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see what it feels like to die // o - return - Printable Version

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see what it feels like to die // o - return - REDACTED - 05-31-2018

Maybe that was a dick move on her behalf, the sudden ghosting. Radeken had tried to convince herself not to feel bad, and she had even almost left for good. That was nearly the goal, to put an end to her foray into...into whatever, and...

Well, she hadn’t, though.  The rusty wolf had slunk back with a pouch (stolen) full of herbs (stolen) and assorted trinkets (candles, shiny gems, metal - stolen) as if it excused her absence somehow that she appeared to ne out collecting instead of pondering desertion. And it left something sharp and icy prickling inside her throat to come to terms with that reality, that she had almost left.

Not because she felt some deep, emotional kinship with he place or the creatures here, but because it would’ve meant leaving without stealing whatever she could carry on the way out, and just who would she be if she had done that? Not Radeken.

She let herself back in quietly, tiptoeing over the border as if she could just wedge herself back into the swing of things without pausing to sort herself and her leave out to anybody who asked.

//hm it’s 1am and im not on the radeken subbie and thats just how it be rn

Re: see what it feels like to die // o + return - Margaery - 05-31-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Margaery's interactions with Radeken had been limited up until this point. She had seen the female in passing just after she had joined and then had stopped seeing her completely after that. The Starstruck Guardian wasn't one to question the comings and goings of anybody save her family so naturally, she assumed this almost to be typical behavior. It was good that she had returned though, with two pregnancies and a plethora of injured joiners, a medic on hand was a blessing in disguise.

The chocolate point had been relaxing coincidentally near the border, dark eyes staring into the territory that stretched past their own and wondering if it was worth it to get up and hunt. It was then that she saw the wolf slink past their own borders and after dismissing her hungry thoughts, rose quickly to meet her. [color=#b14767]"Welcome back?" She extended in a curious voice, lips pursing as she studied the other fae intently. It had been some time indeed and Margaery wondered idly if she remembered her. [color=#b14767]"Where have you been?"

Re: see what it feels like to die // o + return - tristitia - 05-31-2018

THEY COULD BECOME FALSE MEMORIES ✧ Dwarf Star — The Ascendants — tags
Fourteen, Xion, whatever one would call her, did not know this Radeken. However, she seemed nice, if  a bit morally gray. Unlike this wolf, she seemed to have an emotional attachment -- already -- to the group of creatures hat live here. After all, they saw her for what she was, not a puppet or... well, someone else. An attachment she was not supposed to have. Sentience, emotions, everything that was not supposed to be, was. Well... enough of that.

Xion watched quietly as the rusty-colored wolf tiptoed past the border. The cub came out, her crystalline gaze upon Radeken. "Who are you?"

//ninja'd and on mobile! sorry
© madi

Re: see what it feels like to die // o + return - Suiteheart - 05-31-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][welcome back!! <3]

"Well, well, well," Suiteheart began, coming to stand beside Margaery and Xion. Her baby blue eyes were squinted, slightly, as a bitter feeling began to blossom inside of her. "Nice of you to finally join us again." Her tone was cold, unwelcoming. She had once truly enjoyed Radeken's company, but the sight of the rust-colored wolf now made her skin crawl. Suite had irrationally blamed Radeken's absence for the reason Starrynight had died. Warringkingdom's had tried. She tried so fucking hard to save Starry, but it was all for naught. He passed away the same day, having bled out from a gigantic gash and a punctured lung. If Rad had been here, she could've done something, Suite's mind told her. If their Cleric hadn't been off galavanting, she could've prevented the death of their leader, Suite thought. She was irrational and hurting and searching for anyone to put blame on. Unfortunately, Radeken was her target.

"Oh, here. You might need these in case you run out of your stolen shit," the Cosmic General huffed, taking off the medical bag she had been carrying around before tossing it at Radeken's feet. Her tail twitched back and forth in anger and annoyance, and though it hurt to be this angry at a fellow Ascendant, she didn't care. She was raging. Her mind was filled with storm clouds, and she was done with praying the storm would move away and miss her. [color=#99182C][b]"We've had a lot of shit going on. Might want to hurry up and get settled so you can try fixing some of it."

Re: see what it feels like to die // o + return - Character Graveyard. - 05-31-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
It was nice to see Radeken return. The group needed their healer as of now, with multiple injured joiners and herself and Margaery pregnant. She had blamed Radeken somewhat for Starry's death, as she hadn't been around, but in reality, nobody could've saved him.

The pregnant Starstruck Guardian had approached, her blue-eyes narrowed as she eyed Rade and she took a seat next to Suite. "Welcome back." She said, a hint of bitterness in her voice. "Starry's gone. I'm pregnant. Margaery's pregnant and we've had injured joiners." Luna would inform the healer, allowing herself to calm down.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: see what it feels like to die // o + return - radeken - 05-31-2018

Radeken looked at Margaery, inwardly exasperated and outwardly grinning around the drawstrings of the pouch she carried. She let it down carefully, watching the cat closely for a moment. Radeken shrugged in response to the question. “[color=black]Supply run.” She gestured to her findings. It was an obvious lie, but she didn’t care that it was.

The young wolf peered at Xion, and then she dipped her nose down.”[color=black]Radeken. Cleric.” And a truly shitty one, at that. Because something must’ve happened. Because she doubted Suiteheart and Lunafreya would be dripping malice as she approached if it hadn’t. Radeken almost wanted to ask, but Luna helped her fit the puzzle together. Starry’s gone. Well, shit.

[color=black]Shame.” She noted flippantly, staring at the bag that had been tossed her way. She did feel something. Embarrassed, a little frustrated. None of it was on the behalf of her colleagues, though she knew she probably owed them groveling and repentance. Or, that they expected it, maybe. Or maybe they just expect me to be where I’m supposed to be, doing the job I volunteered to do. Hm. Maybe.

Regardless, they wouldn’t get an apology. Not a genuine one, anyway. “[color=black]How did he die?” She asked conversationally. It would drive her mad were it something she knew how to treat, but she was just too damned curious to keep the question off her lips. The rest of the information churned in the back of her mind. Two pregnancies. Injured joiners. She made a mental list of what both parties would likely need, fitting Suiteheart’s bag onto herself. Check-ups later would be a must. Like the ones you were supposed to do ages ago. Oh well.

Re: see what it feels like to die // o + return - Warringkingdoms - 05-31-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Upon noticing an unfamiliar feline sneaking over the border, Rin’s gut reaction was to prepare for a fight. Over the past few weeks, most of the trespassers had been friendly enough, but always at the forefront of her mind was the one who had stabbed Roy. Roy had survived- probably no thanks to her, given that all she’d known how to do was bandage his wound up and apply disinfectants- but they couldn’t afford to risk another attack, lest the next victim suffer injuries that were actually fatal.

  However, Margaery beat her there, and addressed the stranger in a familiar manner. This was probably a former member of the Ascendants, then. Why they felt like sneaking in was anyone’s guess, but they probably weren’t an actual danger.

  Then entered Xion, Suite, and Luna, the latter two of which were both unhappy to see this person. That, and Suite offering the newcomer a medical bag, could only mean one thing- confirmed by the newcomer themselves shortly afterwards.

  Rin wasn’t sure if this was worse than being intruded upon by a would-be murderer, actually.

  ”Starry fell from the telescope and punctured a lung,” she stated flatly, eyes narrowing slightly. Perhaps it was a low blow, to imply that Starrynight’s death had had anything to do with Radeken’s absence when his wounds would’ve been nigh impossible to survive even with treatment- but she felt the need to back the others up, especially given Radeken’s apparent lack of concern.

Re: see what it feels like to die // o + return - Roy Mustang - 05-31-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
"Cleric? Are you really going to call yourself by that title after you ran off on us? Two people who needed your help died and you're to blame," The grief stricken male retorted as he padded into the scene, eyes narrowing as his gaze locked onto Radeken. What a convenient time for the thieving cleric to show her ass up here again. A few days ago, Starrynight fell off of the observatory, punctured a wound, and after Warringkingdoms did as much as he could, the leader died on them. And very recently, Hughes died while attempting the taboo among all alchemists- Hughes lost his hind legs and bled out. By the time Roy arrived, Hughes was dead and there was nothing he could do.

Roy was honestly going through a lot of grief. He knew that it wasn't Radeken's fault entirely. Roy was blaming himself the most, but he wasn't going to express it right now. If he arrived to Hughes room in time, he could have cauterized the wounds and Hughes would have survived. He wasn't going to admit it, but it was already becoming heavy on his heart. Putting his grief out onto someone else probably wasn't good, but for now, it can make him feel better for the time being. "Welcome back," The Flame Alchemist spoke coldly, ears flattening to his skull.

Re: see what it feels like to die // o + return - radeken - 05-31-2018

She tried very hard not to laugh. Very, very hard. And she didn’t, but there was a sort of suppressed hiccup in her breathing for a moment, a tightness in her lips. Of all the ways to die...

[color=black]Well, that’s just rotten luck.” She felt instantly better. Radeken couldn’t have fixed that. The most she could’ve possibly done was prolong the inevitable, and that would’ve been cruel, but most importantly to her, it would’ve been a waste of time. “[color=black]I hope he was put out of his misery quickly.” Radeken added. The best thing she could have prescribed if she had been there was mercy. Nobody should have to drown in their own blood. Even she knew that.

Radeken watched Roy with interest. “[color=black]I sure am.” the wolf responded calmly. “[color=black]Oh two? Who else? Was it also a death I could’ve done nothing for?” Radeken paused. “[color=black]I mean, you don’t actually think I could have saved Starrynight? Had I been present, the best option still would’ve been a swifter death than what awaited him.” she guffawed.

Re: see what it feels like to die // o + return - BASTILLEPAW - 05-31-2018

Bastille didn't give a fuck, honestly. He seemed to have stopped caring the day that Starry died -- sure, his emotions were wild, and he seemed to care too much at times, but overall? He felt nothing. His senses were dulled, and every day that passed after the memorial, he seemed to get colder and colder. He was curling in on himself defensively, blocking out the progress he'd made emotionally in favor of the comfort of apathy, of not having to feel anything. Regardless, he had never really seemed to blame Rad in the same way that others evidently did.

"No one can fix a punctured lung," he said flatly as he came to a stop beside Rad, only sparing her a brief nudge in greeting. He had always gotten along well with Rad, and did really care if she had just now decided to rejoin the living. After a beat, he added, "And Maes was already dead, Roy. Look, Rad probably could be a little more helpful with the other shit, but she couldn't have prevented those two." A pause, as he added towards her, "Welcome back, thief."