce herself. “Home, huh? Returning member, then? Well. nice to meet you. I'm Sekai Skywalker... and you are?”
© madi

Re: and up she rises // o - return + new body - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-01-2018

Caesar hadn't officially met Georgie before, although if he cared enough, he might have noticed her old body at a meeting before she had disappeared. The demon followed after Sekai, his nose wrinkling a bit as he saw that Georgie bit into a serval and was seemingly trying to eat it. And not because he was half-serval, but mostly because she was eating another animal. Although, yes, that's what cats - and other animals - do to survive, most didn't eat servals. "Uh, yeah. Welcome back." Caesar said, slowly moving his gaze to Georgie's old body to her new one. "Name's Caesar Cipher. I'm a Striker here."

Re: and up she rises // o - return + new body - georgie - 06-04-2018

"[color=white]Sekai Skywalker...I love your name! So fun to say...could I borrow it sometime?" Her tone made it sound like a cute joke, but knowing Georgie, it may very well have been a frank inquiry. The leopard tore another bite free of the body and daintily set it at Sekai's paws with a deep giggle. "[color=white]My name is Georgie and I just adore you already." She informed the youth before seeming to ignore her entirely in favor of gravitating toward Caeser.

"[color=white]Oh another fun name! Gosh, I'm really feeling inadequate...I should get myself a cute surname. Maybe Porgie. What do you think about that? Georgie Porgie." She laughed heartily, stretching her head forward to sniff Caeser. "[color=white]Very happy to meet both of you."

Re: and up she rises // o - return + new body - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-04-2018

"Sounds idiotic." Caesar retorted, trying to step back slightly as Georgie went to go sniff him, pinning his ears back. "You don't just make up a surname, you're given it." Even if you're adopted, you're given a last name, right?

Re: and up she rises // o - return + new body - bubblegum - 06-04-2018

goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
upon the sound of others, the young female would eagerly approach. she needed to get to know everybody as quickly as she could so she could fit back in as quickly as she could. so, the sound of voices she did not recognize would immediately draw her in, especially since it seemed everybody was saying their name, she noticed, as she got closer. sekai skywalker and caeser cipher and then...georgie. georgie porgie now, apparently. she giggled at the sound of that as she trotted towards them, her ears perked upward.

the kitty's paws tapped up down as she let everybody finish speaking, impatiently waiting to talk to these strangers. she was already getting bored of hearing them talk about surnames. "georgie porgie sounds funny," she commented light-heartedly, smile upon her features. "my name's not as fun, but it's still the best!" goldie then declared boldly, her tail shooting back and forth. her name's the best because it sounded pretty! and her mama and papa gave it to her! well, her papa gave her the last name, but her mama gave her the first. "i'm goldenluxury, or uh, goldie roux! it's so nice to meet you all!"

Re: and up she rises // o - return + new body - georgie - 06-04-2018

[color=white][i]Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie, kissed the girls and made them cry...” Georgie mumbled under her breath happily, nonplussed by Caeser’s declaration. The leopardess shrugged, “[color=white]All names are made up, goofy. Once upon a time, yours was, too.” She explained like a teacher speaking great wisdom to a young child.

Georgie’s eyes glittered when Goldenluxury came near and a low, thunderous purr trembled in her vocal cords. “[color=white]Goldenluxury! You sound like a little princess, I love it! So pleased to make your royal acquaintance, Goldie.” Georgie bowed low and humble and laughed at her own antics, licking away the blood around her mouth with her broad pink tongue.

Re: and up she rises // o - return + new body - guts - 06-04-2018

Greed hadn't been in the Typhoon long, so he had no idea who this person was. There were quite a few people he didn't know, only knowing most of his clan-mates on a first name basis. As he came across the scene, his face contorted at the sight, a bit unsettled by this person devouring the animal in such a way. Couldn't they eat like a normal damn person?

Managing to shrug it off, he smiles slyly, sitting back on his haunches. "Hey, stranger. Name's Greed," he butts in as they're going on about names. He doesn't really care about his own, as it's a pretty clear reflection of who and what he was. He had no intentions on changing it. Plus, it made him stand out, which was nice.


Re: and up she rises // o - return + new body - bubblegum - 06-05-2018

goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
a little princess? that was funny. she liked this gal. "i am a little princess! the pirate princess, arrrrrgh!" she responded dramatically with a giggle. which, would be true, if they were a monarchy. however, thankfully, they were not, and she was just the captain's little accident. not that she really knew or cared about that. she just liked existing. it was fun! there were lots of pretty things to hear and see and smell and lots of nice people to meet.

as greed appeared, she would shift her focus off of georgie porgie and look to the male she had yet to meet. his introduction was short and sweet, just like his name, although his name wasn't so sweet. it was more...uhhh, what was the word? cool? sort of, she guessed. she'd just go with cool. it was fitting to the clan's theme.