Beasts of Beyond
and wonder why -- joining - Printable Version

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and wonder why -- joining - Sageadvice - 08-06-2022

  [font=trebuchet ms]Don't think about the smoke.

  She'd spent entirely too much time in the air. In some ways it was comforting to be far above the ground, the howling of the wind drowning out the noise of the world below, but... well, she had yet to really get good at flying. It was hard enough to fight the turbulence with her sore, wounded little wings during hour one, but past hour five or so...

  Don't think about how long it hasn't been.

  She descended to the forest floor and touched down on solid ground, almost losing her footing, but just barely managing to save herself from face-planting. Squeezing her eyes- both eyes, though one wasn't so useful now- shut, she struggled to parse through the wall of auditory information that slammed into her. Crickets in their rituals. Water on the shore. Wind through the grass. Woodpeckers on tree bark. Creatures sharing a common language, speaking to each other, conversations oh so meaningful to them, but oh so meaningless to me-

  She clamped her beak shut and opened her good eye. I'm- I'm in a wetland. Yes, that was a good place to start. She was here, in a very, very polluted wetland- polluted beyond what the vegetation was capable of filtering out. How anyone or anything could survive in such an environment, well...

  There, in the midst of the chaotic cacophony, underneath the web of garbage noise, something was coming closer. Frantically looking in that direction, she flapped her wings and prepared to take off- reaching out telepathically to them, attempting to read their mind. Predator? Does it want to eat me? Does it hunt owls for sport?

  /tl;dr: injured owl lands in Tanglewood and, out of fear, tries to read the mind of the first person she hears coming

Re: and wonder why -- joining - Seven - 08-06-2022

[div style="margin-top: 4px; margin-left: 9px; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 36px; text-transform: lowercase; text-align: left; line-height: 22px;"]DREAM OF YOU
The large tigress halted in her steps, catching the outline of Sageadvice before Seven's mind ached. A warning snarl echoed from her - the faint memory of the coalition's grab on her own psyche still too fresh. But the blind tiger simply stared, staring at the pinkish outline of an owl. "Please don't do that again, it's unpleasant for me." She spoke slowly, taking cautious steps toward the other.

Glowing, vacant blue eyes closed, then opened again. Dark blue fur and glowing stripes shifted in the wind. "My name is Seven. I won't hurt you." Her broad muzzle reached forward, sniffing. "Are you hurt, small one?"
SEVEN — Ref — played by Dio!

Re: and wonder why -- joining - aesior - 08-07-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
the sounds of an owl's wings weren't so strange to hear within the wetlands of tanglewood, if anything, he found them soothing. he had little reason to be out and about searching for willows aside from wanting the bark to help ease his pains in recent wounds that were healing rather well despite the damp weather they had recently. hearing seven's voice, the tom was startled from his mindless wandering and searching, changing his trajectory towards the reaper's voice. sniffing the air, he pushed his way under the root of a tall tree, a nearly silent squeak leaving him as the path he took pulled at the satchel around his body. within he carried his notebook and the remainder of his medicinal supplies, too injured to go out and collect more until now, encouraging himself with the thoughts of a nice cup of whisky when home.

shaking his head as he pulled himself, satchel and all, free, he would blink as his gaze shadowed over sageadvice, surprise flickering through the gray orbs at the side of the colorful and injured owl. ears swiveling, he came to realize she was the one that seven spoke to, stepping forward with his ever present limp, veil covering his scarred features, too damp for his mask to be worn this day. shaking his head once again to stir himself from the illusion of rest, fur prickling along his spine as he yawned, limping over and sniffing sageadvice from some distance back. he couldn't speak, and he didn't want her to feel further threatened. slipping from his satchel, he set it down, flipping it open as soon as he picked up on the scents of pain and injury, pulling out a salve as he assessed her wounds from where he sat. digging in his satchel, he would pull out a small vial of eyebright, the extract pulled from it and let sit, a proper eyewash. the wing, he would let seven assess, but he knew he had what would be of aid for the owl's eye.
aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef

Re: and wonder why -- joining - Sageadvice - 08-08-2022

  [font=trebuchet ms]The arrival of a tigress several hundred times her size, uttering a loud snarl, nearly made her jump out of her skin. She retreated a few inches from the patrolling beast, staring up with her one good eye, trying to keep herself from trembling (and not doing a very good job of it). As the tigress spoke, however, she calmed slightly. ...Not wanting to have your mind read was understandable.

  And, it sounded like, the tigress- Seven- wasn't interested in eating her. "...I'm sorry," she said after a moment, shaking her head. "It- it's a nervous habit. But I'll keep it under control." Is that a promise you can keep? She wasn't sure, but... well, she could try.

  She held still as Seven leaned down and inspected her; being sniffed by a mammal large enough to swallow her whole filled her mind with all sorts of unpleasant scenarios, but she tried to focus on the facts. She spoke to you rather than pouncing. She wants to know if you're hurt. If she were going to hurt you, there would be no point in playing the long game.

  "Yes, there was... a fire," she said quietly, pointedly not looking down at the burns she'd sustained. Don't elaborate further. You'll just end up back there. As she met Seven's gaze, she blinked. Those eyes... and she asked me if I was injured... that would make sense.

  Before she could further explain her injuries to Seven, she heard an additional set of pawsteps drawing increasingly close. Her gaze flickered over to the other feline- limping, scarred, covered in a veil- as he pulled a vial of liquid from his bag. It looked a bit like an eyewash... she wasn't sure how much he'd be able to do for her right eye, but maybe she'd be surprised.

  Looking between Seven and the other cat, she was silent for some time, uncertain of how to proceed. Finally, she said, "Er... I haven't introduced myself, have I? ...My name is Sageadvice." It seemed like a logical extension of what her name had been, back then.

Re: and wonder why -- joining - aesior - 08-23-2022

"speech." . 'thoughts' . attack
flicking an ear in greeting to sageadvice, he smiled under his veil before remembering that others couldn't properly make out his face. raising a paw, he seemed to tap his chin in thought, tilting his head slightly as he studied the owl with a quiet perseverance. digging back into his satchel, he would pull out his notebook and the charcoal pencil with it; setting to a quick scrawl upon it's pages, the scarred tom would write out, 'Hello, am Aesior. Mute. Try help.', it hurt if he wrote for too long, so this would have to make due for now. he was still too injured to manage a shift and use his voice in those other bodies of his, so his birth body and one of the most damaged, was what he had to utilize.

'Your eye. Hurt. Wing can set if broken.', he would add on, looking towards her wing. would he actually be able to set it? he had smaller paws than seven, and well ... he didn't know if his medical knowledge would actually be of use.

aesior opheles of tanglewood. -- grim - feline shifter.
credit @/teef